Want to know how Barack Obama got re-elected?

When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com

And he was running against a clueless BILLIONAIRE who proved he could care less for anyone, other than the 1%, of which he was a proud member. He was the best that the GOP could do, which is pretty sad.
There is nothing the GOP can do about it. If people choose to sell their freedom for government table scraps, they have that right. If people choose to spend time watching Honey Boo-Boo and Desperate Housewives instead of guarding the Republic, that's their right.

There is NOTHING the GOP (or anyone else) can do about that - so don't blame them. Blame the large portion of the American people who have become lazy and greedy (ie liberals).

Guy, I recently started a second job to finally resolve some of this leftover debt from my medical issues. (You know, the ones that convinced me that the plutocrats aren't my friends.)

And a lot of folks I work with are in the same boat I'm in. Working two jobs to make ends meet, finding bosses trying to screw them at every oppurtunity.

This company has reduced most of its employees to 30 hours a week so they don't have to pay medical insurance. Swell guys.

So please don't tell me that people vote for Obama because of "Honey Boo-Boo" (Brought to you by the same network that brought you Sarah Palin's Alaska.)

if anyone is "confused" or "low information", it's the people who vote Republican and let the wealthy live like kings on their hard labor. And yes, I did this for years.
Well, beer and guns.

Guns are a Constitutional right, you stupid fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropout. Beer is not...

But hey, liberals never did let the FACTS get in the way of their ideology.

Really? And why? Show me a responsible gun owner, and I'll show you a rare bird. No background checks????? Who the fuck is responsible for that major fuck up?

Only on this board can my little joke about beer be leveraged in a serious argument.

Gotta love it.


if anyone is "confused" or "low information", it's the people who vote Republican and let the wealthy live like kings on their hard labor. And yes, I did this for years.

When you bring something of value you can live like kings too.
Bush did crash the economy you fool
It was coming way before Bush, and how you can't see that is amazing, especially when everyone else can...

She is completely and totally uninformed about her own government or what is currently going on in it.

All she knows is that mommy taught her "Democrat GOOD, Republican BAD" (yes, that is about the limits of her mental capacity).

Funny shit coming from the fingers of the dog that was taught; repugs good, dems bad.
And like every rotty I have met, you have to beat on them for them to learn anything.
SO the rotty had to be beaten to learn; rethugs good, dems bad.

And he thinks he is giving "classes" in Americanisms. LMAO. Woof woof.
Guns are a Constitutional right, you stupid fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropout. Beer is not...

But hey, liberals never did let the FACTS get in the way of their ideology.

Really? And why? Show me a responsible gun owner, and I'll show you a rare bird. No background checks????? Who the fuck is responsible for that major fuck up?

Only on this board can my little joke about beer be leveraged in a serious argument.

Gotta love it.



Everybody else got it. You're dealing (we're all dealing) with a sick, self-absorbed delusional mind living in the cesspool of its own bubble.

Fuck him. More beer.
if anyone is "confused" or "low information", it's the people who vote Republican and let the wealthy live like kings on their hard labor. And yes, I did this for years.

When you bring something of value you can live like kings too.

I fail to see how Paris Hilton or that cow Ann Romney bring anything of value.

The Capitalist is a parasite that's convinced you it's a vital organ.
Well let's see here - in 8 years as president, George Bush NEVER had unemployment hit 7%. Under Barack Obama (aside for a fleeting second or two) - it has NEVER been below 8%.
Facts: Unemployment rate for December 2008: 7.3%
Unemployment rate for January 2009: 7.8%
So yes, it did go over 7% under Bush.

For Obama, the UE rate has been under 8% since September 2012 and has not gone back up over 8 yet.

Using BLS raw data shows the figure including underemployed, etc., is at least another six percent
The U6... is currently at 14.4% so yeah, 6.5% higher.

... my money says there are as many underemployed as unemployed and that the total number of Americans unemployed and underemployed (working for less money than in a previous workplace or below their qualifications) runs closer to 25%.
There's no way to objectively define or measure that.

