"We will be welcomed as liberators..."

On one hand, there's 1441 and on the other we should of split the country.
Joey BIDEN? Is that YOU?


Really, lol:badgrin:

Do you know that 1441 was the real reason congress voted to go into congress. Yet, you call me the dumb ass. Wow, you crazy fuckers really are uncivilized little creatures!

I am saying is we should of split the country in two as the shittes and sunnies hate each other. Now we're seeing the results of our actions. How is that dumb?

John McCain Contradicts Himself On Iraq Victory

Poor ole John McSenile. He's deep into his baby food and diaper years. I give Bush a lot of credit - for the clusterfuck he created.
NEVER Question a COMBAT VET on matters that he knows of. SURE McLAME is a piss-poor POLITICIAN...but as a WARRIOR?

YOU need to SHUT THE FUCK UP Pocahontas..:eusa_hand:


My heart breaks when he speaks now. He really is the poster boy for term limits these days.

But I will not have him slagged for all those years he gave up for his country. Never. Some days it's hard to separate the two because I want to beat him about the head and neck :eusa_angel: like the time he mis spoke about all of us as losers/ hobbits but I won't have anyone speak ill of him. He's a true war hero.
No one has lost Iraq. Yet. And we can go back to the League of Nations you idiotic twit.

But this crew has nothing to do with politics and the garbage that you spew. This has everything to do with a psychokiller ques qe c'est maniac that Obama let loose in 2009 and is more radical than bin Laden.
LaDorka just won't give it a rest, will he? How stupid can one person be? WAIT! Don't answer that.


I know. And I'm truly on a number of websites where Shias are freaking out that anyone in the US could be posting against them. We are talking wild times here.

All because the left can suck Obama's errrr appendage big time Shias can't believe Obama is willing to let all of them die.

Most interesting. You should check out their websites. They are pissed off.

Just keep fanning the flames for those tribal lunatics.

John McCain Contradicts Himself On Iraq Victory

Poor ole John McSenile. He's deep into his baby food and diaper years. I give Bush a lot of credit - for the clusterfuck he created.
NEVER Question a COMBAT VET on matters that he knows of. SURE McLAME is a piss-poor POLITICIAN...but as a WARRIOR?

YOU need to SHUT THE FUCK UP Pocahontas..:eusa_hand:


My heart breaks when he speaks now. He really is the poster boy for term limits these days.

But I will not have him slagged for all those years he gave up for his country. Never. Some days it's hard to separate the two because I want to beat him about the head and neck :eusa_angel: like the time he mis spoke about all of us as losers/ hobbits but I won't have anyone speak ill of him. He's a true war hero.

I agree, one of the last statesman, like Wellstone. I did NOT agree 100% with either, but they, were, and in McCain's case are, more than commercials & soundbites.
Bush got us in this mess, Obama wasn't forced to take the job; his job is to clean it up. He followed Bush's timeline, many in the US did not foresee ISIS. If anyone did I have not seen their name. Now, Obama better get off fence ASAP.

If I could see ISIS/Levant on the line and I'm just an old rock and roller up here you better fire everyone in Obama's administration that has anything to do with foreign policy.

Not kidding. You really need to profile me just for starters. I'm a rock and a roller from way back who retired when I was really young and now just hangs out on political boards.

But I'm a killer when it comes to debating politics and love it. Hey, it gets boring when life is 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating.

Obama wasn't force to take the job?

Yeah baby. He fucking wanted it didn't he? Obama wanted the job. And he has failed has he not?
NEVER Question a COMBAT VET on matters that he knows of. SURE McLAME is a piss-poor POLITICIAN...but as a WARRIOR?

YOU need to SHUT THE FUCK UP Pocahontas..:eusa_hand:


My heart breaks when he speaks now. He really is the poster boy for term limits these days.

But I will not have him slagged for all those years he gave up for his country. Never. Some days it's hard to separate the two because I want to beat him about the head and neck :eusa_angel: like the time he mis spoke about all of us as losers/ hobbits but I won't have anyone speak ill of him. He's a true war hero.

I agree, one of the last statesman, like Wellstone. I did NOT agree 100% with either, but they, were, and in McCain's case are, more than commercials & soundbites.

