Want to know how Barack Obama got re-elected?

5 million out of 320 million? If you could do math (and, well, being an idiot liberal dumbocrat high school dropout, you can't) - you would see that is a "whopping" 1.5% of the population.

That's right girls and boys, Obama won the popular vote by a "whopping" 1.5% - and that was after throwing trillions of dollars to the unions, to the auto industry, to the green energy industry, to homeowners, to students, to illegal immigrants, and to the unemployed.

Take away Obama's unconstitutional redistribution of wealth and he loses in the biggest landslide in US history (and you fuck'n tools know it).

I see Math Scholar Mutt believes that the entire population of the United States is eligible to vote, and then wants to call other people "uninformed about their country" and "fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropouts".
Can't make this stuff up.

5 million of 320 million is 1.5% stupid. It really is that simple.

And again, that's with Obama turning on the printing press and printing off money 24x7 to hand out to U.S. citizens for support and votes.

Can you imagine the epic ass beating he would've taken had he been Constitutionally restrained properly?

People that don't vote, don't count in the popular vote totals, genius.
I see Math Scholar Mutt believes that the entire population of the United States is eligible to vote, and then wants to call other people "uninformed about their country" and "fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropouts".
Can't make this stuff up.

5 million of 320 million is 1.5% stupid. It really is that simple.

And again, that's with Obama turning on the printing press and printing off money 24x7 to hand out to U.S. citizens for support and votes.

Can you imagine the epic ass beating he would've taken had he been Constitutionally restrained properly?

You should trade places with your avatar.

Is every American citizen eligible to vote? How simple are you?

Says the parasite who has NEVER read the U.S. Constitution and votes for Obama so he can live off of others.... :cuckoo:
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com


I disagree with your conclusion, but I'm giving you a thanks anyway, because the statistics are abosolutely appaling for all of us, who have to take a personal responsibility in making this democracy work.
Good post.
5 million out of 320 million? If you could do math (and, well, being an idiot liberal dumbocrat high school dropout, you can't) - you would see that is a "whopping" 1.5% of the population.

That's right girls and boys, Obama won the popular vote by a "whopping" 1.5% - and that was after throwing trillions of dollars to the unions, to the auto industry, to the green energy industry, to homeowners, to students, to illegal immigrants, and to the unemployed.

Take away Obama's unconstitutional redistribution of wealth and he loses in the biggest landslide in US history (and you fuck'n tools know it).

I see Math Scholar Mutt believes that the entire population of the United States is eligible to vote, and then wants to call other people "uninformed about their country" and "fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropouts".
Can't make this stuff up.

5 million of 320 million is 1.5% stupid. It really is that simple.

And again, that's with Obama turning on the printing press and printing off money 24x7 to hand out to U.S. citizens for support and votes.

Can you imagine the epic ass beating he would've taken had he been Constitutionally restrained properly?

Can you imagine the way your posts might come to life if you'd been logically trained properly?

Nah, I guess you can't.

Throw up your hands everyone. Your vote don't matter. Right Mister Beale?

He's basically right though. We vote for a red puppet or a blue puppet and then pretend there are different hands pulling the strings. There aren't.

"As for a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't realized that to have a third party you must (first) have two other parties." -- Gore Vidal
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com


I disagree with your conclusion, but I'm giving you a thanks anyway, because the statistics are abosolutely appaling for all of us, who have to take a personal responsibility in making this democracy work.
Good post.

Not only are those statistics appalling, they're made up out of thin air. Always read the label before swallowing: no source.
Not at all - I still show up to the polls and vote for the best conservative candidate and I won't stop.

I'm just talking reality... I have no idea what the future holds, but I can tell you right now that we have a nation of uneducated buffoon's who vote for Obama because they are lazy and he promises them a personal ATM card to the tax payer funded government back account.

Do you think I voted for Obama because he promised ME an ATM card?

Yes! Of course! You're a lazy piece of shit liberal who wants to live off of the American people because you're too fuck'n lazy to get your stupid ass out of bed in the morning and provide for yourself.

