"We have met the enemy and he is us!"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

By Gillian Norman


"We have met the enemy and he is us!"

Chained in prisons of the mind, the captives watch flickering images on the screen and believe they see reality. Occasionally glimpsing the dazzling clarity of truth, a hostage breaks free from the shadows of deception. Then, longing to help others, he confronts the darkness of the cave to expose the fallacy that keeps his companions trapped. But like Golem in the underworld, the prisoners shrink back into the nattering gloom and refuse release from the bondage of delusion, too fearful to break their chains and step into the new light of dawn.

Seven years and two disastrous wars after 9/11, the incontrovertible truth is clear to see. 9/11 was a false flag operation, a contrived pretext for total war to impose a global Pax Americana. Yet many people still refuse to consider the abundant evidence and even violently oppose those who have investigated the facts.

So why do intelligent people still blindly swallow the blatantly false official explanation? Why do kind-hearted world citizens continue to support genocidal wars falsely predicated upon 9/11? And why do so many shrug in mute acquiescence as fascist police state controls are put in place and their liberties are constricted in the name of protecting collective 'freedom'?

On September 11, 2001, the great symbols of America's military and economic prowess were struck, and a battle for the mind began. As the Towers crumbled to dust and the Pentagram's facade was detonated, howls of anguish rippled around the world. Over and over the shocking images were played. Repeatedly the violent brutalization shattered hope-filled lives and happy homes, as the collective consciousness of a nation was fractured.

Today, triggered by 9/11, intentional war without end is being waged, not only against distant nations, but also against the very people the defenders of freedom claim to protect. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" 1

The trusting public who believe that an elite cabal could never be so nasty as to contrive an appalling attack on their own people as a pretext for wars of imperial hegemony may be naively unaware that for almost a century these Masters of Deception have been practicing MindWars to advance their power, prestige and profit.

It has long been known that when an individual's mind is manipulated, the behavior of that person can be swayed for whatever purpose, benign or nefarious, that the puppeteers of their perceptions might desire. By attempting to control the group mind, Tavistock Institute's Edward Bernays was one of the first to propose that if the PuppetMasters can direct a herd mentality then even the course of nations can be subverted.

Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, was appointed by Tavistock to handle the manipulation of American public opinion. He is now considered to be the father of public relations, but might be better described as a grandmaster of MindWars. He described manipulation of the group mind as the engineering of consent. In his 1929 book, Propaganda, Bernays asked:

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the m

We're living it idiots!!
When you don't know a thing but it is all laying right in front of you the sheeple just choose not to wake up to reality.

We warn and warn and warn and it's all right here


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