Taking your last point first, there is no claim that is an objective measure. Glad you were able to glean that from my post. Further, we're not going to debate the extent to which government workers jig data as it suits the party in power. To people who want the facts adjusted statistics are as worthless as a bucket of whorehouse slop.

But I digress...

We were speaking of "objective"...

Your description of the U6 seemed lack objectivity, leaning as it did toward a point of view rather than the hard definition. Why don't we just show how the BLS defines the U6? To wit:
U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force.
The part of your post cited in red may or may not imply ALL "underemployed", there is no objective method to determine what you meant; but the BLS is very clear that the only "underemployed" in the U6 are "part time" and "marginally attached"; so yeah, 14.4% of Americans are FUNCTIONALLY unemployed.

And here I thought it was only about 12%. My experience dealing with sceptics is it is best to err on the low side, d'ye see?

The reality is that "underemployed" also covers every single person in the United States who would like a better job but can't find one and so is working a job for which they are overqualified by experience and/or education. It won't be much of a trick to look into one of the 526,000 Google links fleshing that out more than we have time for here.

To recap: my money says that total American citizens unemployed, U6 figure, 14.4% + unemployed wild ass guess, 10.6% = around 25%. Wags will vary.
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When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com

Well we know a lot of Republicans voted, so what's your point?
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com

Okay, so here's a question I asked on another thread, without an answer:

Let's say you're right, let's say Obama won because of the "uninformed voter".

If it wants to win in the future, what's the GOP gonna do about this?


There is nothing the GOP can do about it. If people choose to sell their freedom for government table scraps, they have that right. If people choose to spend time watching Honey Boo-Boo and Desperate Housewives instead of guarding the Republic, that's their right.

There is NOTHING the GOP (or anyone else) can do about that - so don't blame them. Blame the large portion of the American people who have become lazy and greedy (ie liberals).

No wonder he's so frustrated 6 months later; he's coming to grips with how ineffectual his entire doctrine has become. All threats all the time now from the chairborne warrior.
Is it any wonder Acorn and other left-wing organizations run around trying to get people registered to vote? Their entire party and their power hinges on the uneducated.

What a shame that people died so that others could be so ungrateful and ignore liberty to focus on Honey Boo-Boo...

Acorn is still around? How DARE there be organizations helping people register to vote! HOW DARE THERE!

Someone has to round up the winos on election day.
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.


The problem is, even if you assume that all of 51% that voted for Obama fell into these categories, it means that a large portion of those who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot (Romney, not Beck) also were ignorant of these points

Now, while I doubt that anything on Glenn Beck's crazy website is reliable, the fact is, most Americans don't know enough about how their government works. Okay. Fair point.

And completely irrelevent to why Obama won.

Obama won because Romney was a bad candidate selling a bad product. Thus why we have all this talk about "rebranding" the GOP after this election. Romney was selling, "You should be happy having less than what your parents had because we need to cut rich people's taxes."

And people didn't buy it.

Who cares?

All a voter needs to know is which candidate will most likely reflect their interests
We're an empire in decline. There's no denying it. We rose to the top of the food chain, conquered more lands than any civilization in history not just through military force, but through economic endeavors. Only penguins live on a continent that doesn't have Coca-Cola.

In our conquests we've rebuilt nations better than they were before the conflicts, and turned them loose to compete with us economically and politically. That was a righteous endeavor, and fuck all the bed wetters who call it "imperialism".

In the mean time we've become rotten from within. The international marxist elites merely followed historical president and made it easy for the masses to vote sociopaths into power who promise them free shit from the public treasury. Productive people have been marginalized, intelligence is ridiculed, and opposition to authority is only trendy if you're destructive and incorrigible.

The only difference I can see between the US and the Roman Empire, is that there are barbaric hordes coming from the south, instead of the north.
What whiners and weaklings ugly Americans are- it's an ignorance/bully thing....change the channel, we always recover from Pub stupidity and greed- but you dupes ARE amazing fools...
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