If you voted for Obama, you clearly have ZERO interest in personal responsibility, liberty, or choice. You are ONLY interested in the collective, redistribution of wealth, and government control. Obama doesn't offer anything else. Never did. Never will.

The best conservative candidate???? Now there's an oxymoron for you. No such thing.
Folks voted for President Obama, mainly because they were educated and informed on the issues, and the opposing candidate was the most piss poor in history. And please provide documentation for your asinine assertions with no basis in truth or reality.

Lazy??? It's the fucking liberals and Democrats that are trying to reel in gun violence in America, while the stupid conservatives and supporters of the corrupt NRA, want to talk about the 2nd amendment and maintaining militias, which have no place in today's society.
Lazy? I worked, almost non-stop from the summer of 1970, the year I graduated from high school until 1993, and hard. Like most Americans, black, brown, white and polka-dotted.
The days of "white privilege" are numbered. You best get on board the "hard working train", as you've been having it easy, based on your skin color, for far too long. Those days are over. No more being catered to. Welcome to a "level playing field", where your advancement, your job security, and your lifestyle that you've become accustomed to, is based on your knowledge and the merits, and your ability to work hard, and to remain relevant. You're welcome.
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.

Do You Know the History of Executive Orders? Plus, Find Out Which President Has Issued the Most (Hint: Not Obama) | Video | TheBlaze.com


I disagree with your conclusion, but I'm giving you a thanks anyway, because the statistics are abosolutely appaling for all of us, who have to take a personal responsibility in making this democracy work.
Good post.

Not only are those statistics appalling, they're made up out of thin air. Always read the label before swallowing: no source.

............................................................. If the statistics are not correct, post the correct ones.
I trust someone until proven guilty. I dont judge what someone says based on political preference... even if I disagree with their preference.
One of the problems in this country, and on these threads, is that blatant attacks on syle, punctuation, and all thoughts are viciosly put down, because of political persuasion.
Even I get caught up in it when someone attacks me, and the attacks are nothing more than middle school putdowns.`This is when its time we stop, whats that sound, everybody look whats goin down.

I disagree with your conclusion, but I'm giving you a thanks anyway, because the statistics are abosolutely appaling for all of us, who have to take a personal responsibility in making this democracy work.
Good post.

Not only are those statistics appalling, they're made up out of thin air. Always read the label before swallowing: no source.

............................................................. If the statistics are not correct, post the correct ones.
I trust someone until proven guilty. I dont judge what someone says based on political preference... even if I disagree with their preference.
One of the problems in this country, and on these threads, is that blatant attacks on syle, punctuation, and all thoughts are viciosly put down, because of political persuasion.
Even I get caught up in it when someone attacks me, and the attacks are nothing more than middle school putdowns.`This is when its time we stop, whats that sound, everybody look whats goin down.

Hello to Stephen Stills. That was not an "attack". I'm simply pointing out, don't take that funny money to the bank. You can't just walk in, plunk down a bunch of stats and never say where you got them. That's bogus. I pointed this out earlier in the thread and got crickets for an answer.

These stats are not my point; I didn't bring them up and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking them up --that's the OP's job, at which he failed. Now, I could just make up my own numbers and post them without a source in the same way. And it would be just as bogus and just as worthless. There's no such thing as an undocumented fact.

This is a tactic of political propagandists: toss out some factoid-looking objects, make sure they're dressed up in emotional clothes, and start a buzz hoping nobody calls you on the inconvenient fact that you named no source. I don't accept factoid-looking objects with no parents, and neither should you. That's what I mean by "read label before swallowing".

"Now, a very great man once said, some people rob you with a fountain pen.
It don't take too long to find out just what he was talkin' about."
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Not only are those statistics appalling, they're made up out of thin air. Always read the label before swallowing: no source.

............................................................. If the statistics are not correct, post the correct ones.
I trust someone until proven guilty. I dont judge what someone says based on political preference... even if I disagree with their preference.
One of the problems in this country, and on these threads, is that blatant attacks on syle, punctuation, and all thoughts are viciosly put down, because of political persuasion.
Even I get caught up in it when someone attacks me, and the attacks are nothing more than middle school putdowns.`This is when its time we stop, whats that sound, everybody look whats goin down.

