Was WW2 even worth fighting for ???

That is what Pol Pot America has become. A newer version of the USSR and 3rd Reich.
Both war like empires with lying media, corrupt govt, limited freedoms and anti-religion
Limited freedoms. You’re looking forward to the concentration camps Trump has erected for anyone who crosses him. Did you reserve your bunk ?

Its hard living without a recession for several years isn’t ? You have nomone to talk to in the unemployment lines.
What happens when Trump breaks out the iron cross, you going to throw away old Stars and Stripes ?

VERY HARD for him to win.
THe DEEP STATE will fix the election again unless he wins by a blow out

TRUMP IS THE ONLY thing that can prevent this or delay it .
Russia is the only other nation that is fighting the NEW WORLD ORDER
All Dem jews belong in a giant massive huge oven !!!!
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VERY HARD for him to win.
THe DEEP STATE will fix the election again unless he wins by a blow out

TRUMP IS THE ONLY thing that can prevent this or delay it .
Russia is the only other nation that is fighting the NEW WORLD ORDER
So if Putin were his running mate you’re fine with that. The new world order includes their buddies Iran, China and No Korea.
So if Putin were his running mate you’re fine with that. The new world order includes their buddies Iran, China and No Korea.

No !
Putin is a thug and gangster .

Only T can save what is left of 4th world America
I have never understood why it was the Japs that attacked us but yet we sent millions of soldiers to Europe to fight.

By the time we entered the war in Europe the Russians had bled them pretty bad. The only thing America did was shorten the war by a year or two.

Besides, we essentially replaced a tyrannical Nazi power with a just as tyrannical Soviet power.

I think that everyone in the world would agree that it was a good thing for Hitler to be defeated. However, I don't think it was our job to do it.

If we hadn't sent so many resources to Europe we could have defeated the Japs in half the time it took us to do so.
A lot of the resources we sent to Europe went to Russia. If we hadn't had our troops there to liberate France, the Low Countries, and Italy, Stalin would have done it for us and Europe would be Red to this day.
Obama did it first...
Oh he did ? Sounds like an argument an 8 year old would make. Ah, no he didn’t. He built the gages for traitors. He knew Trump would be president. Besides they weren’t nearly big enough to hold all the convicted criminals in trumps administration.
Dems have made the USA into the exact type of country we defeated last century
You mean all the massive infrastructure spending by Obama did zero ??
Sure, it helped rebuild America after Bush, another Republican allowed the worse attack on our home land ever. You know republicans, thy have recessions and just don’t know how to defend the home land.
Oh he did ? Sounds like an argument an 8 year old would make. Ah, no he didn’t.

In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that the "cages" predate the Trump administration.

"Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017," Johnson said...

Feel free to admit you were wrong and apologize... or are you going to act like an eight year old?

In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that the "cages" predate the Trump administration.

"Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017," Johnson said...

Feel free to admit you were wrong and apologize... or are you going to act like an eight year old?
Of course he built the cages. But they were for Trump not innocent Christians. Go ahead, tell us how Trump treaded Christian Children.

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