Well here we go with the attack Paul Ryan threads


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Ryan will now be vetted.

you will not be able to stop that process
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Did you think that there wouldn't be an immediate and vicious attack on Paul Ryan? That would have been way too optimistic. Paul Ryan was an excellent choice, mostly because it will put the economy front and center as an election issue.
Did you think that there wouldn't be an immediate and vicious attack on Paul Ryan? That would have been way too optimistic. Paul Ryan was an excellent choice, mostly because it will put the economy front and center as an election issue.

Yell but it's like they already had their threads typed out and waiting for the name to insert.:badgrin:
the game is the game. I don't think doing a palin style vetting is going to yield a thing though or the he aint ready of Romney dies gig, thats a non starter. .

it will be medicare, writ large, larger than you have ever seen it. and of course the old tax cut for millionaires garbage.......

Burton really stepped in it with that cancer ad, lets see what he has for ryan, should be interesting to say the last.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.
Well, let's see........he's for the rich.............he's a white guy.............he's a Catholic so he hates Gays and is against abortion................he wants to take away Medicare............uh.......let's see............he's inexperienced in foreign affairs...............he hates Gays................uh......he's for the rich................
the game is the game. I don't think doing a palin style vetting is going to yield a thing though or the he aint ready of Romney dies gig, thats a non starter. .

it will be medicare, writ large, larger than you have ever seen it. and of course the old tax cut for millionaires garbage.......

Burton really stepped in it with that cancer ad, lets see what he has for ryan, should be interesting to say the last.

Ryan's proposed Budget would indeed have impacted Medicare. Medicare writ large is da twoof.

Some of the claims by the whacky lefties about that factoid are actually true.

But what the leftist Democratics won't admit is that the cost of doing nothing amounts to the same result -- except that Medicare will eventually be unable to continue.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

Right on the money.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

Right on the money.

If by "right on the money" you mean "absurd pablum puke nonsense," then yes.

Otherwise, you are flatly wrong.

If God forbid anything happened to Pres. Obama, then Biden, the dip shit incumbent VP, couldn't adequately serve as President. He's a bad joke.

After Mitt wins and assumes Office, if he ever has to step aside or step down, Ryan could do the job well from day one.
If the choice of a VP mattered obama should be really concerned with Joe "foot in the mouth" Biden as a running mate, and a fucked up economy.

Generally the man doesn't (or shouldn't) matter. You choose someone inoffensive and obviously ready to step in and assume the duties of the commander-in-chief. Romney, inexplicably, opted not to do that.

So now he has a young career politician whose private sector experience is localized behind the wheel of a Wienermobile and, more importantly, who is the embodiment of the GOP's draconian, slash-and-burn agenda. People like Medicare. That alone would've been reason to steer clear of Ryan. Choosing a VP with baggage is rarely a good idea, particularly when it's part of an ill-advised "we're losing, quick, shake things up!" strategy.

:lol:you're hackdom is showing. Career politician vs the career community organizer....got it:lol: Can't help yourself can you? Ryan is exactly antithetical to/of everything you believe in.

you used to be apolitical, your massaging of the improbable was admittedly more effective back then, that is for those that bought the 'everything is fine will be fine and always has been fine with governments hand on the wheel' dogma.

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