Wanted for TREASON!


Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

Frightening! And I will never forgive the right wingers who started this same crap on Obama if Obama is assassinated....

I know that may sound unchristian like, for someone like me who claims to be a Christian...but it is honestly how I feel....

and I am not that nuts over the mediocre job Obama has done since he has been in office, but I also know he has been given platitudes more to deal with than most presidents....

except Lee Harvey Oswald was a left-wing extremist. These pamphlets had nothing to do with Kennedy getting killed.

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

You forgot that he couldn't keep his dick in his pants and he could not hold his liquor. ;):):)
I would guess 35 of the 43 presidents have cheated on their wives.
I would guess 35 of the 43 presidents have cheated on their wives.

I seriously doubt Jackie was behind the plot. I can't say the same for GWB though. He seems to be responsible for everything else from the Ice Age, to High Tide, to New Jersey's theft of Liberty Island from New York (No that was Hillary and Bill), to the failure of New Horizon. Why not just blame him for the smear campaign on Kennedy and the Assassination plot. George did it. Let's blame him for starting all of the Catholic Bashing too.
Check the John Birchers chapter.

They placed this ad in the paper the same day JFK came to town too.


are you saying this somehow caused him to be murdered? Again, Oswald was a communist sympathizer and part of the "Hands off Cuba" crusade. He would not have identified with those putting out those pamphlets and newspaper ads.
This thread isn't about Oswald.
Check the John Birchers chapter.

They placed this ad in the paper the same day JFK came to town too.


are you saying this somehow caused him to be murdered? Again, Oswald was a communist sympathizer and part of the "Hands off Cuba" crusade. He would not have identified with those putting out those pamphlets and newspaper ads.
This thread isn't about Oswald.

ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
No She's referring to all of the buttons that were pushed by JFK. Catholics can't be trusted you know! ;)
are you saying this somehow caused him to be murdered? Again, Oswald was a communist sympathizer and part of the "Hands off Cuba" crusade. He would not have identified with those putting out those pamphlets and newspaper ads.
This thread isn't about Oswald.

ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
Nope, I am not claiming that.

One of the new meme's lately is that JFK would have been a conservative today and how the right seems to want to have him as one of their own. We see it with MLK as well with "Martin Luther King was a Republican" you know revisionists.

My point was more along the lines of just how much the right hated JFK (and MLK) and how eerily similar the charges and death-punishing vilifications were then, and are now.
This thread isn't about Oswald.

ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
Nope, I am not claiming that.

One of the new meme's lately is that JFK would have been a conservative today and how the right seems to want to have him as one of their own. We see it with MLK as well with "Martin Luther King was a Republican" you know revisionists.

My point was more along the lines of just how much the right hated JFK (and MLK) and how eerily similar the charges and death-punishing vilifications were then, and are now.
you think any/all cons are similar to those who put those pamphlets out? including those who claim Kennedy as their own?
Lets see. Kennedy was assasinated nearly 50 years ago.
It seems, based on the responses of most to this so far that this is the first anyone saw of this flyer. And all of you are quite involved in political debate.

So likely, this was quite limited in circulation and more likely than not, just a small group made it up and hung it in their basement.

So then you imply, based on this:

ALL conservatives think this of ALL democratic Presidents.

Man on man. You guys will dig up ANYTHING to try to make the right look bad.

Quite pathetic.

These flyers were an issue when JFK came to Dallas. Dallas hated JFK and it was well known.

What is amazing is how little the right wing rhetoric has changed in 47 years

JFK Blown Away--Hooray! - Professor Wilkes - University of Georgia School of Law

Author: Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law.

“JFK, blown away, what else do I have to say.”–Billy Joel’s song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”

Exactly 43 years ago, on Nov. 22, 1963, 46-year old President John F. Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. in Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.

Dallas was then, as Matthew Smith notes in JFK: The Second Plot (1992), “the southwest hate capital of Dixie.... In its politics and in its people, Dallas represented the right wing as far as it could go.” Before and during his Dallas visit, local right-wingers busied themselves to make JFK unwelcome. They were angry and indignant that JFK was coming to their city. In fact, at the very time shots were being fired at President Kennedy a right-wing protestor stood a few feet away, heckling JFK by comparing him to Neville Chamberlain.

When the president died, the cheering stopped and for days America was filled with gloom and mourning. There was, however, in this country one political group that rejoiced at the news of the assassination. Right-wingers, the truth must be told, were delighted by Kennedy’s death. As far as they were concerned, Kennedy deserved to die, die, die.

More at link.

I remember the assassination quite well, it's something that sticks in your mind. I also know my father was a die hard republican (right wing) and didn't like JFK. My parents did not cheer at his death. They were somber, and for quite awhile afterward. My mother cried. The only time my dad cheered was when Jack Ruby shot Oswald. My father of course, believed Oswald was the assassinater and acted alone.

I think you will always find a few who are crazy on both ends of the spectrum. To blame the entire GOP because of that fringe is as bad as blaming all the dems because of their fringe elements. Although truth to tell, both the dems and reps have done more harm to this country than any other political party in history.
ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
Nope, I am not claiming that.

One of the new meme's lately is that JFK would have been a conservative today and how the right seems to want to have him as one of their own. We see it with MLK as well with "Martin Luther King was a Republican" you know revisionists.

My point was more along the lines of just how much the right hated JFK (and MLK) and how eerily similar the charges and death-punishing vilifications were then, and are now.
you think any/all cons are similar to those who put those pamphlets out? including those who claim Kennedy as their own?
I think some are. I see it on the web all the time.

