Watch AOC Terrified By a Garbage Disposal.... THIS is not a joke but hilarious!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

MABA = Make Alexandria Bartend Again!!!!..ROTFLMFAO
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Has our President ever been near one?

Never washed a dish in his life
Well, she is a woman..
Honey, any woman at her age that hasn’t heard of a garbage disposal...
My Ma in law is 90 and has never had a garbage disposal in her kitchen nor does she have a dish washer...
She is 90, not born into today’s world. How old is AOC? But, boy, she knows all about a cell phone.
I understand not having one, but not knowing of them... and stating they are terrifying? And posting it online? She needs help.
She has got to be a republicrat infiltrator making bed wetters look as stupid as possible....

Someone truly that stupid would have drowned the first time she looked at the sky while it was raining.
Well, she is a woman..
Honey, any woman at her age that hasn’t heard of a garbage disposal...
My Ma in law is 90 and has never had a garbage disposal in her kitchen nor does she have a dish washer...
She is 90, not born into today’s world. How old is AOC? But, boy, she knows all about a cell phone.
I understand not having one, but not knowing of them... and stating they are terrifying? And posting it online? She needs help.
They are a device of destruction so to some it would be scary. To a person like me that is used to scary stuff it's nada..
Well, she is a woman..

Really! "I never saw a Garbage disposal before, and don't know what it's for" Was the video taken when she was 4yrs. old She's not from a third world country and she worked in a Bar/ Restaurant on Whatever planet she came from. That makes her a "liar" no need to listen to any sounds that comes past her lips again! :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
Well, she is a woman..
Honey, any woman at her age that hasn’t heard of a garbage disposal...
My Ma in law is 90 and has never had a garbage disposal in her kitchen nor does she have a dish washer...
So she has never seen one and doesn't know what they are at 90? Not possible? If she lives in America? Okay! Maybe? If she was raised by mountain men and only came to town to fetch victuals from the Dumpster before going back too her shed.:puhleeze:
Was this posted in satire? I ask because it isn’t satire by a long shot
Well, she is a woman..
Honey, any woman at her age that hasn’t heard of a garbage disposal...
My Ma in law is 90 and has never had a garbage disposal in her kitchen nor does she have a dish washer...
She is 90, not born into today’s world. How old is AOC? But, boy, she knows all about a cell phone.
I understand not having one, but not knowing of them... and stating they are terrifying? And posting it online? She needs help.
They are a device of destruction so to some it would be scary. To a person like me that is used to scary stuff it's nada..

What's "scary' is that:slap: someone who even had the thought that a railway could be built across the Atlantic/or any other Ocean is a member of Congress. And because there humans who believe she's smart!. :safetocomeoutff:

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