Hello to Stephen Stills. That was not an "attack". I'm simply pointing out, don't take that funny money to the bank. You can't just walk in, plunk down a bunch of stats and never say where you got them. That's bogus. I pointed this out earlier in the thread and got crickets for an answer.

These stats are not my point; I didn't bring them up and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking them up --that's the OP's job, at which he failed. Now, I could just make up my own numbers and post them without a source in the same way. And it would be just as bogus and just as worthless. There's no such thing as an undocumented fact.

This is a tactic of political propagandists: toss out some factoid-looking objects, make sure they're dressed up in emotional clothes, and start a buzz hoping nobody calls you on the inconvenient fact that you named no source. I don't accept factoid-looking objects with no parents, and neither should you. That's what I mean by "read label before swallowing".

"Now, a very great man once said, some people rob you with a fountain pen.
It don't take too long to find out just what he was talkin' about."

I'm a retired teacher. Based on almost 30 years in the classroom, I see no reason to disagree with his statistics.
Its a pathetic situation where many blame the education system. As every teacher, and anyone with common sense knows, it always goes back to the parents.
The real conundrum is why this society allows stupid people to have children in the 1st place.
Something tells me, that you and I could agree on the remedy, no matter how harsh it is.
............................................................. If the statistics are not correct, post the correct ones.
I trust someone until proven guilty. I dont judge what someone says based on political preference... even if I disagree with their preference.
One of the problems in this country, and on these threads, is that blatant attacks on syle, punctuation, and all thoughts are viciosly put down, because of political persuasion.
Even I get caught up in it when someone attacks me, and the attacks are nothing more than middle school putdowns.`This is when its time we stop, whats that sound, everybody look whats goin down.

Hello to Stephen Stills. That was not an "attack". I'm simply pointing out, don't take that funny money to the bank. You can't just walk in, plunk down a bunch of stats and never say where you got them. That's bogus. I pointed this out earlier in the thread and got crickets for an answer.

These stats are not my point; I didn't bring them up and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking them up --that's the OP's job, at which he failed. Now, I could just make up my own numbers and post them without a source in the same way. And it would be just as bogus and just as worthless. There's no such thing as an undocumented fact.

This is a tactic of political propagandists: toss out some factoid-looking objects, make sure they're dressed up in emotional clothes, and start a buzz hoping nobody calls you on the inconvenient fact that you named no source. I don't accept factoid-looking objects with no parents, and neither should you. That's what I mean by "read label before swallowing".

"Now, a very great man once said, some people rob you with a fountain pen.
It don't take too long to find out just what he was talkin' about."

I'm a retired teacher. Based on almost 30 years in the classroom, I see no reason to disagree with his statistics.
Its a pathetic situation where many blame the education system. As every teacher, and anyone with common sense knows, it always goes back to the parents.
The real conundrum is why this society allows stupid people to have children in the 1st place.
Something tells me, that you and I could agree on the remedy, no matter how harsh it is.

You see "no reason" ... on statistics that are complete stand-alone ipse dixit products of the random stat generator?

OK, here's my stats.
On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "Moose turd pie".

Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 2% did not know that the Constipation was the supreme law of the land.

Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 2% could not name the seven branches of government.

Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 5% did not know the purpose of the superficial branch.

Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 36% were dogs.

Those are my stats. Since "saying so makes it so", I don't need a source link and you have no choice but to accept them. I don't know what you're going to do about the conflicts with the original stats though.

The "remedy" isn't harsh at all, it's basic Rule #1 of discourse: when you make a clam, you document it. Without that it's worth the paper it's not printed on, and no more.
The OP here isn't exactly known for honesty or accuracy. Me, I don't bring stats or quotes or stories in here without a URL or several to back them up. Ever.
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Umm... Liberalism is what led to the existence of this country, sorry for the abrupt reality check.

Get your nose out of the ass of The Blaze and sniff what's actually going on in the world. You'll be surprised.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You clearly have the same amount of knowledge about American history as all other liberals - which is ZERO.

I've got $100,000 right here and now that says you have NEVER read the Federalist Papers. Go ahead, just try to lie to everyone that you have. I dare you.

