Well, by the looks of it Newt, not Mitt, is going to get the nomination


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Y'all might as well accept that Obama is going to keep his physical address for another 4 years.
Y'all might as well accept that Obama is going to keep his physical address for another 4 years.

First off, polls are grossly misleading. Second, I remember Howard Dean looking unstoppable after he won Iowa. His campaign ended about 72 hours later. Third, whoever the nominee is, will beat Obama like a red headed step child. His record is so bad there is no way anyone would vote for him, outside of Nancy Pelosi's district and D.C.
It depends on how much more obama will work up the disgust people have with him now.
Y'all might as well accept that Obama is going to keep his physical address for another 4 years.

Regardless it is Newt or Mitt, Obama's address is not up to him. I'll wait to see the results in November. I'm counting on Obama's record to determine his NEW address.
Whoever wins the GOP nomination is going to make Obama fight all the way to November.

Obama has a nasty partisan streak and, as we've pointed out in recent threads, when he starts waving that campaign fist, he can't seem to stop those "half-truths" from sneaking out.

Essentially, the more Obama fights the more he will show that he wasn't the person he convinced people he was in 2008. This cognitive dissonance alone could help lead the way to Newt or Mitt taking the White House.
Y'all might as well accept that Obama is going to keep his physical address for another 4 years.

First off, polls are grossly misleading. Second, I remember Howard Dean looking unstoppable after he won Iowa. His campaign ended about 72 hours later. Third, whoever the nominee is, will beat Obama like a red headed step child. His record is so bad there is no way anyone would vote for him, outside of Nancy Pelosi's district and D.C.

You underestimate the stupidity of the American voting public.
Y'all might as well accept that Obama is going to keep his physical address for another 4 years.

"Well, by the looks of it Newt, not Mitt, is going to get the nomination"

Didnt they say the same thing about
Palin (even though she never ran)
Christie (same thing)
Trump! ??

and pretty much every single GOP nominee at one point except Paul.

The front runner spot seems to be so fickle.

If Newt really does win, it will be a serial cheater over a Mormon. Says so much about that party really.
Side note. No matter who wins on the right, it is the weakest party I have ever seen and there is no way Obama will lose.

It is a circus over on the right and a gift to the democrats. There is no way he can possibly lose. No way. Not with the competition he has on the right. All the right leaning Fox people know this and are licking their lips because they seemed to flourish when Obama took office in 2008, and they will again in 2012. Spreading hate and fear sells. Look at how fat, dumb and happy (literally) rush is. Hannity as well.
Side note. No matter who wins on the right, it is the weakest party I have ever seen and there is no way Obama will lose.

It is a circus over on the right and a gift to the democrats. There is no way he can possibly lose. No way. Not with the competition he has on the right. All the right leaning Fox people know this and are licking their lips because they seemed to flourish when Obama took office in 2008, and they will again in 2012. Spreading hate and fear sells. Look at how fat, dumb and happy (literally) rush is. Hannity as well.

that's the hope, the only hope, of the Left. Yeah, Obama sucks but the GOP sucks worse.
It's a fool's hope. Obama is getting a pass right now because the spotlight is on the GOP. Whoever survives this contest will emerge with a party united by the sincere belief that Obama must be kicked out of office. Once the media begins focusing on Obama's record he is toast. He cannot run away from the record as the worst president since Robert Mugabe.
Side note. No matter who wins on the right, it is the weakest party I have ever seen and there is no way Obama will lose.

It is a circus over on the right and a gift to the democrats. There is no way he can possibly lose. No way. Not with the competition he has on the right. All the right leaning Fox people know this and are licking their lips because they seemed to flourish when Obama took office in 2008, and they will again in 2012. Spreading hate and fear sells. Look at how fat, dumb and happy (literally) rush is. Hannity as well.


The missing element of the GOP ‘perfect storm’ is a viable candidate.

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