Was John Wilkes Booth right to shoot Lincoln?

Lincoln did indeed advocate voluntary resettlement of former slaves- but always voluntary and never said anything about 'rounding them up'

That's true but then prior to the war abe said he had no authority and no inclination to free the slaves. Then three years later he issued the emancipation proclamation.!!! .

Lincoln had no authority or inclination prior to the war to free the slaves in slave states.

Which is why three years later he freed only the slaves he had the authority to free- the slaves in the rebellious slave states.

And that lead directly of course to the freeing of all slaves.

Something you have never forgiven Lincoln for.
Had JWB not murdered Dishonest Abe, blacks might have all been rounded up and deported per Abe's most ardent wish.

HAHAHA. You're right. Abe opposed slavery but he was very much a white supremacist and wanted blacks anywhere but america.

Of course Lincoln was a white supramacist.

Even abolitionists were largely racists by our standards then.

Of course he was a racist who was deeply opposed to slavery- unlike the racists who tried to leave the United States so that they could continue to own humans.
Lee surrendered the confederate military at Appomattox on April 9, 1865, and agreed to end hostilities with the agreement of exchanged letters on that date. There was no longer any legitimate or legal military purpose for the assassination that took place six days after the peace agreement and ending of hostilities that took place on April 15. This was not a case of soldiers in the field who were unaware of the agreement. Booth was a disgruntled confederate and chose to act in a dishonorable way and disobey the General of the Confederate Military.

You ignorant jackass. LEE WAS NOT HEAD OF STATE. He was just one of many generals the south had and he surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia. The South had other armies led by other generals and they continued fighting. And Booth was NOT in the military and no general could tell him what to do.

Booth wasn't in the military.

Which is why he was nothing more than a common murderer.
Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.

Union soldiers who were trespassing in a foreign country and refused to leave. That's what started the war.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You rednecks never learn. The fort, and the land it was on, was federal property after South Carolina ceded it.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
Rebels attacked troops of the United States when they fired upon Fort Sumter.
Congress authorized the calling up of Militia and Abraham Lincoln authorized the blockading of rebellious states- after the rebels fired upon American soldiers.

Union soldiers who were trespassing in a foreign country and refused to leave. That's what started the war.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You rednecks never learn. The fort, and the land it was on, was federal property after South Carolina ceded it.

Committee on Federal Relations
In the House of Representatives, December 31st, 1836

"The Committee on Federal relations, to which was referred the Governor's message, relating to the site of Fort Sumter, in the harbour of Charleston, and the report of the Committee on Federal Relations from the Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report by Resolution:

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

there sure are some folks that will never forgive the United States for ending slavery.
The Civil War was not quite over when lincoln was shot and since L was commander in chief of the Union army, he was certainly a legitimate military target.

Lincoln started the war that killed 600,000 americans and if he had lived he'd have likely started another war, maybe with canada or england.

Both legally and ethically, JWB was in the right.

Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia on April 9, 1865, which effectively ended the war. Lincoln was assassinated on April 15. Lee's forces were given better terms than probably any other defeated army in history. Lincoln's assassination made reconstruction a much more divisive effort than it would have been under Lincoln. The results are still haunting America to this day.
[]I do, it was war and they were the aggressor.
please no bullshit about states rights and other excuses for the south.

The south was the aggressor?? HAHAHA. You are the most ignorant person ever.

The south just walked away from the union. Then the north invaded them to force them back in.

Who fired the first shot? That's usually how we determine who started the war.
Lincoln had no authority or inclination prior to the war to free the slaves in slave states.

Which is why three years later he freed only the slaves he had the authority to free- the slaves in the rebellious slave states.

Just the opposite. The confederacy was a foreign country and lincoln had no authority to free their slaves and yet the EP said they were free!!! The EP was just a PR stunt to keep france and england out of the war.
Who fired the first shot? That's usually how we determine who started the war.

Not so. If you caught a tresspasser in your house and you told him to leave and he refused and so you shot him, then YOU fired the first shot - but the incident is still his fault. THINK
It is AMAZING how people say Lincoln didn't shit on our COTUS. In his proclamation to call Congress together, he himself even said he needs Congress to OK his unconstitutional actions..
Revisionist bullshit is all this is.
Who fired the first shot? That's usually how we determine who started the war.

Not so. If you caught a tresspasser in your house and you told him to leave and he refused and so you shot him, then YOU fired the first shot - but the incident is still his fault. THINK
The South fired the first shot. HOWEVER, that is why they were there. Abe wanted them to start it. "honest" abe had a GREAT PR guy!
Who fired the first shot? That's usually how we determine who started the war.

Not so. If you caught a tresspasser in your house and you told him to leave and he refused and so you shot him, then YOU fired the first shot - but the incident is still his fault. THINK
You remain a moron. Fort Sumter was not South Carolina's "house." It belonged to the federal government. Along with the land it was on as well as adjacent territory. The war started when the Confederacy opened fire on Union soldiers in a federal installation.
Booth was hunted down like a wild dog and killed. His crew of traitors were hung by the neck until they were dead. The were treated as common murders.

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