Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

Was Jan 6th an actual insurrection or a democrat hoax?

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Ummm, nope. But......
...but if it did, then one of her own fellow attackers shot her.

Is that what poster Bob Blaylock is suggesting here?
That it wasn't the policeman.....that it was another rioter who shot her in the back?

Color me skeptical.
Cause it sure looked like she was attacking the police, and it was a single policeman in front of her who shot her.
Anyway, that's the way I see the various videos.


Ummm, which videos are you referring to?

Poor, now dead, Babbitt was attacking the police (after all, after being warned, she chose to charge in their direction, she didn't back away, she didn't retreat).....she charged forward. Now she is dead for attacking police. Not the first time that kind of thing has happened. No?
She wasn't attacking police, she was being pushed from behind by cops and shot in the face by a goon who could see the cops behind her.
My vote helped to knock your MAGAT leader back on his ass & on a one way flight back to MAL where he lurks.
The video is clear that she was trying to climb through a broken window, not charging at anyone or anything. And that the shot that killed her came from behind.

And that she was in a tight crowd of people, very likely not even specifically targeted by that shot; but rather, the shot was just randomly fired at that crowd, and she was the one that it hit.

The video leaves no doubt at all, that she was murdered, in the most careless and cowardly way possible. The cowardly, murderous piece subhuman of shit that fired that shot deserves to be put to death for it.

I don't think there are any circumstances under which it is legal or justifiable for an officer of the law to fire a shot randomly into a crowd of people that are facing away from him. And shooting any unarmed person in the back has always been regarded as just flat-out cowardly. That piece of shit needs to die by comparable violence to that by which he murdered Ms. Babbitt.
What’s clear is that she was a treasonous domestic terrorist and insurrectionist lawfully killed while committing her act of treasonous domestic terrorism.
Hoax: Just like Michelle Obama acting like she is a MAN.

Hoax: Just like Hillary acting like she is a desirable woman but is really a FAT COW her husband does not want to have sex with.

Hoax: Just like senile Joe Biden pretending he is running the country. :auiqs.jpg:
she was being pushed from behind by cops

No kidding?
Poster Bob Blaylock asserts that cops shot her from behind.
Now, poster koshergirl says she, actually, was being pushed by cops.....not shot.

I'm impressed, clearly poster Bob and Gurl have access to video that I haven't seen.

Anyone else, see what Bob & Gurl saw?
I'm curious.
It was a short riot, instigated by the capitol cops firing flash bangs into a peaceful crowd...which you can see from the Jan. 6 video.
YUP, so True.
But that was after the FACT that these criminals broke through Barrier (1), then Barrier (2) after passing through Warning Signs saying Area Closed.
But never mind this FACT, these criminals advanced, and met the Barriers closest to the Capitol, and they broke through, ILLEGALLY, and advanced on the Capitol. which you can see from the Jan. 6 video.

This ^^^ all happened before 1:00pm.

They SHOULD have Fired Bullets at these idiots.
I'm SAD they didn't.
the crowd was just standing there when the capitol cops fired the flash bangs......then the crowd got mad...
After breaking through 3 previous Barriers, all marked...."Area Closed"
They were given warnings to retreat, when they didn't comply, they got flash bangs.....which should have been gun fire.
After breaking through 3 previous Barriers, all marked...."Area Closed"
They were given warnings to retreat, when they didn't comply, they got flash bangs.....which should have been gun fire.

Yes....and I am sure you will be there when the democrats are forcing them into box cars....
The poll needs more options.

It definitely wasn't a real insurrection. A real insurrection doesn't involve people in goofy costumes doing photo ops, and a bunch of unarmed people.

I got the feeling from the start that there were agent provocateurs there, who got some of the crowd going.

But imo the reason the poll is incomplete is because I don't see everything in terms of Democrat vs Republican. I think these psyops are done by the powers-that-shouldn't be, who are globalists... That's why they want to demonize people who are against their globalist agenda, and they are constantly pitting groups against each other, and keeping us all divided.
A bunch of middle aged larpers taking an unscheduled building tour.
A tour requires an invitation or a ticket.
Here is the video again, from 3 different vantage
Does this video show the Cult Members breaking through the OUTSIDE barriers which clearly said 'Area Closed'.
notice how the flash bangs in the Jan. 6 video were fired into a peaceful, tightly packed crowd......which is not how it is supposed to be done
They arrived at their position by ILLEGALLY breaking though Barriers, which were marked 'Area Closed'
But imo the reason the poll is incomplete is because I don't see everything in terms of Democrat vs Republican. I think these psyops are done by the powers-that-shouldn't be, who are globalists... That's why they want to demonize people who are against their globalist agenda, and they are constantly pitting groups against each other, and keeping us all divided.

This is what is going on...

Now. Combine that with what the NGOs did in synergy with media and government to fuel th BLM riots to project an image and what the NGOs are currently doing in synergy with media and government by importing the image of what the Jews/Muslim have going on on the other side of the world onto our own steets and institutions and they've basically covered every political demographic so that no matter which way you turn, someone is raising a victim status card in a manner that demands more government and less freedom.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.
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The poll needs more options.

It definitely wasn't a real insurrection. A real insurrection doesn't involve people in goofy costumes doing photo ops, and a bunch of unarmed people.

I got the feeling from the start that there were agent provocateurs there, who got some of the crowd going.

But imo the reason the poll is incomplete is because I don't see everything in terms of Democrat vs Republican. I think these psyops are done by the powers-that-shouldn't be, who are globalists... That's why they want to demonize people who are against their globalist agenda, and they are constantly pitting groups against each other, and keeping us all divided.
More than 2,000 rioters entered the building, many of whom vandalized and looted parts of the building, including the offices of then House speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress. Rioters also assaulted Capitol Police officers and reporters, and attempted to locate lawmakers to capture and harm.

No kidding?
Poster Bob Blaylock asserts that cops shot her from behind.
Now, poster koshergirl says she, actually, was being pushed by cops.....not shot.

I'm impressed, clearly poster Bob and Gurl have access to video that I haven't seen.

Anyone else, see what Bob & Gurl saw?
I'm curious.
The video I saw she was shot in the face, but maybe the goons behind her shot her too. When the goons target ppl they generally all shoot, then lie about it.
Yes, I agree with what he said about the PTSB wanting to project the image of 'domestic terrorism' for strategic purposes. And he's not a Trumper, right? But he sees through all of it.

It's Thomas Massie. He's the best in Congress. Actually Trump said that he should be kicked out of the Republican party and Nancy Pelosi said that he was a dangerous nuisance, both in the same week, when he demonstrated the audacity to stand up for the Republic.

But I edited to add to that other post for sake of clarity.
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It's Thomas Massie. He's the best in Congress.

But I edited to add to that post for sake of clarity.

I knew who it was. I was just saying he's not a Trumper, right? So he can't be accused of being a partisan, because as you implied, he's one of the very few who actually puts principle first.

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