'We Will Not Engage': Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

Congratulations to some of you far right reactionaries for accepting what I told you before the announcement: the President's EO cannot be successfully overturned in a major confrontation.

Obama has the high ground and the bigger guns at the moment.

We will lose on this issue, but there are others on which we can fight.
still pretending your conservative I see?

Fakey does not like conservatives.

He pretends to be a republican.
Posting images does not help you at all.

No government shut down. No stupid grandstanding.

EO is untouchable. ACA is reform amendable. Keystone is a real possibility. Tax reform for everyone. A good budget.

There is plenty for all good Americans to work with.
Congratulations to some of you far right reactionaries for accepting what I told you before the announcement: the President's EO cannot be successfully overturned in a major confrontation.

Obama has the high ground and the bigger guns at the moment.

We will lose on this issue, but there are others on which we can fight.
still pretending your conservative I see?

He's not worth the time.

He's a moron, a liar, a fraud, and a democrat....come to think of it....the first three are redundant.
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Congratulations to some of you far right reactionaries for accepting what I told you before the announcement: the President's EO cannot be successfully overturned in a major confrontation.

Obama has the high ground and the bigger guns at the moment.

We will lose on this issue, but there are others on which we can fight.
still pretending your conservative I see?

Fakey does not like conservatives.

He pretends to be a republican.

I know:)
Bachmann, Sessions, Boehner, McConnell, etc., say the will not engage. Sessions is honest enough to suggest there is not much legally they can do.

If this is the face of the Republican conservatives, they are f'd up.

But I already told you that. Sux to be the far right.
Bachmann, Sessions, Boehner, McConnell, etc., say the will not engage. Sessions is honest enough to suggest there is not much legally they can do.

If this is the face of the Republican conservatives, they are f'd up.

But I already told you that. Sux to be the far right.

Yes, obeying the constitution is really screwed up.

We understand Obama feels that and so do you.
Tough to be far left and the far right in 2017 in the House. The few new TPs seem a bit crazy, too, but not as loony as Stockman and Bachmann.

We are so glad the GOP leaderships is not listenting to the loonies of the far right.

Meet The Newest Wave Of Tea Party Congressmen ThinkProgress

If there is a silver lining to be gleaned from a night of storm clouds for liberals, it’s this: they will no longer have to utter the words “Rep. Michele Bachmann.” Nor “Congressman Steve Stockman.” Nor a host of other lawmakers with fringe right-wing views on gay people, science, poverty, and other important issues.

However, with every election comes a host of new politicians looking to fill their shoes. Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of new Tea Party blood in Congress this year.


REP. TOM EMMER (R-MN) – Bachmann is leaving an outsized role to fill, but if anyone is up to the task, it’s the man succeeding herin Minnesota’s sixth congressional district. While running for governor in 2010, Emmer didn’t argue that the minimum wage was too low, but rather too high. He proposed slashing the minimum wage for waiters, a slightly more moderate version of his 2005 plan to eliminate the minimum wage for everyone. Emmer also promised to veto anti-bullying legislation, despite the fact that a number of gay teens had recently committed suicide in Minnesota. Finally, Emmer spearheaded a conservative push to “nullify” Obamacare, a unconstitutional tactic used that nearly triggered a civil war three decades before the actual war of secession.

REP. BARBARA COMSTOCK (R-VA) – As if the Koch Brothers didn’t have enough influence over American politics already, they now have one of their own former lobbyists in the halls of Congress. (Comstock has also lobbied for the military contractor Blackwater and the private prison giant GEO Group.) In the Virginia House of Delegates, Comstock led the push for a mandatory ultrasound law, which would have originally required women who wanted an abortion, even victims of rape or incest, to first undergo a transvaginal ultrasound. She was also one of the most stringent staff investigators during 1990s-era Republican-led inquiries into Bill Clinton.

REP. GLENN GROTHMAN (R-WI) – Grothman’s views are as prolific as they are extreme. He believes that women are paid less because “money is more important for men.” He thinks Martin Luther King Day shouldn’t be a holiday, nor should Kwanzaa because “almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa – just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people’s throats in an effort to divide Americans.” Grothman also doesn’t believe teachers should be allowed to mention homosexuality in the classroom, doesn’t believe workers should have a guaranteed weekend, and argued that voter ID might help Republicans win a close presidential election.

