Was Cain terminated (fired) from the National Restaurant Association?

All this amounts to really is to point out Cain is astoundingly bad candidate. That said, I do hope he gets the nomination.

Cain's got a new constituency. They've even started a PAC for him.

It's acronym is SAC. Sexual Abusers for Cain.

Interesting how left wingers can create their own reality. And you wonder why the right laugh at you... :lol:

I don't think you should mock people who are supporting Cain. You're just another liberal who doesn't get it.

Randy Baul developed the organization, and he spent a lot of his free time developing his Political Action Committee.

And all I know is this: Cain welcomes Baul's SAC support!
Don't Out Cain's Accusers

By Michelle Goldberg

Conservatives are calling for Herman Cain's harassment accusers to come forward. But Michelle Goldberg says their anonymity shouldn't be compromised just because he's running for president.

It’s probably only a matter of time before the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s are outed. Already, the conservative media is braying for their names and setting up justifications for identifying them. “See, a little bird told Politico that something scandalous happened a while back, but they’re not going to tell us who said so or even what exactly is supposed to have happened,” wrote The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher on Friday. “If you didn’t know better, you’d think they were indulging in the lowest sort of rumormongering while hiding behind a tissue-thin veil of journalistic integrity.”

Unlike Anita Hill, they haven’t made a choice to become involved in a big national political battle.

And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

More: Herman Cain's Sexual-Harassment Accusers Shouldn't Be Outed - The Daily Beast

And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

Even for righties, that's low to threaten a woman like that.
Hell, I say let everybody just keep yapping. The three ring circus of accusations and claims that the GOP has devolved into is certainly good for a lot of laughs.
Did "he" sign a confidentiality agreement? I ask these questions in context of all the alleged sexual harassment charges against him.

Is Lakhota really an out patient from a mental word for recovering bestiality offenders?

I ask because the mere asking of a question isn't the same as making an accusation or anything ....

And one requires no proof to ask a mere harmless question.
And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

Even for righties, that's low to threaten a woman like that.

1) Who said it was righties calling her?

2) Who said she was telling the truth, given the fact she was a lying sack of manure.

Okay, new rule. If you aren't willing to state FOR THE RECORD what your name is, what your accusation is, then no one should talke about you. Period.
And so these women are likely bracing for their lives to be blown apart. During the Clarence Thomas hearings, Anita Hill described coming home to an “answering machine full of messages, some worse than I had anticipated—death threats and threats of rape or sodomy.” In the epilogue to her 1997 book Speaking Truth to Power, she wrote, “My life has been forever changed. I will never again feel as safe and secure as I did before I received the first threats on my life.” Hill’s ordeal was before Fox News, before the reputational meat grinder of the Internet. If the women in the Cain case decide to come forward, they will deserve credit for their bravery, but to force them into the spotlight would be yet another violation.

Even for righties, that's low to threaten a woman like that.

1) Who said it was righties calling her?

2) Who said she was telling the truth, given the fact she was a lying sack of manure.

Okay, new rule. If you aren't willing to state FOR THE RECORD what your name is, what your accusation is, then no one should talke about you. Period.

That's "special"...
Even for righties, that's low to threaten a woman like that.

1) Who said it was righties calling her?

2) Who said she was telling the truth, given the fact she was a lying sack of manure.

Okay, new rule. If you aren't willing to state FOR THE RECORD what your name is, what your accusation is, then no one should talke about you. Period.

That's "special"...
Not as 'special' as your being a shameless, racist pig.
Was Herman Cain terminated (fired) from the National Restaurant Association?

Well if he was costing them a lot of money by being a lech, probably.

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