We need the Wall and we need it NOW

link for Pogo in my post #19 , there you go Pogo , its a link to some common sense !!
ho hum --- what would it take to build Trumps wall . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- and this video takes into account those scary river banks and other tiny little problems and its a Magical Link similar you are whining about Pogo .

Yeah yeah yeah, you ran this before, we debunked it, and here you come trotting out the same video expecting different results.

That video counts only materials -- not labor.

So you think Rump's gonna get free labor for 160 years huh? Or do you think these things just build themselves by some kind of RoadRunner cartoon "Acme just add water" kit?

Wanna buy a bridge? It builds itself.
A Trump wall would be a GREAT STARTING POSITION....

Where Is this?
And Saudi Arabia is in the process of building a border wall or barrier to exclude actual weapons and explosive carrying terrorists from the 'Islamic' state . We would only be trying to excludes the majority of peasants .
A Trump wall would be a GREAT STARTING POSITION....

Where Is this?

Israel...Trump could build one HIGHER, longer and cut the time required from the babble OCDPogo posts and the cost to us of almost NOTHING! Wonder how those Mexican's will do without our Foreign aid, and a tax on their money transfers ($24+ Million in 2014!)!
A Trump wall would be a GREAT STARTING POSITION....

Where Is this?
---------------------------------------- guess is that it is Israel Goose !! The wall is no big deal , easy to build if you follow the process in my LINK in post # 19 Goose . If correct that that is the Israeli wall it looks like it was build using precast concrete slabs that are illustrated in my link #19 Goose .
The border wall is a cover for turning America into one great big prison.

First it's the Mexico wall, then Canada.
Then the shorelines, for which you have to drain the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans so you can work on it.

That's week one. Then the roof goes up. That's week two.

Then we'll be all self-contained, never have to import anything ever again, and can just focus on killing each other.

Amazing how those with a knack for losing elections, signal their intention to do so by some lame lemming march to a pied-piper pipe dream that can't possibly work in the real world. In 2008 it was John McCain and his crowd crowing "drill baby drill". Now it's "build the wall". Gullible's Travels.
The border wall is a cover for turning America into one great big prison.
Yes, here's an asshole that wants us to continue our SLOW SUICIDE, fucking subversive scumbag!
A couple hundred years and those damned immigrants have still not managed to kill America.

Slowest suicide...EVAH!!!


We haven't had commie scumbags like Obama and his sort running our government..... We now have hundreds of thousands of potential muslim terrorists, and the scum of all the Southern Hispanic countries, thanks to your kind, you and yours should have been dispatched 60 years ago, when McCarthy was right, and we should have LISTENED to Khrushchev when he said that the commies will BURY US FROM WITHIN!

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