REP. ALEX MOONEY (R-WV) – A former Maryland state senator who also once ran for the New Hampshire House, Mooney has settled on West Virginia as his new political base. During his stint as state senator, Mooney garnered a virulently anti-gay reputation, warning that LGBT people were attempting to be legally recognized as minorities, according to TPM. He also warned that advocates of gay rights were trying to curb free speech. “If you actually speak against the homosexual lifestyle, maybe from the pulpit if you’re a pastor then you’re in trouble,” hesaid in 2008.

REP. KEN BUCK (R-CO) – In 2010, Buck was one of a host of Tea Party Senate candidates, along with Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle, who helped Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Republicans didn’t make the same mistake this year, ushering in a deal for Buck to run in a conservative House district more suited to his extreme views. Those include the belief that being gay is a choice, just like being an alcoholic. He alsodeclared in 2010 that voters should support him because, unlike his female opponent, “I do not wear high heels.” Finally, despite being a heavy military state with thousands of veterans, Buck once called for privatizing their health care.

REP. JODY HICE (R-GA) – If Hice had his druthers, the more than 100 women currently elected to Congress better have permission from their husbands to be there. “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem,” he declared in 2004 when asked about the growing number of women in politics. Unsurprisingly, Hice’s radical views aren’t confined to gender equality. He doesn’t believe Muslims should be protected by the First Amendment because Islam is “not” a religion, but rather “a totalitarian way of life with a religious component.” He also believes homosexuality is a choice, states can (unconstitutionally)nullify federal laws like Obamacare, and the cause of the Civil Waris still an open debate.


REP. STEVE SOUTHERLAND (R-FL) – Southerland was one of just two incumbent Republican congressmen to lose in the general election, and it’s not difficult to see why. Even in the Republican-leaning Florida panhandle, Southerland’s antics were too much. He earned notoriety for his tireless crusade against food stamps, in which he sought to cut billions from assistance for poor people. Southerland also grabbed headlines for hosting a men-only fundraiser for his campaign.

REP. STEVE STOCKMAN (R-TX) – Stockman is leaving Congress following his unsuccessful primary bid against Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). His decision to bring Ted Nugent, who once threatened President Obama’s life, to the 2013 State of the Union is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his outrageous comments and actions. Some of the craziest include a campaign bumper stickerthat read “If babies had guns, they wouldn’t be aborted”, raffling off an AR-15 assault rifle shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting (during which time he also threatened to impeach Obama), andmocking transgendered people as “change gender” and “that.”

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN (R-MN) – Bachmann, a perennial Tea Party favorite, chose not to run for re-election this year. She earned a highly-controversial reputation during her stint in Congress, leading an anti-Muslim witch hunt that even unfairly targeted a top State Department official, propagating the false notion that Obamacare includes “death panels,” running a counseling center with her husband that utilized “ex-gay therapy,” and signing a pledge to ban all pornography.

REP. JOHN BARROW (D-GA) – Barrow, the last white Democrat from the Deep South, relished playing a Joe Lieberman-esque role among House Democrats, frequently giving bipartisan cover for conservative causes. For example, he insinuated in a 2012campaign ad that liberals were going to come and take people’s guns away. He also spearheaded an effort to prevent action that would curb the coal industry’s ability to emit greenhouse gasses without limits. Barrow was the most conservative Democrat in Congress, voting with Republican leaders on approximately half of all bills.

REP. PAUL BROUN (R-GA) – Broun departs Congress after losing Georgia’s crowded Republican Senate primary, though not without leaving quite the legacy. Less than a week after the 2008 election, Broun said that he was afraid that Obama would create a Marxist dictatorship. He also compared the IRS to al-Qaeda, wanted to defund the Voting Rights Act, NPR, the Department of Education, and the Department of Energy, and was one of a small handful of Republicans who refused to consider any version of the Violence Against Women Act. Broun also said he would only consider legislation that fits “Judeo-Christian Biblical principles,”called evolution and the Big Bang Theory “lies straight from the pit of hell,” and came out as a birther.

