Was the Pope "Islamophobic" too?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Regensburg Lecture

Mass street protests were mounted in many Islamic countries, the Majlis-e-Shoora (Pakistani parliament) unanimously called on the Pope to retract "this objectionable statement". The pope maintained that the comment he had quoted did not reflect his own views, and he offered an apology to Muslims.
The controversial comment originally appeared in the 7th of the 26 Dialogues Held With A Certain Persian, the Worthy Mouterizes, in Anakara of Galatia, written in 1391 as an expression of the views of the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos, one of the last Christian rulers before the Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Ottoman Empire, on such issues as forced conversion, holy war, and the relationship between faith and reason. The passage, in the English translation published by the Vatican, is as follows:

“ Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. ”
The pope had consulted a bilingual critical edition of this dialogue in the original Greek and with French translation.
Is the Pope a Nazi?
No. Of course not. Besides Nazis weren't enemies of Islam. You forget that Muslims fought alongside Nazis (Bosnian Nazi armies, the Mufti, etc.) and adopted many of their philosophies which exist today.

Islamophobe (is-slahm-o-fohb) - A non-Muslim who knows more than they are supposed to know about Islam.

Islamophobia is a fear of losing life or liberty to Islamic rule merely because the laws, sacred texts, and traditional practices of Islam demand the submission of culture, politics, religion and all social expression.* It tends to afflict those most familiar with the religion, while sparing the more gullible.

Unlike Infidelophobia (Quranically-inspired hatred for non-Muslims), Islamophobia doesn't involve dead bodies, but rather bruised Muslim feelings, which, according to the teachings of the faith, are far more important than the lives of infidels.

In Muhammad's day, Islamophobia was treated with a practice known as beheading.* Since this is now impractical outside of the Muslim world, the condition is best addressed by means of prevention.* Such preventive measures include willful ignorance - which is best assisted with a strong dose of taqiyya.

The fact is that when Islam checks in, a lot of folks wind up checking out... permanently.* Therefore Islamophobes are a pretty broad group.

Islamophobes include:

Hindus, Christians, and Jews who don’t want to be forced into a political system that treats them as third-class citizens.* (Islamic teaching)
Atheists who want the freedom to live openly as such and publicly challenge religious orthodoxy.* (Islamic teaching)

Women who don’t want to be draped in black bags.* (Islamic teaching)

Heterosexual males who don’t want to see women draped in black bags.* (Islamic teaching)

Drinkers (this one's important).* (Islamic teaching)

Artists (not quite as important). (Islamic teaching)

Historians who don’t want to see priceless manuscripts and books burned just because they disagree with the Quran.

Homosexuals who don’t want to be beaten to death.* (Islamic teaching)

Anyone else who believes that consenting adults should not be killed or tortured over sexual practices.* (Islamic teaching)

Liberals who don’t believe that culture and moral values should be established by a state-sponsored religion.* (Get past The Religion Barrier)

Dog lovers.* (Islamic teaching).

Animal Rights activists and anyone else who is opposed to the cruel and unethical treatment of animals.* (Islamic teaching)

Mothers who don’t want their daughters killed over a man’s “honor.”* (Islamic teaching)

Females who want to keep their clitoris.* (Islamic teaching)

Intellectuals who value freedom of conscience and public dissent.* (Islamic teaching)

Anyone believing that the value of a person's life is not determined by their religious beliefs.* (Islamic teaching)

Feminists who believe that women should not be made subordinate to men by a religion which openly insists that females are the intellectual and legal inferior of males.* (Islamic teaching)

Anyone else who objects to a religion in which a woman’s identity is defined by her relationship to a man.* (Islamic teaching)

The left-handed (Islamic teaching).

Conservatives who believe in preserving the Western heritage responsible for the civil freedom, political liberty and economic success which has attracted the flood of immigrants from Muslim nations, where such values are conspicuously lacking.* (Islamic teaching)

Muslims who would like the freedom to leave Islam.* (Islamic teaching)*
Regensburg Lecture

Mass street protests were mounted in many Islamic countries, the Majlis-e-Shoora (Pakistani parliament) unanimously called on the Pope to retract "this objectionable statement". The pope maintained that the comment he had quoted did not reflect his own views, and he offered an apology to Muslims.
The controversial comment originally appeared in the 7th of the 26 Dialogues Held With A Certain Persian, the Worthy Mouterizes, in Anakara of Galatia, written in 1391 as an expression of the views of the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos, one of the last Christian rulers before the Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Ottoman Empire, on such issues as forced conversion, holy war, and the relationship between faith and reason. The passage, in the English translation published by the Vatican, is as follows:

“ Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. ”
The pope had consulted a bilingual critical edition of this dialogue in the original Greek and with French translation.

No, he wasn't Islamophobic.
Regensburg Lecture

Mass street protests were mounted in many Islamic countries, the Majlis-e-Shoora (Pakistani parliament) unanimously called on the Pope to retract "this objectionable statement". The pope maintained that the comment he had quoted did not reflect his own views, and he offered an apology to Muslims.
The controversial comment originally appeared in the 7th of the 26 Dialogues Held With A Certain Persian, the Worthy Mouterizes, in Anakara of Galatia, written in 1391 as an expression of the views of the Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos, one of the last Christian rulers before the Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Ottoman Empire, on such issues as forced conversion, holy war, and the relationship between faith and reason. The passage, in the English translation published by the Vatican, is as follows:

“ Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. ”
The pope had consulted a bilingual critical edition of this dialogue in the original Greek and with French translation.

