Water's Edge?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
A little late to be reviving that old maxim after Bush? Ah, a 'blame Democrats, not blame Bush' moment.

Clinton: GOP rhetoric over Obama Afghan apology could

Clinton: GOP rhetoric over Obama Afghan apology could ‘inflame’ situation
By Jonathan Easley - 02/27/12 06:44 PM ET

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defended President Obama’s apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and warned that the GOP’s condemnation of the apology could further “inflame” the situation.
Yes it seems they have joined with the enemy in not accepting it.
GOP would kill their children to defamate Obama.

eat 'em to.

yea know, the Afghan's are our friends. Correct? Or are supposed to be. And we had an incident where our soldiers made a mistake. And people have been killed. And our POTUS makes an apology to our "friend" and this is somehow wrong.

We got some fuked up people in this country. How many Muslims are there? How many we want to hate us?
MR. GREGORY: I'd like to ask you about this developing story. As you know, President Obama personally apologized to President Karzai for this apparently inadvertent act of burning the Qurans. What's your reaction to that and to the unfolding situation there?

FMR. SEN. SANTORUM: I don't think the president should apologize for something that was clearly inadvertent. What you should lay out is the president saying this was inadvertent. This was a mistake and there was no deliberate act, there was no meant to disrespect. This was something that, that occurred that, that should not have occurred, but it was an accident and leave it at that. I think you highlight it when you, when you apologize for it. You, you make it sound like it was something that you should apologize for. And there is not--there was no act that needed an apology. It was an inadvertent act and it should be left at that and I think the response has--needs to be apologized for by, by Karzai and the Afghan people of, of attacking and killing our men and women in uniform and, and overreacting to this, to this inadvertent mistake. That, that is, that is the real crime here, not what our soldiers did.

February 26: Rick Santorum - Meet the Press - Transcripts - msnbc.com

I love it when assholes set benchmarks like this. Something that can be used to measure past and future behaviors of others, including the asshole who set the benchmark.

So if someone accidentally crashes their car into Mrs. Santorum's car and kills his wife and entire family, they should call Rick and tell him, "It was an inadvertent act and it should be left at that. Any apology would be overreacting."
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A little late to be reviving that old maxim after Bush? Ah, a 'blame Democrats, not blame Bush' moment.

Clinton: GOP rhetoric over Obama Afghan apology could

Clinton: GOP rhetoric over Obama Afghan apology could ‘inflame’ situation
By Jonathan Easley - 02/27/12 06:44 PM ET

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defended President Obama’s apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai and warned that the GOP’s condemnation of the apology could further “inflame” the situation.

The same Hillary Clinton who basically called General Petraeus a liar to his face in the hearings?

That non inflammatory Hillary saying that the General's words made one hold a "suspension of belief?".
MR. GREGORY: I'd like to ask you about this developing story. As you know, President Obama personally apologized to President Karzai for this apparently inadvertent act of burning the Qurans. What's your reaction to that and to the unfolding situation there?

FMR. SEN. SANTORUM: I don't think the president should apologize for something that was clearly inadvertent. What you should lay out is the president saying this was inadvertent. This was a mistake and there was no deliberate act, there was no meant to disrespect. This was something that, that occurred that, that should not have occurred, but it was an accident and leave it at that. I think you highlight it when you, when you apologize for it. You, you make it sound like it was something that you should apologize for. And there is not--there was no act that needed an apology. It was an inadvertent act and it should be left at that and I think the response has--needs to be apologized for by, by Karzai and the Afghan people of, of attacking and killing our men and women in uniform and, and overreacting to this, to this inadvertent mistake. That, that is, that is the real crime here, not what our soldiers did.

February 26: Rick Santorum - Meet the Press - Transcripts - msnbc.com

I love it when assholes set benchmarks like this. Something that can be used to measure past and future behaviors of others, including the asshole who set the benchmark.

So if someone accidentally crashes their car into Mrs. Santorum's car and kills his wife and entire family, they should call Rick and tell him, "It was an inadvertent act and it should be left at that. Any apology would be overreacting."

Seriously, you're comparing the PROPER disposal of desecrated Korans, desecrated BY MUSLIMS, to killing a man's ENTIRE family??

The sad thing is you don't think there's anything WRONG with that... :cuckoo:
Let me see now. Inflammatory remarks. Wasn't it John F'n Kerry (he served in Vietnam you know) who called the troops terrorists raiding women and children in the dead of night?

Now Murtha. What a non inflammatory statement dude he was....riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Harry Reid "the war is lost".

Anyone got the quote from Dick Durbin? He ranted off a list of dictators on the House Floor did he not?

Hillary can kiss my ass.

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