REP. PHIL GINGREY (R-GA) – Like Broun, Gingrey ran for, and lost, the Republican Senate nomination. Gingrey will be remembered for a number of controversies, including defending former Rep. Todd Akin’s (R-MO) infamous “legitimate rape” comments, calling them “partly right,” dismissing pre-existing medical conditions as nothing more than “hang nails and fever blisters,” and denouncingthe very concept of reaching out to minority voters as “worse than sad.”
Bachmann, Sessions, Boehner, McConnell, etc., say the will not engage. Sessions is honest enough to suggest there is not much legally they can do.

If this is the face of the Republican conservatives, they are f'd up.

But I already told you that. Sux to be the far right.

Of course there is you FUCKING FOOL, and I've posted it MULTIPLE TIMES, he's BREAKING THE 1986 IMMIGRATION LAW!!

Here's fuckhead READ IT, I will NOT underline the pertinent parts again for you douchebag!
Vigilante, shout all you want. It means nothing. This is over.

Time for football.
Tough to be far left and the far right in 2017 in the House. The few new TPs seem a bit crazy, too, but not as loony as Stockman and Bachmann.

We are so glad the GOP leaderships is not listenting to the loonies of the far right.

Meet The Newest Wave Of Tea Party Congressmen ThinkProgress

If there is a silver lining to be gleaned from a night of storm clouds for liberals, it’s this: they will no longer have to utter the words “Rep. Michele Bachmann.” Nor “Congressman Steve Stockman.” Nor a host of other lawmakers with fringe right-wing views on gay people, science, poverty, and other important issues.

However, with every election comes a host of new politicians looking to fill their shoes. Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of new Tea Party blood in Congress this year.


REP. TOM EMMER (R-MN) – Bachmann is leaving an outsized role to fill, but if anyone is up to the task, it’s the man succeeding herin Minnesota’s sixth congressional district. While running for governor in 2010, Emmer didn’t argue that the minimum wage was too low, but rather too high. He proposed slashing the minimum wage for waiters, a slightly more moderate version of his 2005 plan to eliminate the minimum wage for everyone. Emmer also promised to veto anti-bullying legislation, despite the fact that a number of gay teens had recently committed suicide in Minnesota. Finally, Emmer spearheaded a conservative push to “nullify” Obamacare, a unconstitutional tactic used that nearly triggered a civil war three decades before the actual war of secession.

REP. BARBARA COMSTOCK (R-VA) – As if the Koch Brothers didn’t have enough influence over American politics already, they now have one of their own former lobbyists in the halls of Congress. (Comstock has also lobbied for the military contractor Blackwater and the private prison giant GEO Group.) In the Virginia House of Delegates, Comstock led the push for a mandatory ultrasound law, which would have originally required women who wanted an abortion, even victims of rape or incest, to first undergo a transvaginal ultrasound. She was also one of the most stringent staff investigators during 1990s-era Republican-led inquiries into Bill Clinton.

REP. GLENN GROTHMAN (R-WI) – Grothman’s views are as prolific as they are extreme. He believes that women are paid less because “money is more important for men.” He thinks Martin Luther King Day shouldn’t be a holiday, nor should Kwanzaa because “almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa – just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people’s throats in an effort to divide Americans.” Grothman also doesn’t believe teachers should be allowed to mention homosexuality in the classroom, doesn’t believe workers should have a guaranteed weekend, and argued that voter ID might help Republicans win a close presidential election.

REP. ALEX MOONEY (R-WV) – A former Maryland state senator who also once ran for the New Hampshire House, Mooney has settled on West Virginia as his new political base. During his stint as state senator, Mooney garnered a virulently anti-gay reputation, warning that LGBT people were attempting to be legally recognized as minorities, according to TPM. He also warned that advocates of gay rights were trying to curb free speech. “If you actually speak against the homosexual lifestyle, maybe from the pulpit if you’re a pastor then you’re in trouble,” hesaid in 2008.

REP. KEN BUCK (R-CO) – In 2010, Buck was one of a host of Tea Party Senate candidates, along with Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle, who helped Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Republicans didn’t make the same mistake this year, ushering in a deal for Buck to run in a conservative House district more suited to his extreme views. Those include the belief that being gay is a choice, just like being an alcoholic. He alsodeclared in 2010 that voters should support him because, unlike his female opponent, “I do not wear high heels.” Finally, despite being a heavy military state with thousands of veterans, Buck once called for privatizing their health care.

