We never left


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Palestine never was. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. There has never been a Palestinian state, capital, ruler, currency, culture, food or language. Israel and the Jews on the other hand, exactly the opposite.

Palestine never was. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. There has never been a Palestinian state, capital, ruler, currency, culture, food or language. Israel and the Jews on the other hand, exactly the opposite.

View attachment 865776
From Wikipedia that I rarely use as a source, but in this case they condensed some accurate information into useful form:

"Palestine is the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, and has been controlled by many kingdoms and powers, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel and Judah, the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great and his successors, the Hasmoneans, the Roman Empire, several Muslim caliphates, and the crusaders. In modern times, the area was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, then the British Empire and since 1948 it has been divided into Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip."

It would seem the Muslims have no more inherited claim to the land than does anybody else.
Palestine never was. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. There has never been a Palestinian state, capital, ruler, currency, culture, food or language. Israel and the Jews on the other hand, exactly the opposite.

View attachment 865776

exactly! A coin calling the land Israel from 1947. Amazing.
It is getting rather common. Someone starts a pro-Israeli thread with a completely false statement. Never been a Palestinian currency. Wrong, there has been, and rather it was 1947, or 300, Palestine has issued currency. Don't fawk with a numismatist.

That should tell you something. If you have to begin your arguments with easily demonstrable falsehoods, then maybe you don't have an argument.

I mean come on, the whole, "there never was a Palestine argument is nothing more than an attempt to dehumanize the Palestinian people. Has there ever been a Uyghur nation? Well no, so does that give the Chinese government the right to the wholesale slaughter of those people? Hell, that is just one group of people that have never had a nation, India alone could provide us with a dozen more.

No, the ultimate con is the idea that God someone promised the Jews the land of PALESTINE, what five thousand years ago. So now, thousands of years later, people are being displaced to make room for Jews, that quite honestly, are barely, if at all, descendants of the 12 tribes. Those Palestinians, they are more closely linked to the 12 tribes than any Ashkenazi jew. And the most closely genetically related group is the eastern band of the Cherokee nation. When do I get my place in the promised land.

And hell, even if we accept the covenant, it did not come without requirements. Moses didn't even get to get to the promised land, he didn't meet the requirements. And those requirements are right there in the Torah for all to see. Is Israel meeting those requirements? Hell no, not even close. I have said it before and I will say it again, Israel is worshipping the Golden Calf, they are not following the deals of the covenant, and they are utilizing the powers of the kingdoms of the world, all controlled by the devil, to attain possession of their promised land. May God have mercy on their souls.
It is getting rather common. Someone starts a pro-Israeli thread with a completely false statement. Never been a Palestinian currency. Wrong, there has been, and rather it was 1947, or 300, Palestine has issued currency. Don't fawk with a numismatist.

That should tell you something. If you have to begin your arguments with easily demonstrable falsehoods, then maybe you don't have an argument.

I mean come on, the whole, "there never was a Palestine argument is nothing more than an attempt to dehumanize the Palestinian people. Has there ever been a Uyghur nation? Well no, so does that give the Chinese government the right to the wholesale slaughter of those people? Hell, that is just one group of people that have never had a nation, India alone could provide us with a dozen more.

No, the ultimate con is the idea that God someone promised the Jews the land of PALESTINE, what five thousand years ago. So now, thousands of years later, people are being displaced to make room for Jews, that quite honestly, are barely, if at all, descendants of the 12 tribes. Those Palestinians, they are more closely linked to the 12 tribes than any Ashkenazi jew. And the most closely genetically related group is the eastern band of the Cherokee nation. When do I get my place in the promised land.

And hell, even if we accept the covenant, it did not come without requirements. Moses didn't even get to get to the promised land, he didn't meet the requirements. And those requirements are right there in the Torah for all to see. Is Israel meeting those requirements? Hell no, not even close. I have said it before and I will say it again, Israel is worshipping the Golden Calf, they are not following the deals of the covenant, and they are utilizing the powers of the kingdoms of the world, all controlled by the devil, to attain possession of their promised land. May God have mercy on their souls.
yeah, all this stuff about "Palestine" as if it was a separate and independent place which had a government and money and such when the coin, itself, testifies otherwise. Crazy, right?