Our founders preached ad-nauseam about liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, and the INDIVIDUAL. The exact opposite of what liberals preach - which is the collective, sacrifice for the "good". and "we're all in this together" communist ideology.

You truly are a fuck'n moron without an ounce of a clue about our actual history. Our founder would pick up arms if they were alive today and literally kill every one of you liberals. You stand for everything they found against - and calling them "liberals" is the worst insult to them.

You have 100k cash and you have nothing better do than post on a forum?
Umm... Liberalism is what led to the existence of this country, sorry for the abrupt reality check.

Get your nose out of the ass of The Blaze and sniff what's actually going on in the world. You'll be surprised.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You clearly have the same amount of knowledge about American history as all other liberals - which is ZERO.

I've got $100,000 right here and now that says you have NEVER read the Federalist Papers. Go ahead, just try to lie to everyone that you have. I dare you.

Our founders preached ad-nauseam about liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, and the INDIVIDUAL. The exact opposite of what liberals preach - which is the collective, sacrifice for the "good". and "we're all in this together" communist ideology.

You truly are a fuck'n moron without an ounce of a clue about our actual history. Our founder would pick up arms if they were alive today and literally kill every one of you liberals. You stand for everything they found against - and calling them "liberals" is the worst insult to them.

You have 100k cash and you have nothing better do than post on a forum?

Not just post, but act like a total dumbass and only post right winged biased swill?
How ironic on a thread about how the American people are more interested in everything and anything other than protecting the republic.

If 90% of the people out there cared 1/100th as much about this nation as they do their stupid fuck'n beer, we wouldn't be living under a radical marxist right now who is shredding the Constitution.

Well, beer and guns.

Guns are a Constitutional right, you stupid fuck'n uneducated liberal high school dropout. Beer is not...

But hey, liberals never did let the FACTS get in the way of their ideology.

Really? And why? Show me a responsible gun owner, and I'll show you a rare bird. No background checks????? Who the fuck is responsible for that major fuck up?
Do you think I voted for Obama because he promised ME an ATM card?

Yes! Of course! You're a lazy piece of shit liberal who wants to live off of the American people because you're too fuck'n lazy to get your stupid ass out of bed in the morning and provide for yourself.

If you voted for Obama, you clearly have ZERO interest in personal responsibility, liberty, or choice. You are ONLY interested in the collective, redistribution of wealth, and government control. Obama doesn't offer anything else. Never did. Never will.

The best conservative candidate???? Now there's an oxymoron for you. No such thing.
Folks voted for President Obama, mainly because they were educated and informed on the issues, and the opposing candidate was the most piss poor in history. And please provide documentation for your asinine assertions with no basis in truth or reality.

Lazy??? It's the fucking liberals and Democrats that are trying to reel in gun violence in America, while the stupid conservatives and supporters of the corrupt NRA, want to talk about the 2nd amendment and maintaining militias, which have no place in today's society.
Lazy? I worked, almost non-stop from the summer of 1970, the year I graduated from high school until 1993, and hard. Like most Americans, black, brown, white and polka-dotted.
The days of "white privilege" are numbered. You best get on board the "hard working train", as you've been having it easy, based on your skin color, for far too long. Those days are over. No more being catered to. Welcome to a "level playing field", where your advancement, your job security, and your lifestyle that you've become accustomed to, is based on your knowledge and the merits, and your ability to work hard, and to remain relevant. You're welcome.
Listen at this jealous racist rant would ya...sheesh

Umm... Liberalism is what led to the existence of this country, sorry for the abrupt reality check.

Get your nose out of the ass of The Blaze and sniff what's actually going on in the world. You'll be surprised.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You clearly have the same amount of knowledge about American history as all other liberals - which is ZERO.

I've got $100,000 right here and now that says you have NEVER read the Federalist Papers. Go ahead, just try to lie to everyone that you have. I dare you.

Our founders preached ad-nauseam about liberty, freedom, personal responsibility, and the INDIVIDUAL. The exact opposite of what liberals preach - which is the collective, sacrifice for the "good". and "we're all in this together" communist ideology.