REP. JODY HICE (R-GA) – If Hice had his druthers, the more than 100 women currently elected to Congress better have permission from their husbands to be there. “If the woman’s within the authority of her husband, I don’t see a problem,” he declared in 2004 when asked about the growing number of women in politics. Unsurprisingly, Hice’s radical views aren’t confined to gender equality. He doesn’t believe Muslims should be protected by the First Amendment because Islam is “not” a religion, but rather “a totalitarian way of life with a religious component.” He also believes homosexuality is a choice, states can (unconstitutionally)nullify federal laws like Obamacare, and the cause of the Civil Waris still an open debate.


REP. STEVE SOUTHERLAND (R-FL) – Southerland was one of just two incumbent Republican congressmen to lose in the general election, and it’s not difficult to see why. Even in the Republican-leaning Florida panhandle, Southerland’s antics were too much. He earned notoriety for his tireless crusade against food stamps, in which he sought to cut billions from assistance for poor people. Southerland also grabbed headlines for hosting a men-only fundraiser for his campaign.

REP. STEVE STOCKMAN (R-TX) – Stockman is leaving Congress following his unsuccessful primary bid against Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). His decision to bring Ted Nugent, who once threatened President Obama’s life, to the 2013 State of the Union is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his outrageous comments and actions. Some of the craziest include a campaign bumper stickerthat read “If babies had guns, they wouldn’t be aborted”, raffling off an AR-15 assault rifle shortly after the Sandy Hook shooting (during which time he also threatened to impeach Obama), andmocking transgendered people as “change gender” and “that.”

REP. MICHELE BACHMANN (R-MN) – Bachmann, a perennial Tea Party favorite, chose not to run for re-election this year. She earned a highly-controversial reputation during her stint in Congress, leading an anti-Muslim witch hunt that even unfairly targeted a top State Department official, propagating the false notion that Obamacare includes “death panels,” running a counseling center with her husband that utilized “ex-gay therapy,” and signing a pledge to ban all pornography.

REP. JOHN BARROW (D-GA) – Barrow, the last white Democrat from the Deep South, relished playing a Joe Lieberman-esque role among House Democrats, frequently giving bipartisan cover for conservative causes. For example, he insinuated in a 2012campaign ad that liberals were going to come and take people’s guns away. He also spearheaded an effort to prevent action that would curb the coal industry’s ability to emit greenhouse gasses without limits. Barrow was the most conservative Democrat in Congress, voting with Republican leaders on approximately half of all bills.

REP. PAUL BROUN (R-GA) – Broun departs Congress after losing Georgia’s crowded Republican Senate primary, though not without leaving quite the legacy. Less than a week after the 2008 election, Broun said that he was afraid that Obama would create a Marxist dictatorship. He also compared the IRS to al-Qaeda, wanted to defund the Voting Rights Act, NPR, the Department of Education, and the Department of Energy, and was one of a small handful of Republicans who refused to consider any version of the Violence Against Women Act. Broun also said he would only consider legislation that fits “Judeo-Christian Biblical principles,”called evolution and the Big Bang Theory “lies straight from the pit of hell,” and came out as a birther.

REP. PHIL GINGREY (R-GA) – Like Broun, Gingrey ran for, and lost, the Republican Senate nomination. Gingrey will be remembered for a number of controversies, including defending former Rep. Todd Akin’s (R-MO) infamous “legitimate rape” comments, calling them “partly right,” dismissing pre-existing medical conditions as nothing more than “hang nails and fever blisters,” and denouncingthe very concept of reaching out to minority voters as “worse than sad.”

Congratulations to these people of HIGH PATRIOTISM... that IS NOT YOU FAKEY!
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.
The Republican Party no longer represents conservatives (or Americans). They're more concerned with being "safe" than doing what the people just gave them a mandate to do. Liberal pundits have them convinced that they have to play ball and not rock the boat or they won't get reelected. Boehner and McConnell need to hand over the reigns to Cruz, Walker, and other conservatives who actually have balls, THEN we can fight the tyrant in the WH.