We're probably more alike than we think.


Both ticked off for many reasons. Somedays I just want to tune it all out but when you do that you shirk your duty to keep aware of what's going on and help out others.
Bush got us in this mess, Obama wasn't forced to take the job; his job is to clean it up. He followed Bush's timeline, many in the US did not foresee ISIS. If anyone did I have not seen their name. Now, Obama better get off fence ASAP.

If I could see ISIS/Levant on the line and I'm just an old rock and roller up here you better fire everyone in Obama's administration that has anything to do with foreign policy.

Not kidding. You really need to profile me just for starters. I'm a rock and a roller from way back who retired when I was really young and now just hangs out on political boards.

But I'm a killer when it comes to debating politics and love it. Hey, it gets boring when life is 10 months of winter and 2 months of bad skating.

Obama wasn't force to take the job?

Yeah baby. He fucking wanted it didn't he? Obama wanted the job. And he has failed has he not?

As I noted, wasn't forced, I did not go into detail, he campaigned with the best of them, and tossed in some soundbites. You think 10 months cold snow, 2 months bad skating is tough, try 3 months cold to hot, the 9 months 90+.:D
My heart breaks when he speaks now. He really is the poster boy for term limits these days.

But I will not have him slagged for all those years he gave up for his country. Never. Some days it's hard to separate the two because I want to beat him about the head and neck :eusa_angel: like the time he mis spoke about all of us as losers/ hobbits but I won't have anyone speak ill of him. He's a true war hero.

I agree, one of the last statesman, like Wellstone. I did NOT agree 100% with either, but they, were, and in McCain's case are, more than commercials & soundbites.

We're probably more alike than we think.


Both ticked off for many reasons. Somedays I just want to tune it all out but when you do that you shirk your duty to keep aware of what's going on and help out others.

I should qualify my remarks about dual citizenship, I spent years listening to the superiority of Canada's healthcare ,food, etc.; from dual citizens relocated to Florida. I have not seen you post on the greatness of all things Canadian, and you appear to care about only the USA.
Maybe it would help if former President George W. Bush gave a public announcement providing his analysis of the current situation in Iraq. Surely he could stop painting his toes long enough for that.
The Iraqi forces who surrendered are being herded into gravesites before mowing them down to death with weapons of death:

Credits for photo


This wouldn't be happening if the Democrats hadn't popped their buttons to withdraw from Iraq after America had the unique victory of setting people free and giving them the right to vote for whoever they wanted to with no fear from a dictator. This would not have happened if Obama had taken the advice of the generals before he started getting rid of everybody but yes men. :evil:
It is terrible to realize that there are tens of thousands of vets realizing that they were maimed for abso-fucking-lutely nothing except to enrich the Cheneys of this country.

Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?
Maybe it would help if former President George W. Bush gave a public announcement providing his analysis of the current situation in Iraq. Surely he could stop painting his toes long enough for that.

He knows very well what the current situation is.

The current situation is that obama squandered every hard-won gain there for a few moments of political theater; and he doesn't give a shit what problems his selfish, short-sighted, incompetent actions have saddled the future with.
It is terrible to realize that there are tens of thousands of vets realizing that they were maimed for abso-fucking-lutely nothing except to enrich the Cheneys of this country.

Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?
I know many Iraqis, they all opposed the initial American invasion and are now in the ISIS Army.
I notice that in all your bullshit you didn't actually answer my question.

It is terrible to realize that there are tens of thousands of vets realizing that they were maimed for abso-fucking-lutely nothing except to enrich the Cheneys of this country.

Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?
I know many Iraqis, they all opposed the initial American invasion and are now in the ISIS Army.

good one doofus; do you know any Shiite Iraqis? you know; the majority?
Cheney was not "enriched" by the war in Iraq. Get some new bumper-stickers.

I wonder, champ, did you EVER speak to any Iraqi citizens BEFORE the war? EVER?
I know many Iraqis, they all opposed the initial American invasion and are now in the ISIS Army.

good one doofus; do you know any Shiite Iraqis? you know; the majority?

So you support mob rule. The Founding Fathers opposed mob rule. What are you an anti-American?

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