We need automatic deportation for illegals who use our hospitals


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Due to the infamous EMTALA Act of 1986, hospital ERs are required to give FREE emergency treatment to illegals. That's the law but if illegals knew they faced immediate deportation after treatment, they would only use ERs for true emergencies. As it is they use them for everything and have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals.

I recently spent an hour and a half at my ER and they charged me $2300!!! It was just an examination with no surgery and does NOT include the doctor bill. The rest of us pay inflated costs at hospitals because illegals pay nothing.
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Well guess what? Romney won't do anything about Illegal Aliens either.

So we got THAT going for us.
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Well guess what? Romney won't do anything about Illegal Aliens either.

So we got THAT going for us.

The Romster won't be as bad as obozo. In fact mitt has said he believes in making life miserable for illegals and thereby forcing them to self-deport.
Well guess what? Romney won't do anything about Illegal Aliens either.

So we got THAT going for us.

When was Romney POTUS or a member of Congress?

Immigration falls under ICE. All he can do is catch them. He can't even deport them until he becomes federal.
On his own site he supports a system "like e-verify" but has employed illegals in the past:
Lawn work at Romney's home still done by illegal immigrants - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Hypocracy much?

I would love to believe his rhetoric but until he gets elected and then actually implements his ideas, I can't take his word for it, and you shouldn't either.
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When was Romney POTUS or a member of Congress?

Immigration falls under ICE. All he can do is catch them. He can't even deport them until he becomes federal.

President Romney won't be able to catch them either. But he can tell ICE to crack down on illegals and demand deportation of all they catch - no exceptions.
Due to the infamous EMTALA Act of 1986, hospital ERs are required to give FREE emergency treatment to illegals. That's the law but if illegals knew they faced immediate deportation after treatment, they would only use ERs for true emergencies. As it is they use them for everything and have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals.

I recently spent an hour and a half at my ER and they charged me $2300!!! It was just an examination with no surgery and does NOT include the doctor bill. The rest of us pay inflated costs at hospitals because illegals pay nothing.

Too bad that a REPUBLICAN CROOK made that a law.

Too bad the R's are demanding that we all be forced to pay for the care of ALL those who cannot or do not pay their own bills.

Thanks a lot pubs.

Now if only we had Affordable Health Care.

President Romney won't be able to catch them either. But he can tell ICE to crack down on illegals and demand deportation of all they catch - no exceptions.

Here we go again with the "just round them up and deport them" idiots.

Guess what.

If that were possible, it would already have been done.

President Obama has caught and deported more than any other president. He has ordered more Border Patrol on duty than any other president. We now have almost no illegals coming across EXCEPT drug dealers and they don't stay.

What you're whining about does not exist any more. Thank our president for that.

Educate yourself. Spend some time on our southern border. You'll have a whole different point of view.
Well guess what? Romney won't do anything about Illegal Aliens either.

So we got THAT going for us.

When was Romney POTUS or a member of Congress?

Immigration falls under ICE. All he can do is catch them. He can't even deport them until he becomes federal.
On his own site he supports a system "like e-verify" but has employed illegals in the past:
Lawn work at Romney's home still done by illegal immigrants - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Hypocracy much?

I would love to believe his rhetoric but until he gets elected and then actually implements his ideas, I can't take his word for it, and you shouldn't either.

That was one of his funnier gaffes ... When he accidentally admitted he employs illegals to do his yard work. What an idiot.

Romney wouldn't do much but only because there's no money in it for him or his cronies.

Thanks to President Obama, he won't have to.
President Obama has caught and deported more than any other president. He has ordered more Border Patrol on duty than any other president. We now have almost no illegals coming across EXCEPT drug dealers and they don't stay.
That's because the Economy is tanking.

FoxNews is even setting up Spanish Language FoxNews to target illegals with propaganda stories like "The Economy is surging! The US is NOT going Broke! Please Stay Here! Muy Bonito!"

But even the illegals with their on average 4th grade education know better than to stay aboard a sinking ship.


President Obama has caught and deported more than any other president. He has ordered more Border Patrol on duty than any other president. We now have almost no illegals coming across EXCEPT drug dealers and they don't stay.


