We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

It is an absolute falsehood that forced migration for forced labor is an unmitigated blessing. What a foolish thing for you to insist.
It is an absolute falsehood that forced migration for forced labor is an unmitigated blessing. What a foolish thing for you to insist.

You idiot.
You arent paying attention

Slavery was bad for the slaves

But a super blessing for blacks born in America today
It's asinine, that is like saying that Jewish folks that live in Israel should be happy that the Holocaust happened, because that lead to them getting their own country.
its not the same at all

Jews were already reclaiming the Holy Land by the 1930’s before the Holocaust

The Jewish homeland was an idea whose time had come

Black africans otoh had no way to reach America except through slavery
its not the same at all

Jews were already reclaiming the Holy Land by the 1930’s before the Holocaust

The Jewish homeland was an idea whose time had come

Black africans otoh had no way to reach America except through slavery
Talk about not having a clue. Do you realize the United States have given Israel over 246 billion dollars since the end of WWII.
Talk about not having a clue. Do you realize the United States have given Israel over 246 billion dollars since the end of WWII.
That number might even be low

Israel is our strategic ally in the middle east and we need them as much as they need us

So you think that entities black people to a free shoeshine?
You are such a dolt

Black people in America are free

And equal under the law even if some of you are really stupid by comparrison
Not because of slavers though, moron. Because Black Americans cuckolded you. And I never claimed to be your equal. I'm your superior.

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