BarryInc continues to Politic over Gulf Tragedy...

Yeah.. and while Lord Obama lectures us on the evils of deep-water drilling.. he quietly loans BILLIONS to fund deep-water drilling by the Brazilian oil giant of which... wait for it..... is partially owned by Soros (funder of Center for American Progress.. who coincidentally is co-writing the new energy policy that seeks to BAN DOMESTIC DEEP-WATER DRILLING)...... yeah... I feel better already.

Yeah.. and while Lord Obama lectures us on the evils of deep-water drilling.. he quietly loans BILLIONS to fund deep-water drilling by the Brazilian oil giant of which... wait for it..... is partially owned by Soros (funder of Center for American Progress.. who coincidentally is co-writing the new energy policy that seeks to BAN DOMESTIC DEEP-WATER DRILLING)...... yeah... I feel better already.


You will only Confuse, Frustrate and Anger Liberals with that... :lol:


Plug that DAMNED HOLE!!!!!!!
Or I will kick your ASS!!!!

$Urkel[1] copy.jpg
Our mean bad ass kicking man/child President!!!!
What a puss!!!
The administration and the DoJ threaten likely legal action against BP and then they criticize the CEO of BP for not accepting blame for negligence during a hearing. He even wnet as far as saying that he can not answer until the investigation is complete.

I mean, it was they, the government, that told him to keep his mouth shut when they threatened legal action and then they criticize him for keeping his mouth shut.

This administration is all about theater. No substance whatsoever.
Your guys a useless piece of shit!!!!! Jimmy Carter could of done better than this moron!!!!
to damned busy filling those damned holes with golf balls and attending concerts with American hating musicians or going on vacations than doing his job as president!!!!! he is a perfect example of why we need a President that had some experience!!!! Experience on a golf course does not count!!!!
Your guys a useless piece of shit!!!!! Jimmy Carter could of done better than this moron!!!!
to damned busy filling those damned holes with golf balls and attending concerts with American hating musicians or going on vacations than doing his job as president!!!!! he is a perfect example of why we need a President that had some experience!!!! Experience on a golf course does not count!!!!




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