"We will be welcomed as liberators..."

Ding-a-Ling alert! The information Cheney, Bush, Rice, Rumsfeldand Wolfowitz had came from the Clinton White House!!!


You know, the stuff Sandi Berger was going to steal from the National Archives so you could make this bogus claim forever and ever without involving the CLINTONS, who received, believed, and filed it?


well thats not totally true.

Oh, no, there's a lot more lies being told about Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the lot that should be refuted. That's enough for you for now. ;)

You guys should have taken Sandy Berger out to the shed and quietly deposited Hill and Bill back in Arkansas. But you didn't, and you do nothing to stop your politicians from engaging in gross corruption, piggy trough expense accounts, and megabonus campaign dowrys at the end of the line.

We have too many laws now. If the ones we had were upheld by law enforcement, we'd never need to pass another law, except to get rid of some of those that allow so much double dipping and hiding behind the 5th Amendment instead of making honest accountings to the press and to the people.

I agree. What the Bushies up in front of a grand jury.
Ding-a-Ling alert! The information Cheney, Bush, Rice, Rumsfeldand Wolfowitz had came from the Clinton White House!!!

And added on by the crap the CIA subsequently collected and massaged by Cheney.

The Bushies should be in The Hague waiting on justice for their evil.
It is terrible to realize that there are tens of thousands of vets realizing that they were maimed for abso-fucking-lutely nothing except to enrich the Cheneys of this country.

Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?

No, Halliburton made billions, as did KBR; not Cheney, the fact that he left office worth ten times more than when he entered office, just a lucky accident. Spending every penny he made & then some on a lavish life made him money. :doubt:
Of course Haliburton made billions. They are the best. In some instances the only ones who can get the job done. Most of the time the worst contractor isn't hired just because they are cheap.
Cheney made a fortune when democrats forced him to sell his Haliburton stock right before it suffered a major loss. He made so much money that democrats were demanding he be investigated for insider trading. Then they were reminded that the only reason he sold was because democrats insisted.

I guess you could say it was a happy accident.
It is terrible to realize that there are tens of thousands of vets realizing that they were maimed for abso-fucking-lutely nothing except to enrich the Cheneys of this country.

Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?

No, Halliburton made billions, as did KBR; not Cheney, the fact that he left office worth ten times more than when he entered office, just a lucky accident. Spending every penny he made & then some on a lavish life made him money.

His Haliburton stock was placed into a trust when he became VP. When he left office and cashed out that stock he donated all the profit that had accrued to charity. He has donated more to charity any any liberal on this site ever will - combined, and a hell of a lot more than obama ever thought of donating.
No, you didn't. Here it is.

You don't like the answer.

You didn't provide one. Here is the question AGAIN:

"did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?"

I have had contacts in the country since before the first war in the 1990. Previous members of the Baath Party. Just did an instagram chat with a former rear admiral in the Iraqi Navy. Getting non-stop updates to my IPhone, I might as well sync it to my central nervous system at this point.
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Why do leftists demonize Halliburton? What proof exists of their claims of corruption? What exactly has Halliburton done to profit from American military casualties? Indeed, have they profited from military casualties? Is there a special relationship between the Bush administration and Halliburton so that the company receives contracts without observing the normal bidding process?

It is certainly true that during a two year period Halliburton’s revenue from Defense Department contracts doubled. However, that increase in revenue occurred from 1998 to 2000 - during the Clinton administration.

In 1998, Halliburton's total revenue was $14.5 billion, which included $284 million of Pentagon contracts. Two years later, Halliburton’s DoD contracts more than doubled.

Regarding the Iraq contracts, Halliburton was accused by Democrats of receiving special "no-bid" contracts because of Cheney’s influence. One advertisement by the Democrats charged, "Bush gave contracts to Halliburton instead of fighting corporate corruption."

FactCheck.org an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When Factcheck.org checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."


An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

Kerry Attacks Cheney Through His Business Ties to Halliburton - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times


Every time some sack of shit liberal pulls the cliche of "Halliburton" out, just save this and shove it in their stupid ignorant faces. Factcheck.org plus LA Times article shows their lies. They have nothing but their little bag of cliches, almost all of which are flat out lies.
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Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?

No, Halliburton made billions, as did KBR; not Cheney, the fact that he left office worth ten times more than when he entered office, just a lucky accident. Spending every penny he made & then some on a lavish life made him money.

His Haliburton stock was placed into a trust when he became VP. When he left office and cashed out that stock he donated all the profit that had accrued to charity. He has donated more to charity any any liberal on this site ever will - combined, and a hell of a lot more than obama ever thought of donating.
Get off the website disgusting troll.

