"We can't trust anything this AG says."

Barr denounced by DOJ veterans: ‘We can’t trust anything this attorney general says’

His reputation is gone....as it is with many trump appointees....He is the trump spin master...

Barr is the most dishonorable AG in American history! History will crucify him!

History will crucify him!

No doubt.

but only because of who writes the books

You mean like "historians"?
Raw Story....roflmfao!
So? You wing nuts post crap from daily Caller and judicial watch.

What's your point?
Judicial Watch sues everybody....They filed a shitload of actions against Chimpola Bush and moonbat freaks like you cheered your asses off.

In any event, the credibility of Raw Story is below that of CNN.
Judicial watch leans far right.

And as far as credibility raw story beats faux hands down.
You don't know a fucking thing about JW, chump.

So do they edit with the documents they release?
Trump doctrine dictates constant lying and deceiving by him and his flunkies like Barr.
Barr is a very nice man.
He is going to clean house.
He is going to have a frog march parade of crooked Troglocrats.
Barr is a nice man, the same way that Hannity is a "nice man", but he's not an attorney general.

Ha Ha Ha! Right....and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders NEVER LIES!
Her lying is even more deplorable than most because she pretends to be a faithful and honest Christian. People like her, fake Christians, do irreparable have to Christianity. They portray Christians as hypocrites and fakes, liars and deceivers. They mock and shame Christianity.
Barr is a very nice man.
He is going to clean house.
He is going to have a frog march parade of crooked Troglocrats.
Barr is a nice man, the same way that Hannity is a "nice man", but he's not an attorney general.

Ha Ha Ha! Right....and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders NEVER LIES!
Her lying is even more deplorable than most because she pretends to be a faithful and honest Christian. People like her, fake Christians, do irreparable have to Christianity. They portray Christians as hypocrites and fakes, liars and deceivers. They mock and shame Christianity.

She is probably the more visable of the fake Christians out there today. But consider what the shamed Jim Baker is doing? He is peddling a coin with the images of Christ and trump....the sinless Christ along side the King of Liars trump....sickening....
Barr is a very nice man.
He is going to clean house.
He is going to have a frog march parade of crooked Troglocrats.
Barr is a nice man, the same way that Hannity is a "nice man", but he's not an attorney general.

Ha Ha Ha! Right....and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders NEVER LIES!
Her lying is even more deplorable than most because she pretends to be a faithful and honest Christian. People like her, fake Christians, do irreparable have to Christianity. They portray Christians as hypocrites and fakes, liars and deceivers. They mock and shame Christianity.

She is probably the more visable of the fake Christians out there today. But consider what the shamed Jim Baker is doing? He is peddling a coin with the images of Christ and trump....the sinless Christ along side the King of Liars trump....sickening....
I would advise Sarah Sanders to piss-off the Democrooks even more just for the hilarity
Barr denounced by DOJ veterans: ‘We can’t trust anything this attorney general says’

His reputation is gone....as it is with many trump appointees....He is the trump spin master...

Barr is a very nice man.
He is going to clean house.
He is going to have a frog march parade of crooked Troglocrats.
Barr is a nice man, the same way that Hannity is a "nice man", but he's not an attorney general.

Ha Ha Ha! Right....and Sarah Huckleberry Sanders NEVER LIES!
Her lying is even more deplorable than most because she pretends to be a faithful and honest Christian. People like her, fake Christians, do irreparable have to Christianity. They portray Christians as hypocrites and fakes, liars and deceivers. They mock and shame Christianity.

She is probably the more visable of the fake Christians out there today. But consider what the shamed Jim Baker is doing? He is peddling a coin with the images of Christ and trump....the sinless Christ along side the King of Liars trump....sickening....
I would advise Sarah Sanders to piss-off the Democrooks even more just for the hilarity
uh yea, keep it up
Trump told Barr to investigate those who pushed for Trump to be investigated.

So he did.

Barr deliberately mischarecterized the findings in the Mueller report.

Now that is interesting.

Why did he?

Because he is Trump’s man.

His reputation is soiled.
Apparently I know more than you.
Apparently, you know nothing...I have actually met Larry Klayman (creator of JW).

In fact, you know less than nothing.
How nice for you!

But if you think they are unbiased I still know more than you do.

And since I know "less than nothing" where does that leave you?
Klayman has made a career of suing anyone and everyone who resists a FOIA request, regardless of political party.....It's what he does.

You truly know nothing.
Apparently I know more than you.
Apparently, you know nothing...I have actually met Larry Klayman (creator of JW).

In fact, you know less than nothing.
How nice for you!

But if you think they are unbiased I still know more than you do.

And since I know "less than nothing" where does that leave you?
Klayman has made a career of suing anyone and everyone who resists a FOIA request, regardless of political party.....It's what he does.

You truly know nothing.
Judicial Watch
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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Judicial Watch Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and a very poor fact check record.
Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check

It's rwnj garbage that's more likely to lie than tell the truth.
trump has and is in the process of installing his Mafia into the DOJ. I have never see a more criminal regime in the White House....

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