Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
Border hasn't been right, since at least the 1980. maybe longer.
Immigration law allows folks in who are seeking political asylum ... like the people fighting for democracy in Cuba, when the commie bastards come to cut his head off, he can flee to the USA, the borders are open for him and his like ...

House Republicans need to appropriate more money to process these requests ... and more money to hire more border patrol ... and more money for jails ... tax the Middle-Class out of existence ... the Rich just need the Poor ...

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

I guess Lady Liberty doesn't mean as much any more ...
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
Well, Trump said he finished The Wall, so we can only conclude Joe Biden went down there and dismantled it.
The Republicans want immigration control about as much as they wanted Roe v. Wade or Obamacare repealed. It's just theater for the rubes.

With the economy going strong, the border is all they have left to hammer Biden with.

So here are some very strong clues you all are being hoaxed once again by the organization formerly known as the Republican party.

First, Joe Biden submitted an immigration reform package to Congress on DAY ONE of his administration. Did you rubes know that?

Check it out: Fact Sheet: President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System | The White House

  • Supplement existing border resources with technology and infrastructure. The legislation builds on record budget allocations for immigration enforcement by authorizing additional funding for the Secretary of DHS to develop and implement a plan to deploy technology to expedite screening and enhance the ability to identify narcotics and other contraband at every land, air, and sea port of entry. This includes high-throughput scanning technologies to ensure that all commercial and passenger vehicles and freight rail traffic entering the United States at land ports of entry and rail-border crossings along the border undergo pre-primary scanning. It also authorizes and provides funding for plans to improve infrastructure at ports of entry to enhance the ability to process asylum seekers and detect, interdict, disrupt and prevent narcotics from entering the United States. It authorizes the DHS Secretary to develop and implement a strategy to manage and secure the southern border between ports of entry that focuses on flexible solutions and technologies that expand the ability to detect illicit activity, evaluate the effectiveness of border security operations, and be easily relocated and broken out by Border Patrol Sector. To protect privacy, the DHS Inspector General is authorized to conduct oversight to ensure that employed technology effectively serves legitimate agency purposes.

The Republicans blew it off.

But the GOP really tipped their hand a few days ago when the military aid bill for Israel and Ukraine was before the Senate.

Senator Chuck Schumer offered a ZERO-CONDITIONS amendment to the bill which would have allowed the Republicans to add a border bill to the military aid bill WITH NO CHANGES BY THE DEMOCRATS ALLOWED.

The Republicans DECLINED.

And that, boys and girls, is how you know you are being hoaxed by the GOP yet again.

This Week’s ‘Border Security’ Debate Is a Ruse

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It's suffered a greenstick fracture for almost a century.

It's close to a full break now.
I still say "Mine the damned border, giving medical care and a free trip back to their original country, to anyone that breaks in and lives." Without quotas on acceptance, work visas issued, realistic court dates, presence in the country of sanctuary cities where they can't be touched, the financial outlay from federal coffers for a non-defined federal program, just an open checkbook, I am not very sympathetic to the illegal aliens or the migrants. To me, if you came illegally across our border, you are forever an illegal alien and should be automatically taken back to the country of origin and permanently banned from re-entry for your criminal attempt, but that, again, is just me.
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Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

Actually, she's totally correct. Our immigration system HAS been broken for a very long time.

All Trump did with the "Stay in Mexico" policy was kick the can down the road. Most of those refugees aren't Mexican and Mexico certainly doesn't have the resources to support them. How long did you reasonably expect them to wait?

The real problem is that it takes way too long to get asylum hearings. USCIS guidelines say it should take 180 days to resolve an asylum claim. The actual backlog is closer to three years to just get an initial hearing.

I've recently had to deal with the immigration system regarding my wife (who came here seven years ago from China on an asylum claim) getting her status changed from a work visa to a marriage visa. I had to file 200 pages of documentation, on top of paying close to $4000 in lawyer fees and government applications, and it's STILL going to be a year before it gets settled.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
It has been broken for decades. Up and down. It really started going bad under Trump compared to Obama but then crashed at the onset of COVID then after covid it went to shit again. Biden waited to long to pretend to give a shit and Congress only cares about dick picks and 1 a year wages.

Congress needs to pass legislation and not yesterday.
I still say "Mine the damned border, giving medical car and a free trip back to their original country, to anyone the breaks in and lives." Without quotas on acceptance, work visas issued, realistic court dates, presence in the country of sanctuary cities where they can't be touched, the financial outlay from federal coffers for a non-defined federal program, just an open checkbook, I am not very sympathetic to the illegal aliens or the migrants. To me, if you came illegally across our border, you are forever an illegal alien and should be automatically taken back to the country of origin and permanently banned from re-entry for your criminal attempt, but that, again, is just me.
Yes, we can always tell a conservative in that the Cruelty is often the point.

The problem is that the court dates AREN'T realistic. It takes years to get an asylum hearing.

Also, as long as you have businesses willing to hire them for jobs Americans won't do, you are always going to have illegal immigration.

What we actually need is a Guest worker program, that will allow immigrants to fill jobs while not granting them permanent status.

You see, in many ways, you nativists have created this problem. Before all this talk about "Cracking down on the border", workers would come up from Mexico, work a few months in construction or agriculture, and go back home and live pretty well.

Then you all made crossing the border a complete pain in the ass. So instead of trying to navigate it every year, they just come over once and bring the family.
It has been broken for decades.
Exactly right. George W. Bush attempted to enact immigration reform. He was stopped by the bigots in the House.

House Whip Eric Cantor (remember him?) backed immigration reform and the bigots responded by primarying him out of office.

Cantor loss kills immigration reform​

There is a very powerful faction in Congress which absolutely does not want anything done to fix our immigration problems.

All this talk about the border is a hoax. Theater for the rubes.
It has been broken for decades. Up and down. It really started going bad under Trump compared to Obama but then crashed at the onset of COVID then after covid it went to shit again. Biden waited to long to pretend to give a shit and Congress only cares about dick picks and 1 a year wages.

Congress needs to pass legislation and not yesterday.
I hope they end asylum. immigration by merit only.
I hope they end asylum. immigration by merit only.
You can hope all you want but Congress needs to submit legislation. What is Johnson waiting for? This is his golden moment.

That aside I think asylum approvals should be maintained at a level that we can process them in a hurry instead of just letting people wander around.
What specifically was wrong with how Trump managed the border?

Please remember who the "deporter in chief" was.
Trump didn’t do anything to help the processing time and legal immigration system which is what’s really needed to help the issue. All he did was act tough and demonize but that doesn’t stop people from coming and sneaking in.

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