That's all a lie. Obozo announced last august that he was not going to deport "law-abiding" illegals. All his talk about deporting record numbers is a bald-faced lie. The media won't call him on it because they are racist and won't challenge a black president.
Hospital ER's? How about deportation of "illegals" who use ANY of our goods, and services?
We need automatic deportation for illegals who use our hospitals

That is un-Constitutional, all persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including undocumented immigrants. See Plyler v. Doe (1982).

That conservatives hate the Constitution and reject its case law is irrelevant.

The OP is also typical of conservative authoritarianism.
We need automatic deportation for illegals who use our hospitals

That is un-Constitutional, all persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including undocumented immigrants. See Plyler v. Doe (1982).

That conservatives hate the Constitution and reject its case law is irrelevant.

The OP is also typical of conservative authoritarianism.

It isn't hatred of the Constitution at all, it's hatred at the ridiculousness in which it gets intentionally misinterpreted by Politically motivated hacks.
That is un-Constitutional, all persons in the United States are entitled to basic due process rights, including undocumented immigrants. See Plyler v. Doe (1982).


You have no idea what you're talking about. Plyler v Doe was about illegal kids using schools, not illegals using hospitals. Furthermore the constitution does NOT grant any rights to illegals. The first seven words are "We the people of the United States" and that makes it clear that the word "people" means citizens.
Hospital ER's? How about deportation of "illegals" who use ANY of our goods, and services?

yes yes yes. Illegals have no right to anything in america. Every captured illegal should be deported - no exceptions. And their assets should be confiscated. Insane how we coddle these foreign invaders.
I am susceptible to fingertip infections (from pulling hangnails, cuts, etc.). When it happens my GP prescribes an antibiotic and that solves the problem.

When it happened some years ago the inflammation began on a Friday afternoon, too late to visit any GP's office, so I went to the local ER. I waited over two hours to be interviewed by a social worker who filled out no less than six pages and asked me enough questions to complete a passport application. Then I sat for another two hours waiting to be seen by an obviously tired and harried MD who insisted that my finger needed to be lanced and drained. He refused to just prescribe an antibiotic.

I had to go along with him and the bottom line was an $1,140 bill for "surgery," which consisted of a quick (painful) stroke with a scalpel, a five minute antiseptic dip and a band-aid. Normally I would pay for the MD visit and about ten dollars for antibiotic tablets -- which absolutely is all that is needed for such minor infections.

That ER was occupied predominately by people who appeared to be indigent and possibly (probably) illegal immigrants, some of whom appeared to be really sick or injured. While I would not advocate turning any sick or ailing human being away without basic medical attention I will say a major component of the topic problem is the attending bureaucracy, which in large measure is predicated on avoidance of malpractice litigation.

I had these infected finger episodes several times while in the military (back in the 50s). Each time it happened I would walk into Sick Bay where an enlisted Navy Corpsman would take a look at the finger and hand me a little box of penicillin tablets. The whole thing took ten minutes on average and the infections usually receded in a few hours. If I'd had a more serious problem the Corpsman would have sent me in to see the officer/MD. But as I recall the vast majority of Sick Bay cases were problems which the Navy Corpsmen were perfectly capable of handling -- and which they did quite efficiently.

The question I have is if such a practical system of dispensing medical attention was (is?) good enough for our military personnel should it not be implemented in the form of walk-in emergency clinics in economically depressed regions? There are plenty of discharged and retired military medical personnel who are perfectly capable of treating the majority of complaints which presently are overwhelming our hospital emergency facilities.
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While I would not advocate turning any sick or ailing human being away without basic medical attention.

I don't want to turn them away either. But they should be told that if they are here illegally they will be arrested by ICE and deported, no exceptions. Then they won't use the ER unless it really is an emergency - as it should be.
What about the carrot that lured them over the border in the first place? Those employers that aren't scrupulous ? Besides the lax immigration laws, THEY are truly responsible for this mess. It takes TWO to tango after all. Small and large business alike have become addicted to the cheap labor illegal immigrants provide, and THAT addiction is going to be hard to break.

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