I mean, really, all these people insisting that "Palestine" was something more than a geographical label foisted on a land to remove any connection to the population -- that IS a heckuva con. And using the word to invent an idea which would justify violence? Unbelievable, right?

The Quran is very clear about the land belonging to Jews. It is in the text for all to see, right? And Israel's claim to the land is a combination of that very same Quranic promise and the same political forces which have created so many countries over the years.

I can't support your concern of all the things controlled by the devil, but good luck with that and thanks for recognizing Israel's proof of existence and sovereignty!
yeah, all this stuff about "Palestine" as if it was a separate and independent place which had a government and money and such when the coin, itself, testifies otherwise. Crazy, right?

I mean, really, all these people insisting that "Palestine" was something more than a geographical label foisted on a land to remove any connection to the population -- that IS a heckuva con. And using the word to invent an idea which would justify violence? Unbelievable, right?

The Quran is very clear about the land belonging to Jews. It is in the text for all to see, right? And Israel's claim to the land is a combination of that very same Quranic promise and the same political forces which have created so many countries over the years.

I can't support your concern of all the things controlled by the devil, but good luck with that and thanks for recognizing Israel's proof of existence and sovereignty!
The coin itself doesn't testify shit, where do you come up with this crap? Hell, Israel didn't even exist at the time the coin was minted.

Judgement day is coming. The Viking probes have exited the solar system. Judgement day is coming soon. And I am not so self-absorbed that I think each individual will be judged. We will be judged as a people. And just as prophesy predicted, it is the Jews that are going to condemn us all to hell.

Seriously, do you think a God, any God, who actually offered a covenant to a group of people, would willingly accept those people rampantly killing women and children? I mean I am sure you don't know it, but three out of four Israeli citizens want Bibi gone. He is the anti-christ if anyone is. We are on a short time frame here, time the United States kicked Israel to the curb and joined the rest of the civilized world. This ain't our fight to judge, let God sort it out. I am confident that if that happened things would turn out much differently than now.
The coin itself doesn't testify shit, where do you come up with this crap? Hell, Israel didn't even exist at the time the coin was minted.
But it says "Land of Israel" on it. I thought that's why you were posting it, because the Palestine mandate as established by the British still recognized that the land was Israel. Why else would you post that coin?
The coin itself doesn't testify shit, where do you come up with this crap? Hell, Israel didn't even exist at the time the coin was minted.

Judgement day is coming. The Viking probes have exited the solar system. Judgement day is coming soon. And I am not so self-absorbed that I think each individual will be judged. We will be judged as a people. And just as prophesy predicted, it is the Jews that are going to condemn us all to hell.

Seriously, do you think a God, any God, who actually offered a covenant to a group of people, would willingly accept those people rampantly killing women and children? I mean I am sure you don't know it, but three out of four Israeli citizens want Bibi gone. He is the anti-christ if anyone is. We are on a short time frame here, time the United States kicked Israel to the curb and joined the rest of the civilized world. This ain't our fight to judge, let God sort it out. I am confident that if that happened things would turn out much differently than now.
The currency for use in that zone was backed by the

!! It was also legal tender in Jordan!!

So why are you denying that the coin has on it " The Hebrew inscription included after "Palestina" the initials Aleph Yud, for "Eretz Yisrael""??