No, he wasn't Islamophobic.
And Muslims, in order to prove the Pope's words wrong, went on a violent rampage torching cities across Europe, killing Christians around the world, burning Churches, and murdering and terrorising totally innocent people. Not to mention death threats against the Pope. That's how you show how peaceful your religion is!
Another poster calls you "bullshit seeker", I'm beginning to totally agree with him. It appears Islamo-terrorist worshippers will go to all extremes to lie and misrepresent, in the name of Islamic facism. What you posted was a fake photo of the Pope in Church, stretching BOTH arms out while blessing. Hardly a Nazi salute! What a shameless LIAR!


Another poster calls you "bullshit seeker", I'm beginning to totally agree with him. It appears Islamo-terrorist worshippers will go to all extremes to lie and misrepresent, in the name of Islamic facism. What you posted was a fake photo of the Pope in Church, stretching BOTH arms out while blessing. Hardly a Nazi salute! What a shameless LIAR!


OUCH! That musta hurt! There goes the credibility of another IslamoNazi worshipper who calls himself "truth seeker". FAR FROM IT!
No shame, no shame at all. They will lie and defame even their own country in the name of Islam.


Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his immediate family joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Ratzinger’s father was critical of the Nazi government, and as a result the family had to move four times before he was ten years old.

None of this is remarkable, however, because the same happened with other German Catholic families. Although many German Catholic leaders were willing to work with the Nazis, many individual Catholics and Catholic priests resisted as best they could, refusing to cooperate with a political regime they regarded as anti-Catholic at best and the embodiment of evil at worst.

Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope.
I wonder what happened to BULLSHIT SEEKER? He seemed to have disappeared suddenly. Can somebody please tell him to come back and play some more?
No shame, no shame at all. They will lie and defame even their own country in the name of Islam.


Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his immediate family joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Ratzinger’s father was critical of the Nazi government, and as a result the family had to move four times before he was ten years old.

None of this is remarkable, however, because the same happened with other German Catholic families. Although many German Catholic leaders were willing to work with the Nazis, many individual Catholics and Catholic priests resisted as best they could, refusing to cooperate with a political regime they regarded as anti-Catholic at best and the embodiment of evil at worst.

Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope.

Is that like when GOPers suck dick and get caught say they didn't like it so they are not gay? you don't have to be in the military to be a Nazi.
No shame, no shame at all. They will lie and defame even their own country in the name of Islam.


Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his immediate family joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Ratzinger’s father was critical of the Nazi government, and as a result the family had to move four times before he was ten years old.

None of this is remarkable, however, because the same happened with other German Catholic families. Although many German Catholic leaders were willing to work with the Nazis, many individual Catholics and Catholic priests resisted as best they could, refusing to cooperate with a political regime they regarded as anti-Catholic at best and the embodiment of evil at worst.

Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope.

Is that like when GOPers suck dick and get caught say they didn't like it so they are not gay? you don't have to be in the military to be a Nazi.
Well if you're looking for a Nazi, BULLSHIT SEEKER, you just might look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the best you got, liar? NOTHING?
No shame, no shame at all. They will lie and defame even their own country in the name of Islam.


Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his immediate family joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Ratzinger’s father was critical of the Nazi government, and as a result the family had to move four times before he was ten years old.

None of this is remarkable, however, because the same happened with other German Catholic families. Although many German Catholic leaders were willing to work with the Nazis, many individual Catholics and Catholic priests resisted as best they could, refusing to cooperate with a political regime they regarded as anti-Catholic at best and the embodiment of evil at worst.

Joseph Ratzinger joined the Hitler Youth in 1941 when, according to him and his supporters, it became compulsory for all German boys. Millions of Germans were in a position similar to that of Joseph Ratzinger and his family, so why spend so much time focusing on him? Because he is no longer merely Joseph Ratzinger, or even a Catholic Cardinal — he is now Pope Benedict XVI. None of the other Germans who joined the Hitler Youth, were part of the military in Nazi Germany, lived near a concentration camp, and watched Jews being rounded up for death camps has ever become pope.

Is that like when GOPers suck dick and get caught say they didn't like it so they are not gay? you don't have to be in the military to be a Nazi.
Well if you're looking for a Nazi, BULLSHIT SEEKER, you just might look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the best you got, liar? NOTHING?

liar? He admits to being in the hitler youth nazi party.
Is that like when GOPers suck dick and get caught say they didn't like it so they are not gay? you don't have to be in the military to be a Nazi.
Well if you're looking for a Nazi, BULLSHIT SEEKER, you just might look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the best you got, liar? NOTHING?

liar? He admits to being in the hitler youth nazi party.
I already told you dumbass BULLSHIT SEEKER, all German youth were required to join the Hitler youth. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Still got nothin'.
Is that like when GOPers suck dick and get caught say they didn't like it so they are not gay? you don't have to be in the military to be a Nazi.
Well if you're looking for a Nazi, BULLSHIT SEEKER, you just might look at yourself in the mirror. Is this the best you got, liar? NOTHING?

liar? He admits to being in the hitler youth nazi party.

Like al youths of his age in Germany he was indeed forced to join the Hitler Youth. You are not a truthseeker but a manifest liar.
Bullshit seeker, ALL German youth were required to join the "Hitler Youth". More lies and misrepresenations. They have no shame.
"Required" ? I guess they were cowards just like murkins.
"OH. We were "required" to go to Nam.They told us we had to get Saddam. Afghans attacked the Jew Trade Centuhhh. Idiots.
Required as in a "pre draft" for young boys. Most if not all youth were required, yes required to join. Point is, Germany has admitted and asked forgiveness for its sins.

What I find funny is there are people out there who readily deny the Holocaust, while todays Germans and the Nazis (who kept meticulous records) have confirmed the event, the methodology, and the number of victims. I'm sure everytime Iran's leader or some other mental case goes off on a Holocaust denying rant, the Germans are laughing their asses off at the stupid ignorant morons.

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