WELL...this is interesting: Brian Williams (NBC newscaster) admits lying

For those of you that can't make the connection of the thread....
Sharyl Attkisson's stories about Benghazi... now are they suspect OR as Hillary said "What difference does it make"???

Lies by omission are still lies. healthmyths lies by posting the words of Sect. Clinton out of context, a context which includes being grilled by a partisan member of Congress with an agenda.

OK Lets get Hillary's exact words OK???
In Context Hillary Clinton s What difference does it make comment PolitiFact Wisconsin
Clinton: Well, no, it’s the fact. Number two, I would recommend highly you read both what the ARB said about it and the classified ARB because, even today, there are questions being raised. Now, we have no doubt they were terrorists, they were militants, they attacked us, they killed our people. But what was going on and why they were doing what they were doing is still unknown --

Johnson: No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that -- an assault sprang out of that -- and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.

Just what "context" are we looking for?
What the "difference" is WHY did 6 weeks before the election with bumper stickers like this:
View attachment 36511
was it SO important to blame a video and NOT terrorists when the message on the campaign trail was Terrorism is over..thanks to

That you can't understand the very words you posted simply proves you're a partisan hack. Did it matter who killed four Americans? Yes, but, the motivation for such an horrific attack is difficult to obtain even if the perps had been caught and interrogated. Given the reaction in the Muslim World, it was easy to suggest, state if you want, that the video was just such a trigger.

Can you prove it was not?

This interrogation of Sec. Clinton was simply political theater, not one ounce of substance would be learned, but it allowed for another hysterical Bleat: "BENGHZI!!" Just another emotional outcry like "Solyndra" or calls for Obama's Birth Certificate, College records, proof of his religion or one of Issa's witch hunts. You people ought to grow up.
Seriously? The fact they were denied, and even had levels reduced, more security that may have kept them alive is nothing more than a talking point to you? The first Ambassador killed since 1979..

You're parroting 'facts' which may or may not be true. 'but feel free to scream "Benghazi!" all you please, Sec. Clinton has more experience than any of the Republicans who are currently mentioned as seeking the GOP Nomination.

Without character assassination, the GOP will have no chance to elect their nominee, If McConnell and Boehner get their way, and the PPACA is repealed, the Democrats will win the White House and control both houses of the Congress.

What do others think will happen if the Republicans can override a Presidential Veto and actually repeal Obamacare (My guess is neither McConnell or Boehner or anyone who posts on this message board has a clue as to the consequences).
Lousy liberals and filthy muslims lie all day long nothing new here.
Ha.Ha.--the bigger you are, the harder you fall. I wouldn't guess that anyone would "mis-remember" if they were shot at and that forced their helicopter down in combat--:banghead:
I was wondering how conservatives would react to their boy Brian Williams getting caught lying. Predictably, they're trying to deny that he's their boy.

That's despite Williams pushing the Iraq War, playing stenographer for every ODS conspiracy theory, attacking global warming theory, and his general hippie-punching attitude. Williams is more a suckup to power than he is an outright suckup to the GOP, but the money and power are on the Republican side, so that's where he tilts towards.

So, just own him, conservatives. You taught him his ways, and he learned well from you. Take pride in his lies, as a father takes pride in his son.

Also, understand how much damage you do to your cause by throwing him under the bus like this. Think of all the other conservative media suckups out there who are watching now. You're telling them you can't be counted on to have their backs when things get rough, which means a lot of your other conservative media suckups will bolt.

Anyways, kudos to liberals for not using it as an opportunity to declare all conservatives are dishonest. Oh wait, I just did that. Okay, kudos to everyone but me.
Lousy liberals and filthy muslims lie all day long nothing new here.

Callous conservatives post idiot-grams all day long, even though they have nothing of substance or sagacious to offer, and parrot the usual fatuous tripe.
AAAHAHAHAHA yeah make my point for me. You may feel comfortable getting your news from an out and out liar but I do not. That's the biggest problem with stupid liberals...as long as the right lie is being told that's cool with them.
Lousy liberals and filthy muslims lie all day long nothing new here.

Callous conservatives post idiot-grams all day long, even though they have nothing of substance or sagacious to offer, and parrot the usual fatuous tripe.
AAAHAHAHAHA yeah make my point for me. You may feel comfortable getting your news from an out and out liar but I do not. That's the biggest problem with stupid liberals...as long as the right lie is being told that's cool with them.

"AAAHAHAHAHA". Followed by a Straw Man Fallacy and an allegation that I'm stupid. Self-contradictory at its finest.
I find it interesting that Williams admits to this lie and everyone is calling him out on it. But when it comes to Hillary Clinton who said she was dodging bullets and running for her life in Bosnia, everyone said she misspoke. Williams is a scum but so is Hillary. One wielded political power(although I don't know why because she is jobless). And the other can manipulate the news and misinform/ brainwash people... Both powerful positions and both should be banned. But at least Williams admitted to it so I give him more leeway.
This should be one thing both liberals and conservatives agree on, Brian Williams lied, when he got caught, he lied again in his apology.
Is this the type of man you want reading the news to you? His credibility has been lost, time for him to turn in his resignation.
liberal media will sweep it under the rug. MSNBC and NBC have no fucking integrity as media outlets. if you watch either you are an idiot.
liberal media will sweep it under the rug. MSNBC and NBC have no fucking as media outlets. if you watch either you are an idiot.
True if the network had any integrity they would demand for his resignation.
Ha, now his Hurricane Katrina reports are coming under heavy scrutiny. What a lying little Communist wanker. Nice job NBC. :thup:
Top NBC news anchor gets caught in a lie....
A lie he repeated over and over....
Just like Obama with his If you like your Doctor.....

And the Libs still go after Fox News.....


It's not lying when Communist/Progressive wankers don't tell the truth. It's all about the 'Misremembering' man. Get with the program for God's sake. ;)
Things could be getting interesting now, might be hard to sweep under the rug.
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired
stated in the article is the fact that "“Tom Brokaw and [former NBC News President] Steve Capus knew this was a false story for a long time and have been extremely uncomfortable with it,” the source said."
The question that begs to be asked is "So why did they allow it to continue?"
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six
Things could be getting interesting now, might be hard to sweep under the rug.
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired
stated in the article is the fact that "“Tom Brokaw and [former NBC News President] Steve Capus knew this was a false story for a long time and have been extremely uncomfortable with it,” the source said."
The question that begs to be asked is "So why did they allow it to continue?"
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired Page Six

Brokaw knew the report was bunk all along and said nothing. There's not a hair's difference between anyone in that den of thieves, anyhow.

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