You truly are a fuck'n moron without an ounce of a clue about our actual history. Our founder would pick up arms if they were alive today and literally kill every one of you liberals. You stand for everything they found against - and calling them "liberals" is the worst insult to them.

You have 100k cash and you have nothing better do than post on a forum?

Oh I doubt he could even draw a picture of $100k. That dog is dumb as a box o' rocks.
Want to know how Barack Obama got re-elected? A slight majority saw fit to put their own entitlements ahead of the greater good of the Nation.

Yea, that was it. It had nothing to do with Republicans wanting even more tax cuts when we can't pay our current bills.
Throw up your hands everyone. Your vote don't matter. Right Mister Beale?

That's absolutely correct. Have you ever read the autobiography of Mark Twain? Well, most of it they hacked terribly, it was published post humorously. He was perhaps the most honest intellectually and most piercing American social commentator this nation has had. We haven't seen the likes since, except perhaps Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter Thompson, or Palahniuk.

The thing that set Samuel apart was he was also an insider as well as being raised an outsider and a drifter. He was a man of two worlds. Did you know he knew Nichola Tesla? He knew kings and Presidents, and he was a Free Mason. He knew how the system worked, but he also lived among the people. He wrote more than he read.

""If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
~Mark Twain



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Well let's see here - in 8 years as president, George Bush NEVER had unemployment hit 7%. Under Barack Obama (aside for a fleeting second or two) - it has NEVER been below 8%.
Facts: Unemployment rate for December 2008: 7.3%
Unemployment rate for January 2009: 7.8%
So yes, it did go over 7% under Bush.

For Obama, the UE rate has been under 8% since September 2012 and has not gone back up over 8 yet.

Actually for at least the last three years of the Bush League unemployment ranged from 8% to a little over 10%.
No, the highest under W was 7.8% the month he left office. The UE rate went to 10% under Obama.

During the Reagan years many government figures became actual lies as opposed to what had previously been statistical jiggery based on political convenience.
Untrue. For the UE rate, military were included under Reagan (which is the recomendation of the ILO) but that figure was widely ignored in favor of the civilian UE rate and military was removed in 1994. For other figures, there was a major change in the CPI, but that had nothing to do with Reagan or politics...the index needed improving.

Unemployment today is at least 11% rock solid and probably 12%.
Only if you include everyone who says they want a job regardless of when they last looked or if they could even take a job if offered. So, no, it's nowhere near that high.

Using BLS raw data shows the figure including underemployed, etc., is at least another six percent
The U6, which includes those who aren't currently looking for work but who are willing and available and had looked sometime in the past year (most stopped looking for personal reasons) as the "Marginally Attached" (2,443,000) and those who are willing and able to work 35+ hrs/ week but only worked <35 in the survey reference week due to cut hours (the majority) or inability to find full time work as "Part Time for Economic Reasons (7,973,000) is currently at 14.4% so yeah, 6.5% higher.

while my money says there are as many underemployed as unemployed and that the total number of Americans unemployed and underemployed (working for less money than in a previous workplace or below their qualifications) runs closer to 25%.

There's no way to objectively define or measure that.
When you really think about the millions of people who died since the very beginning (from declaring independence from England to right now) to give us freedom, it is truly the worst form of tragedy how American's are so spoiled and entitled, that they won't take the time to understand their own government, be informed on the issues, or hold representatives accountable. A few facts here you will find in the first video of this webpage:

  • On election night, the #1 search term on Google was "who is running for president?".

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 70% did not know that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 62% could not name the three branches of government.

  • Of the people who actually took the time to vote, 65% did not know the purpose of the judicial branch.


The problem is, even if you assume that all of 51% that voted for Obama fell into these categories, it means that a large portion of those who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot (Romney, not Beck) also were ignorant of these points

Now, while I doubt that anything on Glenn Beck's crazy website is reliable, the fact is, most Americans don't know enough about how their government works. Okay. Fair point.

And completely irrelevent to why Obama won.

Obama won because Romney was a bad candidate selling a bad product. Thus why we have all this talk about "rebranding" the GOP after this election. Romney was selling, "You should be happy having less than what your parents had because we need to cut rich people's taxes."

And people didn't buy it.

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