Wanted for TREASON!

Lets see. Kennedy was assasinated nearly 50 years ago.
It seems, based on the responses of most to this so far that this is the first anyone saw of this flyer. And all of you are quite involved in political debate.

So likely, this was quite limited in circulation and more likely than not, just a small group made it up and hung it in their basement.

So then you imply, based on this:

ALL conservatives think this of ALL democratic Presidents.

Man on man. You guys will dig up ANYTHING to try to make the right look bad.

Quite pathetic.
It was a little more than that.

Those posters were even part of the Warren Commission report.

John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage :: Warren Commission :: Report :: Page 298
Not a great post to say the least. The current Democrat Party is a long long way from being the Party of JFK. The Socialist/Progressive loons hijacked that party a long time ago. JFK wouldn't recognize this current Democrat Party. They've gone from "Ask not what your country can do for you" to "Ask only and often what your country can do for you." This current Democrat Party is not the Party of JFK. Nuff said.

Larger version here:

Lets see. Kennedy was assasinated nearly 50 years ago.
It seems, based on the responses of most to this so far that this is the first anyone saw of this flyer. And all of you are quite involved in political debate.

So likely, this was quite limited in circulation and more likely than not, just a small group made it up and hung it in their basement.

So then you imply, based on this:

ALL conservatives think this of ALL democratic Presidents.

Man on man. You guys will dig up ANYTHING to try to make the right look bad.

Quite pathetic.

These flyers were an issue when JFK came to Dallas. Dallas hated JFK and it was well known.

What is amazing is how little the right wing rhetoric has changed in 47 years
Lets see. Kennedy was assasinated nearly 50 years ago.
It seems, based on the responses of most to this so far that this is the first anyone saw of this flyer. And all of you are quite involved in political debate.

So likely, this was quite limited in circulation and more likely than not, just a small group made it up and hung it in their basement.

So then you imply, based on this:

ALL conservatives think this of ALL democratic Presidents.

Man on man. You guys will dig up ANYTHING to try to make the right look bad.

Quite pathetic.

These flyers were an issue when JFK came to Dallas. Dallas hated JFK and it was well known.

What is amazing is how little the right wing rhetoric has changed in 47 years

JFK Blown Away--Hooray! - Professor Wilkes - University of Georgia School of Law

Author: Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law.

“JFK, blown away, what else do I have to say.”–Billy Joel’s song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”

Exactly 43 years ago, on Nov. 22, 1963, 46-year old President John F. Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. in Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas.

Dallas was then, as Matthew Smith notes in JFK: The Second Plot (1992), “the southwest hate capital of Dixie.... In its politics and in its people, Dallas represented the right wing as far as it could go.” Before and during his Dallas visit, local right-wingers busied themselves to make JFK unwelcome. They were angry and indignant that JFK was coming to their city. In fact, at the very time shots were being fired at President Kennedy a right-wing protestor stood a few feet away, heckling JFK by comparing him to Neville Chamberlain.

When the president died, the cheering stopped and for days America was filled with gloom and mourning. There was, however, in this country one political group that rejoiced at the news of the assassination. Right-wingers, the truth must be told, were delighted by Kennedy’s death. As far as they were concerned, Kennedy deserved to die, die, die.

More at link.

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

I checked the Tea Party directory, didn't see Lee Harvey Oswald listed as a member, fail .......

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

I checked the Tea Party directory, didn't see Lee Harvey Oswald listed as a member, fail .......
Must be a little paranoid about those Tea Party types as no reference to the Tea Party was made! You answered a question nobody asked! Why?

JFK is my favorite womanizer/drug addict in history!

Fine. But you gotta admit Junkyard Dog Clinton brought a little panache to the womanizing thing.

I guess Bill Clinton was doing that for so long that nothing he did surprised me. The only reason he married Hillary was so he could win a political race. Chelsea may not even be his. But at least he wasn't a drug addict. I'll give him that. ;)

Wanted for Treason.

Poster circulated around Dallas in the days leading up to his murder -

JFK was a traitor to the US because he:

1) Betrayed the US Constitution, which he swore to uphold:
He is turning over the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.
He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Patanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland)
2) He has been WRONG on innumerable issues effecting the security of the US (United Nations-Berlin Wall-Missile Removal-Cuba-Wheat Deals-Test Ban treaty, etc)
3) He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws
4) He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots
5) He has illegally invaded a Sovereign State with federal troops.
6) He has consistently appointed anti-Christians to Federal Office: Upholds the Supreme Court in it's anti-Christian rulings
Aliens and known Communists abound in federal offices.
7) He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous divorce and marriage)

Gee, does this ever sound familiar.

I checked the Tea Party directory, didn't see Lee Harvey Oswald listed as a member, fail .......
Must be a little paranoid about those Tea Party types as no reference to the Tea Party was made! You answered a question nobody asked! Why?

Well golly gee, i guess you got me there moonbat.......:cuckoo:

I guess he was referring to the Obama regime with the " Gee, does this ever sound familiar " comment .....:eusa_whistle:
Not a great post to say the least. The current Democrat Party is a long long way from being the Party of JFK. The Socialist/Progressive loons hijacked that party a long time ago. JFK wouldn't recognize this current Democrat Party. They've gone from "Ask not what your country can do for you" to "Ask only and often what your country can do for you." This current Democrat Party is not the Party of JFK. Nuff said.

Wow, talk about missing the point.

This thread reinforces the truth in my sigline, part A.
Treason? Huh? He certainly is one of our most overrated Presidents... but treason? I don't think so.

He was always overrated since the beginning but the left loved him because it was about power-worship. There was a reason why the descrived his presidency as "Camelot".
Really? We went to the moon. And created the technology that we are communicating on in doing that.

JFK wasn't Pres in 1969. Actually, he'd been dead for a couple months... or years as the case may be. Hey, I'm not bashing the guy.. I just think had he not been shot, we wouldn't be wasting much air on him.
In the 35 months JFK was in office he kick started the space program, established the Peace Corp, pushed hard for what became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and had the Soviets pull their missiles out of Cuba.

History is a bitch, ain't it?

If he was a strong leader the missiles would never have been in Cuba in the first place and Castro would have been taken out of power well before that.

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