Welfare equivalent to $50,000 a year job in many states

You can be fully employed and working 60 hours a week and still get food stamps or Section 8.

It’s based on income, not just employment. A subsidy for minimum wage corporations to underpay their workers while booking the biggest profits in their history.

It's not up to employers to overpay labor because of our over generous social programs. It's up to the individual to make their labor worth more money. Plenty of good paying jobs in this country that they can't find workers for. In my former industry, we are short over 50,000 drivers. My mail doesn't get here until 5:00 pm most days because the Post Office can't find more mail carriers. It was not that long ago where you just about had to know somebody to get a job at the Post Office.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. In your 60 hour work week example with overtime, that's $26,000 a year. Mind you most states don't pay federal minimum wage. It's much higher such as my state at $9.30 per hour.
Why would anyone work?

A young woman on welfare with two children is the equivalent of a $50,000 a year job - and that’s before you consider commuting costs. If she has three children, her TANF and food stamps and “earned” (cough-cough) income credit reach $60,000.

Now consider that many welfare types live with extended families, so that the young woman with two children is living with her own mother, who still has a teenager at home, and they get the equivalent of another $40,000 a year. So a family with two adults, a teen, and two kids gets nearly $100,000 a year.

Now consider the typical family, headed by two high school graduates. Mom works In a support role in an accounting firm for $20 an hour, and Dad works the deli counter at Harris Teeter for $22 an hour. Together, they bring in $80,000 - BEFORE taxes.

No wonder we have a labor shortage.

People on welfare hardly get any hard cash or money. You can get your rent paid, and plenty of food through SNAP, but as far as getting a nice check every month from Uncle Sam, that's nothing more than a fantasy, right-wing rhetoric. You get a measly $200, at best if you're single, and not much more per child. The benefit of being on Welfare really amounts to housing, food, healthcare, education..etc, but not much in money or income.
The OP is blaming welfare recipients, not companies who won’t pay a decent wage. If companies weren’t so greedy, there would no labor shortage.

They're imposing austerities on their overworked employees, even if they're paying more to get them to work. They're trying to recover their losses from the pandemic and in the process, they're creating a horrible work environment and working their employees to death. People are looking for other ways to generate an income, other than being employed by capitalists.
People on welfare hardly get any hard cash or money. You can get your rent paid, and plenty of food through SNAP, but as far as getting a nice check every month from Uncle Sam, that's nothing more than a fantasy, right-wing rhetoric. You get a measly $200, at best if you're single, and not much more per child. The benefit of being on Welfare really amounts to housing, food, healthcare, education..etc, but not much in money or income.

With our welfare programs, who needs cash? Taxpayers pay for your food, your housing, your healthcare, your utilities, your smartphone, and now your cable/satellite bill.

I've been at my grocery store when some of these people come in. They ask if they can use their food stamps to buy let's say $40.00 of your groceries. At the end of the line, you give them $30.00 cash. They turned their food stamps into cash and you get $10.00 off your grocery bill. These people know how to manipulate the system.
It's not up to employers to overpay labor because of our over generous social programs. It's up to the individual to make their labor worth more money. Plenty of good paying jobs in this country that they can't find workers for. In my former industry, we are short over 50,000 drivers. My mail doesn't get here until 5:00 pm most days because the Post Office can't find more mail carriers. It was not that long ago where you just about had to know somebody to get a job at the Post Office.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. In your 60 hour work week example with overtime, that's $26,000 a year. Mind you most states don't pay federal minimum wage. It's much higher such as my state at $9.30 per hour.
At the federal minimum wage, working 60 hours you're still bringing home peanuts. When you deduct all of the taxes, social security, health insurance..etc, you're left with nothing. Then these people turn to the government for help, because they can't eat and pay their rent. What the people need to do is have their government raise the minimum wage and give everyone a job guarantee in the public sector. Also, provide legal protection to employees that want to unionize. There's plenty of work to do rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure.
With our welfare programs, who needs cash? Taxpayers pay for your food, your housing, your healthcare, your utilities, your smartphone, and now your cable/satellite bill.