Both sides are using illegal immigrants.
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

While I'm very unhappy with this turn of events and am totally against illegal immigration, I don't want the government to shut down or there to be grid lock. That helps no one at all IMO. We need to work to make sure this type of thing doesn't happen again, IMO.

I really don't care if they shut down or not.

But, it's better to do something than to cry about it.

Roe has been effectively hemmed in and is constantly under attack. Many states have severely restricted abortion allowance and gotten away with it.

Illegals will be hassled in many other ways. They already are.

We all know that the dems are only doing this for votes. Let's hope this backfires on their sleazy, corrupt arses.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.".

The majority of Latino citizens support the actions taken

National Council of La Raza

Most LEGAL immigrants are also against illegal immigration. Are you smart enough to figure out why? :)
Mainly because the GOP is looking dumber and dumber for critisizing Obama for doing something that at least two GOP Presidents did. They are showing their ignorance and racism.
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.

One slight correct Chris... the Conservative republicans do NOT want them here UNLESS they enter LEGALLY, the supposed Jake the Flake MODERATE crowd, of the John & Bitch show want them here!
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.

One slight correct Chris... the Conservative republicans do NOT want them here UNLESS they enter LEGALLY, the supposed Jake the Flake MODERATE crowd, of the John & Bitch show want them here!

But republican presidents have also done the amnesty thing. Also, if you have noticed, nothing really changes in regards to illegal immigration (and many other issues) no matter which party is control.


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Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.
Of course! You think Mitt Romney wants to deport his maids and gardener?
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.

One slight correct Chris... the Conservative republicans do NOT want them here UNLESS they enter LEGALLY, the supposed Jake the Flake MODERATE crowd, of the John & Bitch show want them here!

But republican presidents have also done the amnesty thing. Also, if you have noticed, nothing really changes in regards to illegal immigration (and many other issues) no matter which party is control.

Legally, with the backing of Congress! Of course not, we don't have many Patriots and men of the Constitution IN CONGRESS to make a difference!
Shooting themselves in the head...again! No GUTS, No GLORY!

by Robert Wilde 22 Nov 2014, 2:36 PM PDT

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) revealed on Saturday that Republican leadership, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Oh), has no intention of resisting President Obama’s executive amnesty that he ordered on Thursday.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steven K. Bannon asked the congresswoman, who was a guest on Breitbart News Saturday Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, “Has there been any firm commitment from the leadership of the Republican party saying that this amnesty is not going to happen?” Bachmann replied with a question, “Do you want the truth? Okay, I’ll tell all of Breitbart listeners what happened this week. I was floored!”

In the weekly meeting called “Republican Conference” in the House of Representatives, “we all knew that the big issue for the week was going to be the president announcing his amnesty,” she explained. Bachmann recounted that all of the leadership went to the microphone, including John Boehner.

“They acted as though the amnesty issue wasn’t even an issue. They said that the President is going to do what he’s going to do, and we are not going to get down in the mud with him. We are not going to engage, and what we are going to do is to talk about our positive solutions on jobs, the economy, education, and manufacturing,” Bachmann said.

She added that each congressman who spoke reiterated that not engaging Obama and staying positive was a “brilliant strategy.”

"We will not engage," she reiterated with disgust.

We Will Not Engage Michele Bachmann Reveals GOP Plans to Ignore Executive Amnesty

JakeTheFake never produced his list because there were no 30 sitting Tea Party Caucus members botted. Things only got more conservative and this is just one more way we are ensured they will continue to do so.

Then comes the day we put a Repubican in the White House and he deports all 20 million of them.

Can't wait to hear the dems scream about that one.
What makes you think a Republican president would deport all 20 million illegals even if that was possible? 2 of the last 3 gave amnesty. Republican politicians talk a big game to get the support of xenophobes, but they never deliver. That's because Republican businessmen like the cheap labor. It's just like abortion and gay marriage. Red meat for the base to chew on.

I agree. This is why nothing will ever be done about illegal immigration. Both of the main parties WANT them here for their own self-serving reasons. They are disgusting.
Of course! You think Mitt Romney wants to deport his maids and gardener?

Who cares what that PROGRESSIVE wants, he might as well be one of you subversives!


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