WaPo: Russia paid for Facebook ads encouraging Bernie supporters not to vote last November

Oh it couldn't be that Sanders supporters felt betrayed. No. OMG it was Putin that made them stay home.

Burning from leaked emails, these Sanders supporters won’t back Hillary

Burning from leaked emails, these Sanders supporters won't back Hillary
How many felt betrayed after watching Russian propaganda? You didn't say.

You really need to give up the Russian bullshit if you really want to move your party into the win column again. But to address your question I believe you would have to poll Sanders supporters who felt "Berned by Hillary" if they were swayed by alleged Russian propaganda.

You could be partially right. The investigation will expose everything that needs to be exposed.
Yeah yeah that's the ticket. It wasn't that the Sanders voters were pissed off at Clinton and the DNC fucking Bernie over to win the nomination for Clinton.

No. That couldn't be it at all. Yeah it was the Russians that convinced the Sanders voters to not come out for Hillary.

Yeah, yeah it was the Ruskies. Not that Hillary called them basement dwellers. Yeah, yeah, it was the Russians.

....What if I told you those are not mutually exclusive?

I'm on facebook all the time and i never saw any of this.
Because not everyone was targeted with ads , moron. That's why it's called microtargeting
You sound like those, "I wasn't polled, so polls don't exist" morons.

How did the Russkies find out who the Bernie supporters were? Who sent them that info??


Ummm Facebook tracks your activity and lets ads target you based on it.

So if you like or post Bernie related posts and live in certain area chances are you've seen these Russian adds.
False choice. The Russians amplified the discord with their Facebook ads.
Of course many Bernie supporters were unhappy, but a whole nation added fuel to the fire. And thus, tinydancer's bad argument fails once again.

Oooooooooh. It was reported that they spent a whole $100,000. Wow just wow. Look at the power of Russian money compared to millions spent by Team Hillary.
Wait. But I thought Russians wanted Hillary to win. Uh oh, you accidentally debunked Trump’s fake claim.

I never claimed that. Only country I can point to definitively that interfered in the election to put Clinton in the White House is the Ukraine.
How much did Ukraine spend on Facebook ads? Crickets.

Facebook hasn't released that information. But the Ukrainian interference is recognized even in the Ukraine. Actually it's a big issue at the moment.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country's government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.


08/16/2017 12:48 PM EDT

KIEV – A Ukrainian member of parliament has requested a criminal investigation into possible meddling by his country’s government into last year’s U.S. presidential elections, claiming the interference has “seriously damaged Ukrainian-American relations.”

In a July 24 letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Andrei Derkach, an independent MP who was formerly aligned with a pro-Russian party, requested that authorities launch a pretrial investigation into “illegal interference in the election of President of the United States organized by a criminal organization.” This organization, he said, consisted of senior members of the country’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau, government officials, and other public figures.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties

Russian dog in Ukraine spreading the good word? Say it ain't so!!
WaPo: Russia paid for Facebook ads encouraging Bernie supporters not to vote last November
The Bernie or Bust movement was (at least in part) fueled by Russian operatives in social media.
From today's Washington Post:

Watts said such efforts were most likely to have been effective in Midwestern swing states such as Wisconsin and Michigan, where Democratic primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders had beaten Clinton. Watts said the disinformation pushed by the Russians included messages designed to reinforce the idea that Sanders had been mistreated by the Democratic Party and that his supporters shouldn’t bother to vote during the general election in November.

Russian operatives used Facebook ads to exploit America’s racial and religious divisions

Russia is know for this in Eastern Europe. So this is very likely...Russia is the enemy of the united states.
Watts said the disinformation pushed by the Russians included messages designed to reinforce the idea that Sanders had been mistreated by the Democratic Party and that his supporters shouldn’t bother to vote during the general election in November.

Ummm, whose idea/propaganda, were they reinforcing?

Maybe Bernie supporters were pissed that he sold out
when he came forward to throw his support behind her
even though he said she wasn't qualified to be president.

Maybe the poll numbers, showing Trump, in Hillary's dust
helped to keep Bernie supporters from voting in the election,

Speaking of which....
maybe the polls were rigged from the get go,
but, instead of Trump voters saying...

shit, why bother, he doesn't stand a chance,
my vote isn't going to make a difference,
the establishment wins again, like always

Hillary voters or those who didn't want Trump to win
figured, shit, she's got this in the bag, don't need to vote

Seriously, there is just something fishy about those polls

Anyhoo, how come she's not blaming Obama too?
He didn't make any effort to deliver the black vote,
other than, towards the finish line, to state,
he would consider it an insult to himself,
if the black community didn't come out for her
in droves, like they did for him.

Every politician, every candidate running for election,
smears their opponents, as much as their money allows,

through tv ads, mailers, radio ads, now they have the internet,
through websites, goggle ads, Facebook, twitter....
during the debates, in interviews, town hall meetings....

The fact of the matter is, she lost
and it wasn't Gods will for her to be president.

And frankly, the way she has handled the loss
and the never ending list of whose to blame
yet, never making it on her list, to this day,
makes me thrilled, she lost the election!
WaPo: Russia paid for Facebook ads encouraging Bernie supporters not to vote last November
The Bernie or Bust movement was (at least in part) fueled by Russian operatives in social media.
From today's Washington Post:

Watts said such efforts were most likely to have been effective in Midwestern swing states such as Wisconsin and Michigan, where Democratic primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders had beaten Clinton. Watts said the disinformation pushed by the Russians included messages designed to reinforce the idea that Sanders had been mistreated by the Democratic Party and that his supporters shouldn’t bother to vote during the general election in November.

Russian operatives used Facebook ads to exploit America’s racial and religious divisions

Russia is know for this in Eastern Europe. So this is very likely...Russia is the enemy of the united states.
Watts said the disinformation pushed by the Russians included messages designed to reinforce the idea that Sanders had been mistreated by the Democratic Party and that his supporters shouldn’t bother to vote during the general election in November.

Ummm, whose idea/propaganda, were they reinforcing?

Maybe Bernie supporters were pissed that he sold out
when he came forward to throw his support behind her
even though he said she wasn't qualified to be president.

Maybe the poll numbers, showing Trump, in Hillary's dust
helped to keep Bernie supporters from voting in the election,

Speaking of which....
maybe the polls were rigged from the get go,
but, instead of Trump voters saying...

shit, why bother, he doesn't stand a chance,
my vote isn't going to make a difference,
the establishment wins again, like always

Hillary voters or those who didn't want Trump to win
figured, shit, she's got this in the bag, don't need to vote

Seriously, there is just something fishy about those polls

Anyhoo, how come she's not blaming Obama too?
He didn't make any effort to deliver the black vote,
other than, towards the finish line, to state,
he would consider it an insult to himself,
if the black community didn't come out for her
in droves, like they did for him.

Every politician, every candidate running for election,
smears their opponents, as much as their money allows,

through tv ads, mailers, radio ads, now they have the internet,
through websites, goggle ads, Facebook, twitter....
during the debates, in interviews, town hall meetings....

The fact of the matter is, she lost
and it wasn't Gods will for her to be president.

And frankly, the way she has handled the loss
and the never ending list of whose to blame
yet, never making it on her list, to this day,
makes me thrilled, she lost the election!

"An insult to himself"...................well that's a winning election strategy right there...not!!!! What's scary for her is that Obama may well have increased the Black Vote for her considerably.


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