Warning NSFW

Urban Dictionary: Unkotare

Mods, please address this troll and his vulgarity thank you.
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You don't like the answer.

You didn't provide one. Here is the question AGAIN:

"did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?"

I have had contacts in the country since before the first war in the 1990. Previous members of the Baath Party. Just did an instagram chat with a former rear admiral in the Iraqi Navy. Getting non-stop updates to my IPhone, I might as well sync it to my central nervous system at this point.

How interesting that you didn't think up...I mean mention...that the first time I asked... :eusa_whistle:
No, Halliburton made billions, as did KBR; not Cheney, the fact that he left office worth ten times more than when he entered office, just a lucky accident. Spending every penny he made & then some on a lavish life made him money.

His Haliburton stock was placed into a trust when he became VP. When he left office and cashed out that stock he donated all the profit that had accrued to charity. He has donated more to charity any any liberal on this site ever will - combined, and a hell of a lot more than obama ever thought of donating.
Get off the website disgusting troll.

Let me guess, if I ask two more times you will suddenly remember that you gave $7m to charity last year, right? :rolleyes:
Why do leftists demonize Halliburton? What proof exists of their claims of corruption? What exactly has Halliburton done to profit from American military casualties? Indeed, have they profited from military casualties? Is there a special relationship between the Bush administration and Halliburton so that the company receives contracts without observing the normal bidding process?

It is certainly true that during a two year period Halliburton’s revenue from Defense Department contracts doubled. However, that increase in revenue occurred from 1998 to 2000 - during the Clinton administration.

In 1998, Halliburton's total revenue was $14.5 billion, which included $284 million of Pentagon contracts. Two years later, Halliburton’s DoD contracts more than doubled.

Regarding the Iraq contracts, Halliburton was accused by Democrats of receiving special "no-bid" contracts because of Cheney’s influence. One advertisement by the Democrats charged, "Bush gave contracts to Halliburton instead of fighting corporate corruption."

FactCheck.org an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When Factcheck.org checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."


An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

Kerry Attacks Cheney Through His Business Ties to Halliburton - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times


Every time some sack of shit liberal pulls the cliche of "Halliburton" out, just save this and shove it in their stupid ignorant faces. Factcheck.org plus LA Times article shows their lies. They have nothing but their little bag of cliches, almost all of which are flat out lies.

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

LiveLeak.com - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...
All we know for certain is that thanks to the Prophet Obama the Jihadists control everything from Aleppo to Baghdad.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Why do leftists demonize Halliburton? What proof exists of their claims of corruption? What exactly has Halliburton done to profit from American military casualties? Indeed, have they profited from military casualties? Is there a special relationship between the Bush administration and Halliburton so that the company receives contracts without observing the normal bidding process?

It is certainly true that during a two year period Halliburton’s revenue from Defense Department contracts doubled. However, that increase in revenue occurred from 1998 to 2000 - during the Clinton administration.

In 1998, Halliburton's total revenue was $14.5 billion, which included $284 million of Pentagon contracts. Two years later, Halliburton’s DoD contracts more than doubled.

Regarding the Iraq contracts, Halliburton was accused by Democrats of receiving special "no-bid" contracts because of Cheney’s influence. One advertisement by the Democrats charged, "Bush gave contracts to Halliburton instead of fighting corporate corruption."

FactCheck.org an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When Factcheck.org checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November."


An L.A. Times op-ed of April 22 said, "Halliburton Received No-Bid Contracts During Clinton Administration For Work In Bosnia And Kosovo." An October 2003 article in the (Raleigh, NC) News & Observer quoted Bill Clinton's Undersecretary Of Commerce William Reinsch as saying "'Halliburton has a distinguished track record,' he said. 'They do business in some 120 countries. This is a group of people who know what they're doing in a difficult business. It's a particularly difficult business when people are shooting at you.'"

If Democrats want to investigate a scandal involving Iraq they should devote their efforts to the UN "Oil-for-Food" program instead of Halliburton. However, they will not because Saddam Hussein is not a candidate in this presidential election.

Kerry Attacks Cheney Through His Business Ties to Halliburton - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times


Every time some sack of shit liberal pulls the cliche of "Halliburton" out, just save this and shove it in their stupid ignorant faces. Factcheck.org plus LA Times article shows their lies. They have nothing but their little bag of cliches, almost all of which are flat out lies.

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

LiveLeak.com - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract

you have got to be kidding
They will treat us a liberators typifies the simplistic political view that Republicans had of Iraq

We are still seeing the repurcussions today

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