I've been at my grocery store when some of these people come in. They ask if they can use their food stamps to buy let's say $40.00 of your groceries. At the end of the line, you give them $30.00 cash. They turned their food stamps into cash and you get $10.00 off your grocery bill. These people know how to manipulate the system.

You're not paying a penny to the federal government for welfare. I've already explained to you how our monetary system works and you continue repeating the same falsehood, that the US federal government is funded by income taxes. If you don't like people living off of welfare then be more considerate towards the needs of the working class and stop serving the vested interests of the wealthy at their expense.
I would like to see the evidence of it, as there is just too many allegations just about everything.

And never mind that thousands of them are deported on a daily basis.
To be eligible for New Mexico Family Assistance, you must be a resident of New Mexico, and a U.S. citizen, legal alien or qualified alien. You must be unemployed or underemployed and have low or very low income.

And that doesn’t include EMSA which is healthcare for qualified aliens through Medicare.
You're not paying a penny to the federal government for welfare.

At the federal minimum wage, working 60 hours you're still bringing home peanuts. When you deduct all of the taxes, social security, health insurance..etc, you're left with nothing. Then these people turn to the government for help, because they can't eat and pay their rent. What the people need to do is have their government raise the minimum wage and give everyone a job guarantee in the public sector. Also, provide legal protection to employees that want to unionize. There's plenty of work to do rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure.

And there is a 31 trillion dollar debt hanging over our heads.

It's not up to government to set wages, it's up to the company offering them. It's no different if I tell you I'm selling my car, and you're willing to buy it for $20,000, but government tells me I'm only allowed to sell it for $17,000. It's not governments job to do that.

If you think you are not making enough, it's not up to industry to pay for your bad decisions in life. It's up to you to change course and make better decisions in the future.
What these right-wingers fail to understand is that these welfare recipients buy products with the little money they have and food with their stamps. If you have a grocery store in a neighborhood where a lot of people are on food stamps or welfare, you're making profits and paying your taxes off of that revenue. The owner of that grocery store is purchasing products with the money he makes from his grocery store/s. He also has money to hire people to work in his stores. So even welfare contributes to the economy.
To be eligible for New Mexico Family Assistance, you must be a resident of New Mexico, and a U.S. citizen, legal alien or qualified alien. You must be unemployed or underemployed and have low or very low income.

And that doesn’t include EMSA which is healthcare for qualified aliens through Medicare.
Every Democratic country I know helps non citizens with healthcare if they need it.
What these right-wingers fail to understand is that these welfare recipients buy products with the little money they have and food with their stamps. If you have a grocery store in a neighborhood where a lot of people are on food stamps or welfare, you're making profits and paying your taxes off of that revenue. The owner of that grocery store is purchasing products with the money he makes from his grocery store/s. He also has money to hire people to work in his stores. So even welfare contributes to the economy.

Bullshit and bad example. When people don't have enough money to eat, they don't stop eating. They'd get more money to buy the food they need. You do know we are in a labor shortage, don't you?
And there is a 31 trillion dollar debt hanging over our heads.

It's not up to government to set wages, it's up to the company offering them. It's no different if I tell you I'm selling my car, and you're willing to buy it for $20,000, but government tells me I'm only allowed to sell it for $17,000. It's not governments job to do that.

If you think you are not making enough, it's not up to industry to pay for your bad decisions in life. It's up to you to change course and make better decisions in the future.

A worker or employee isn't a car, but rather a human being. Human beings shouldn't be reduced to a product or a commodity. Human beings need to eat and have a roof over their heads, that's not a choice, that's a vital necessity. So if we're going to have a profit-driven, capitalist-run economy, the rights of human labor should be protected. Society can determine that everyone who sells their labor power or rents their life to a capitalist for eight hours a day or more, has the right to get paid enough to eat, have a roof over their heads..etc.