Not all, not by a long shot.

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

Without the photo:

WOW !!!!

Coulda been BOOOOOOSH !!!!

Even though BOOOOOOOOSH is a Republican, the lefties call him a MURDERER. Also, "He has illegally invaded a sovereign state IRAQ (even though the Majority of the Congressional Dems, and Clinton himself was for it), etc.

However, BOOOOOSH was/is clearly an impeachable fool because he isn't a MARXIST COMMIE and Muslim PC Protector like Obami Salaami who has a penchant for sitting around with his thumb up his arse in times of CRISIS: MONTHS of delay in Afghanistan when our troops' lives were in imminent danger because of being grossly understaffed. Lacking basic leadership qualities in dithering around during the Oil Spill. Delaying...nay, CRITICIZING the correct enactment of the AZ LAW when Arizona and the Border States are in a CRISIS MODE overrun with Illegal Immigrants...... with the Arizona Law being INSANELY challenged instead of sending in the National Guard. 3500 acres of Sovereign America's Arizona Pinal County virtually ceded to Mexican Human Traffickers and Drug Cartels (and ringed off with warnings to keep away from this sovereign American territory under pain of death from this trash).

BOOOOSH should be like the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami who has a penchant for vilifying America with every opportunity he can, scraping and bowing to every foreign leader so comically that it looked as though he was giving the Oily Saudi Arabia's Sheik a blowjob.

One could go on and on and on......but why bother ?

Nov 2010 will presage the story of 2012 when this MONUMENTAL FRAUD of ours will get his just desserts.
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see, paperview, I find it hard to believe that people like gautama would call Kennedy one of his own.

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

Without the photo:

WOW !!!!

Coulda been BOOOOOOSH !!!!

Even though BOOOOOOOOSH is a Republican, the lefties call him a MURDERER. Also, "He has illegally invaded a sovereign state IRAQ (even though the Majority of the Congressional Dems, and Clinton himself was for it), etc.

However, BOOOOOSH was/is clearly an impeachable fool because he isn't a MARXIST COMMIE and Muslim PC Protector like Obami Salaami who has a penchant for sitting around with his thumb up his arse in times of CRISIS: MONTHS of delay in Afghanistan when our troops' lives were in imminent danger because of being grossly understaffed. Lacking basic leadership qualities in dithering around during the Oil Spill. Delaying...nay, CRITICIZING the correct enactment of the AZ LAW when Arizona and the Border States are in a CRISIS MODE overrun with Illegal Immigrants...... with the Arizona Law being INSANELY challenged instead of sending in the National Guard. 3500 acres of Sovereign America's Arizona Pinal County virtually ceded to Mexican Human Traffickers and Drug Cartels (and ringed off with warnings to keep away from this sovereign American territory under pain of death from this trash).

BOOOOSH should be like the Black Racist MARXIST Palestinian Guardian Muslim PC Protector Obami Salaami who has a penchant for vilifying America with every opportunity he can, scraping and bowing to every foreign leader so comically that it looked as though he was giving the Oily Saudi Arabia's Sheik a blowjob.

One could go on and on and on......but why bother ?

Nov 2010 will presage the story of 2012 when this MONUMENTAL FRAUD of ours will get his just desserts.

Face it, it could be any of the presidents we've had in the past 50 years.
This thread isn't about Oswald.

ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
Nope, I am not claiming that.

One of the new meme's lately is that JFK would have been a conservative today and how the right seems to want to have him as one of their own. We see it with MLK as well with "Martin Luther King was a Republican" you know revisionists.

My point was more along the lines of just how much the right hated JFK (and MLK) and how eerily similar the charges and death-punishing vilifications were then, and are now.

It's not all revisionist PPV. MLK's daddy was a Republican. MLK was more a cross over with characteristics of both parties. It was a transitional time. Conservatism is a wide spectrum both politically and socially. It is very unfair to paint it the way you do. Nobody owns it exclusively. My best friend is a Black Conservative Priest and College Professor born and raised in Brooklyn. He see's the Republican Party as the Party of Lincoln, as did most from his generation, at one time. Circumstance may have changed that, and so did bad reporting. The same bad reporting that is trying to manipulate thought and control minds today. Let each have their say, including yourself, and trust that each has an interest to be their best self, when it counts. What needs to be said cannot be held back, be it for the benefit of knowledge or just venting, let it be said. We are not forced to agree, nor should we be, but we do need to consider the merit.
This thread isn't about Oswald.

ok, so you're not claiming that the "treason" pamphlets had any connection to Kennedy being killed? You agree that if they had never been sent out, Kennedy would still have been murdered?
Nope, I am not claiming that.

One of the new meme's lately is that JFK would have been a conservative today and how the right seems to want to have him as one of their own. We see it with MLK as well with "Martin Luther King was a Republican" you know revisionists.

My point was more along the lines of just how much the right hated JFK (and MLK) and how eerily similar the charges and death-punishing vilifications were then, and are now.

JFK would be repulsed by the Republicans of today. Even Republicans like Ike, Rockefeller and Romney were closer to todays Democrats than the right wing tea bagging Republicans.

Conservatives ( when all Republicans were not conservative) hated MLK and considered him to be a commie rabble rouser
see, paperview, I find it hard to believe that people like gautama would call Kennedy one of his own.
If you're going to go picking through one by one, it's going to be a loooooong night. lol.

Do you deny the trend amongst some ( <-- note that word) conservatives and republicans of late to embrace him?

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