War on Christmas

Instead you can invite some Druids over and make it a very merry day! Also invite a few Persians (Roman soliders actually) to cover Mithros....while you are at it!

As long as they bring an extra punkin pie. ;)

Actually, this year our featured guest is a Satanist who was raised by Jehovah's Witness parents, and has never celebrated ANY holiday. He got behind the idea of Christmas when my 13-year-old explained that the REAL underlying meaning of it was getting presents. ;)
Actually, I thought Christmas was celebrated by our forefathers.

I know that in the dark and middle ages it was celebrated, but it wasn't so much CHristmas as Michaelmas and a couple of other saints days that all sort of fell around the same time.

Big whoop. The Christians have decided to use it as a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Some people use it to celebrate winter and a season of giving. Who gives a shit? Like I said, some people need to get a hobby, or spend some more time doing things that really matter, and quit obsessing about shutting down everyone else's lives.

Some of our forefathers did, some didn't. Depends on the religious tradition they came from.

In the SCA (medieval recreation) we celebrate Twelfth Night, with each night from Boxing Day on being marked by a different household hosting a huge, drunken party.
Likewise, what is wrong with saying "Happy Holidays"??? Who is offended by that greeting? It covers the entire holiday season until New Years.

It's not that there's anything wrong with it per se, and I'm certainly not going to get my panties wadded over it, but generally speaking, the person using it is probably doing so as a mealymouthed, wimpy attempt to be "diverse", which doesn't exactly fill me with respect.
Maybe other Christians, who think Christmas is a pagan holiday. I worked with one of those women. Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, atheists don't celebrate Christmas.

Yes, but most people of non-Christian traditions who live in the US are accustomed to the fact that the vast majority of Americans DO celebrate Christmas in some form, and don't really give it a lot of thought. It would be as if I had moved to India and had to adjust myself to their holidays and traditions.
Yes, but most people of non-Christian traditions who live in the US are accustomed to the fact that the vast majority of Americans DO celebrate Christmas in some form, and don't really give it a lot of thought. It would be as if I had moved to India and had to adjust myself to their holidays and traditions.

Might we have a taker to explain the discrepancies between the Gospels of Mark and John, as well as the additions of Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11?
They're loud, but they're really only powerful because judges, the media, and a lot of stupid people listen to them. If we all ignored them, as tantrum-throwing children deserve to be, we'd all be better off.
But we don't ignore them because we respond to new emotions instead of logic and common sense.
Yes, but most people of non-Christian traditions who live in the US are accustomed to the fact that the vast majority of Americans DO celebrate Christmas in some form, and don't really give it a lot of thought. It would be as if I had moved to India and had to adjust myself to their holidays and traditions.

No one is accustomed to getting beat up over not using the proper greeting for the Christmas holiday.
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No one is accustomed to getting beat up over not using the proper greeting for the Christmas holiday.

No, I don't mean that. I mean that Jews and others who've lived here a long time are aware that most people in this country celebrate Christmas, and don't actually get themselves into a lather over it being more prominent than their own holiday. I like to believe most Americans in general have a more "live and let live" attitude.

Those people you mentioned having fistfights are examples - thankfully isolated examples - of what I've been saying about the pathetic irony of turning a wish for joy and happiness in someone else's life into a battleground. Someone needs to go soak his head in a bucket of ice water and get some frigging perspective. A lot of someones.
Might we have a taker to explain the discrepancies between the Gospels of Mark and John, as well as the additions of Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11?

You would get more if you actually voiced what the discrepancies are, instead of just trotting out the passages by chapter and verse and expecting people to read your mind about what you imagine the discrepancies are.
Originally Posted by YWN666
That is a lot of baloney. On what basis would anyone sue a store for putting up a sign that says Merry Christmas?? What would the cause of action be?

Discrimination and prejudice.

Yeah, good luck with that! That's not a legal cause of action against a private company. You can whine about it and you can even boycott the store but you don't have a legal leg to stand on.
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You would get more if you actually voiced what the discrepancies are, instead of just trotting out the passages by chapter and verse and expecting people to read your mind about what you imagine the discrepancies are.

Is this a joke? I defined them so incredibly clearly for you, yet you couldn't get it through your dense skull.
Is this a joke? I defined them so incredibly clearly for you, yet you couldn't get it through your dense skull.

No, you have never defined anything clearly. You mentioned a 3-day or 3-hour discrepancy. That's it. Means nothing and you didn't elaborate.

So don't expect someone to get into a big discussion with you about it when you are incapable of articulating your position. Other than blather about the timeline, which is of course meaningless.

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