Human wage-labor is the foundation of the economy and its very backbone. It's the working class that creates everything in this world and with their wages, purchases everything the capitalists are selling. Without wage labor there's no capitalism, hence the capitalists should take care of their employees, paying them a living wage.

The so-called "national debt" is just a ledger of how many dollars are invested in treasury bonds and is flowing into the world economy. There is no "debt hanging over the head" of America. It only exists in the imagination of the ignorant.
Bullshit and bad example. When people don't have enough money to eat, they don't stop eating. They'd get more money to buy the food they need. You do know we are in a labor shortage, don't you?

That's right, they don't stop eating but nonetheless if they have money they buy food and that money goes into the pockets of capitalists. The more workers are paid and treated well, the better the state of the economy because those well-paid employees are able to purchase the products that the capitalists are selling. So capitalists cut their noses in spite of their faces when they pay their workers a crap wage. There's no reason for society to allow capitalists to exploit human beings without at least requiring that exploitation results in the worker getting paid a living wage. It's up to society to decide what type of world it's going to create. A world where people are treated like cogs in a machine to make a rich guy wealthier, or a world, where both the wealthy and their workers can live with dignity. A living wage should be a legal requirement for hiring human beings. Perhaps you can hire a dog or a cat for a few pennies, but not a human being that needs to purchase and consume goods and have a place to live.
A worker or employee isn't a car, but rather a human being. Human beings shouldn't be reduced to a product or a commodity. Human beings need to eat and have a roof over their heads, that's not a choice, that's a vital necessity. So if we're going to have a profit-driven, capitalist-run economy, the rights of human labor should be protected. Society can determine that everyone who sells their labor power or rents their life to a capitalist for eight hours a day or more, has the right to get paid enough to eat, have a roof over their heads..etc.

Human wage-labor is the foundation of the economy and its very backbone. It's the working class that creates everything in this world and with their wages, purchases everything the capitalists are selling. Without wage labor there's no capitalism, hence the capitalists should take care of their employees, paying them a living wage.

The so-called "national debt" is just a ledger of how many dollars are invested in treasury bonds and is flowing into the world economy. There is no "debt hanging over the head" of America. It only exists in the imagination of the ignorant.

So where is this "right" written that the rights of human labor gives government the authority to determine wages? It's not in the Constitution. It's not in the Declaration of Independence. It was never a discussion by our founders.

How much you make is entirely up to you, not industry. That's the beauty of a capitalist free society that made us the wealthiest and strongest country in the world. Jobs are not a social obligation. Nobody signed on to that when they opened up a business. If you want government to determine what you are paid, move to Cuba or North Korea.
That's right, they don't stop eating but nonetheless if they have money they buy food and that money goes into the pockets of capitalists. The more workers are paid and treated well, the better the state of the economy because those well-paid employees are able to purchase the products that the capitalists are selling. So capitalists cut their noses in spite of their faces when they pay their workers a crap wage. There's no reason for society to allow capitalists to exploit human beings without at least requiring that exploitation results in the worker getting paid a living wage. It's up to society to decide what type of world it's going to create. A world where people are treated like cogs in a machine to make a rich guy wealthier, or a world, where both the wealthy and their workers can live with dignity. A living wage should be a legal requirement for hiring human beings. Perhaps you can hire a dog or a cat for a few pennies, but not a human being that needs to purchase and consume goods and have a place to live.

Correct, they do, and that's why they need to learn a trade, a career, or otherwise open up their own business.

If I have a job paying $10.00 an hour, it's up to you to accept or decline it. If you as an applicant apply for the job, and you were stupid enough not to get training in something, had kids you could never afford in the first place, can't pay rent, it's not up to me to overpay you so you can continue with your bad decisions. It's up to you to make your labor worth the money you need to survive.

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