Wasserman Shultz Planned to Paint Obama as Anti-Semitic, Anti-Woman


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Another liberal who is full of Herself, even Obama is tried of this women


Wasserman Schultz has a different sense of herself. According to people who spoke with her, when she sensed Obama was considering replacing her as chair in 2013, she began to line up supporters to suggest the move was both anti-woman and anti-Semitic. Under fire last fall for her leadership, she took Obama’s decision not to remove her then as evidence of renewed strength and said she was confident no one could get her out of the DNC before her term is over at the beginning of 2017, according to sources who’ve spoken with her. She’s also been known to joke around the office about how having a vacation home in New Hampshire might one day be helpful in a presidential run.

“It’s rare in Washington for President Obama and Senate Republicans to agree, but we are all in agreement that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been a terrible DNC chair and would make an even worse Senate candidate,” said NRSC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek.

In Florida and Washington, the Democratic focus is on Rep. Patrick Murphy, a young congressman from a swing district with a strong fundraising base of his own and the capacity to do some self-financing.

Wasserman Schultz, meanwhile, appears to have more liabilities, including what some of her milder critics refer to as “her capacity to misspeak” — like her accusing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last fall of a record on women’s rights that was like “grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back.” This week, she got into a spat with proponents of medical marijuana, including prominent Florida donor John Morgan, who released emails that appeared to show her staff offering that the congresswoman would change her position if he would retract his criticisms.

For a party that’s trying to win back the Senate and hold onto the White House, the danger posed by such controversies is very real.

Senate bid could be solution for Wasserman Schultz - Edward-Isaac Dovere - POLITICO
Schultz is a liability for the Democratic Party, therefore I hope she maintains her position at the DNC.

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