In 1926, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies appointed a Palestine Currency Board to introduce a local currency.[6] It was based in London and chaired by P. G. Ezechiel, with a Currency Officer resident in Palestine.[6] The board decided that the new currency would be called the Palestine pound, 1:1 with sterling and divided into 1,000 mils.[7] The £P1 gold coin would contain 123.27447 grains of standard gold.[7] The enabling legislation was the Palestine Currency Order, 1927, signed by the King in February 1927.[8] The Palestine pound became legal tender on 1 November 1927.[9] The Egyptian pound (at the fixed rate of £P1 = £E0.975) and the British gold sovereign remained legal tender until 1 March 1928.[8][10]

The Palestine Currency Order explicitly excluded Transjordan from its application, but the Government of Transjordan decided to adopt the Palestine pound at the same time as Palestine did.[11][12] The Egyptian pound remained legal tender in Transjordan until 1930.[13]

All the denominations were trilingual in Arabic, English and Hebrew. The Hebrew inscription included after "Palestina" the initials Aleph Yud, for "Eretz Yisrael" (Land of Israel).

It so happened that the new Palestinian currency was released, which was a great ordeal. The Palestinian currency which was coined especially for Palestine, and issued both in banknotes and coins, had the phrase “the land of Israel” written on it in Hebrew. Despite this hint, we accepted it, and the Arabs of Palestine dealt in it in what was almost an acknowledgment that Palestine was the land of Israel.
— Wasif Jawhariyyeh, The Storyteller of Jerusalem, page 698

From Wiki.

Palestine never was. It’s the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity. There has never been a Palestinian state, capital, ruler, currency, culture, food or language. Israel and the Jews on the other hand, exactly the opposite.
One of our leading site Racists spluttering and dribbling again .
Behaving just lik a Nazi in pre -war Germany but this time with a different target .
A sickening sight .
One of our leading site Racists spluttering and dribbling again .
Behaving just lik a Nazi in pre -war Germany but this time with a different target .
A sickening sight .
Do you copy and paste this exact same response to everything that triggers your mental illness? Try coming up with some new material.
The currency for use in that zone was backed by the

View attachment 865857!! It was also legal tender in Jordan!!

So why are you denying that the coin has on it " The Hebrew inscription included after "Palestina" the initials Aleph Yud, for "Eretz Yisrael""??

In 1926, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies appointed a Palestine Currency Board to introduce a local currency.[6] It was based in London and chaired by P. G. Ezechiel, with a Currency Officer resident in Palestine.[6] The board decided that the new currency would be called the Palestine pound, 1:1 with sterling and divided into 1,000 mils.[7] The £P1 gold coin would contain 123.27447 grains of standard gold.[7] The enabling legislation was the Palestine Currency Order, 1927, signed by the King in February 1927.[8] The Palestine pound became legal tender on 1 November 1927.[9] The Egyptian pound (at the fixed rate of £P1 = £E0.975) and the British gold sovereign remained legal tender until 1 March 1928.[8][10]

The Palestine Currency Order explicitly excluded Transjordan from its application, but the Government of Transjordan decided to adopt the Palestine pound at the same time as Palestine did.[11][12] The Egyptian pound remained legal tender in Transjordan until 1930.[13]

All the denominations were trilingual in Arabic, English and Hebrew. The Hebrew inscription included after "Palestina" the initials Aleph Yud, for "Eretz Yisrael" (Land of Israel).

From Wiki.

Don’t expect to get an honest response from any Pali supporter. Its always diversions, lies and hate.

Your link says “ancient-JUDEAN-coins” in the browser address you numbskull!!!

Epic fail!

By the way, thanks for providing another site with more artifacts that prove my point.
From Wikipedia that I rarely use as a source, but in this case they condensed some accurate information into useful form:

"Palestine is the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, and has been controlled by many kingdoms and powers, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel and Judah, the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great and his successors, the Hasmoneans, the Roman Empire, several Muslim caliphates, and the crusaders. In modern times, the area was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, then the British Empire and since 1948 it has been divided into Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip."

It would seem the Muslims have no more inherited claim to the land than does anybody else.
Ha ha ha! There was no Palestine when Judaism and Christianity were born. Not even when Islam was born.

That is why it is not mentioned in all three holy books.

You are an idiot.

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