Watershedding in Rainbow Utopia

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Watershedding in Rainbow Utopia

Next for South Africa after no more electricity is no more water:
While hot weather has shrunk reservoirs, crumbling infrastructure after decades of neglect is also largely to blame. The public’s frustration is a danger sign for the ruling African National Congress, whose comfortable hold on power since the end of apartheid in the 1990s faces its most serious challenge in an election this year.
Who would have thought that investing power in the party of Marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela would lead to anything but bliss?
A country already famous for its hourslong electricity shortages is now adopting a term called “watershedding” — the practice of going without water, from the term loadshedding, or the practice of going without power.
Like everything else in the Rainbow Utopia, the water situation will likely go from bad to worse.
Over the [previous] weekend, water management authorities with Gauteng province, which includes Johannesburg and the capital, Pretoria, told officials from both cities that the failure to reduce water consumption could result in a total collapse of the water system. That means reservoirs would drop below 10% capacity and would need to be shut down for replenishment.
That could mean weeks without water from taps…
But the important thing is that they don’t have to worry about white privilege as the opportunists who poured in from other parts of Africa to partake of the bounty Afrikaners created die of dehydration in the dark.
On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

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Wakanda is sending it's best civil engineers to rectify the situation

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