#WalkAway is Back - - MAGA


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: I like this guy. He's gay, but at least he's honest and real, and he has courage. He had the courage to withstand all the hate when he walked away from the hate and insanity of the Democrat Party. I will tell more about him in succeeding posts, but for now, here he is a couple of days ago:

Brandon Straka opens the Trump Rally in Cincinnati 8/01/19
Brandon Straka from the #WalkAway Campaign opens the Cincinnati, Ohio Trump Rally with a speech about liberals choosing to #WalkAway, uniting America, and Donald Trump being a President who loves minorities. A personal message to President Trump at the end.

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The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka on May 26th, 2018. The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today. We are walking away from the lies, the false narratives, the fake news, the race-baiting, the victim narrative,
the violence, the vandalism, the vitriol. We are walking away from a party driven by hate. We are walking toward patriotism and a new, unified America! We are the future of this great nation!


Watch Brandon Straka on Life, Liberty & Levin

ME: I like this guy. He's gay, but at least he's honest and real, and he has courage. He had the courage to withstand all the hate when he walked away from the hate and insanity of the Democrat Party. I will tell more about him in succeeding posts, but for now, here he is a couple of days ago:

Brandon Straka opens the Trump Rally in Cincinnati 8/01/19
Brandon Straka from the #WalkAway Campaign opens the Cincinnati, Ohio Trump Rally with a speech about liberals choosing to #WalkAway, uniting America, and Donald Trump being a President who loves minorities. A personal message to President Trump at the end.

They walked away so far that the Democrats took over the House.
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They walked away so far that the Democrats took over the House.

A very myopic observation. Here is the bigger picture:

During Obama’s two terms in office, Democrats experienced a net loss of 968 state legislative seats, the largest net loss of state legislative seats in this category since World War II. The second-largest loss occurred following Dwight D. Eisenhower’s two terms in office, when Republicans were handed a net loss of 843 state legislative seats.

Democratic U.S. Senate seats fell from 55 to 46. Their share of the House plummeted from 256 seats to 194. … Democratic governerships also became a rarity during this eight-year period, slipping from 28 to 16.

After the election of Obama, there was much talk of a new era – that a coalition of young, minority and female voters would usher in gains for the Democrats for decades. That did not happen

He lost the House, then lost the Senate, then because of his socialist extremism gave the White House to Trump.

Obama’s Democrat Party has been a loser for 8 years on a colossal scale. They have been reduced to rubble. Republicans lost one, the House, but we are still doing excellent in the big picture, and we are poised to win big again.

I am glad I could educate you.

I am glad I could educate you too.You obviously need it, moron.
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#Walkaway Founder Brandon Straka Says Democrats ‘Want Us to Be More Divided Than Ever’
#Walkaway Founder Brandon Straka Says Democrats 'Want Us to Be More Divided Than Ever'

Cincinnati, OHIO—Walkaway campaign founder Brandon Straka said on Aug. 1 that Americans would not find unity and collectivism if Democrats were to come into power. He added that the party wants “us to be more divided than ever.”

“I don’t believe we are a racist country,” he said ahead of a “Keep America Great” rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. “I think we are a nation that has overcome unbelievable, almost insurmountable obstacles. But we have done that through conversation, open dialogue, debate, a free exchange of ideas, and our constitutional system and our system of government.”
I'm actually way ahead of the Walkaway movement since I'm a former democrat voter who left that party early on in the Obamaggot administration because I could see exactly where it was going: self-hating-white, self-hating-American, race-obsessed paranoid psychosis whose main priority was Islam fellatio.
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I'm actually way ahead of the Walkaway movement since I'm a former democrat voter who left that party early on in the Obamaggot administration because I could see exactly where it was going: self-hating-white, self-hating-American, race-obsessed paranoid psychosis whose main priority was Islam fellatio.

That post earned a winner medal.
I'm actually way ahead of the Walkaway movement since I'm a former democrat voter who left that party early on in the Obamaggot administration because I could see exactly where it was going: self-hating-white, self-hating-American, race-obsessed paranoid psychosis whose main priority was Islam fellatio.

Muslim's commit a terrorist act in Walmart they are first to take responsibility -

RW chickenshits commit a terrorist act in Walmart, and they blame ANTIFA and run like hell -

thats where it is, not where its going....
Muslim's commit a terrorist act in Walmart they are first to take responsibility....

That is a lie, and it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Please address the thread topic. Is that to hard for your tiny ignorant brain to understand?
ME: I like this guy. He's gay, but at least he's honest and real, and he has courage. He had the courage to withstand all the hate when he walked away from the hate and insanity of the Democrat Party. I will tell more about him in succeeding posts, but for now, here he is a couple of days ago:

Brandon Straka opens the Trump Rally in Cincinnati 8/01/19
Brandon Straka from the #WalkAway Campaign opens the Cincinnati, Ohio Trump Rally with a speech about liberals choosing to #WalkAway, uniting America, and Donald Trump being a President who loves minorities. A personal message to President Trump at the end.

I'm actually way ahead of the Walkaway movement since I'm a former democrat voter who left that party early on in the Obamaggot administration because I could see exactly where it was going: self-hating-white, self-hating-American, race-obsessed paranoid psychosis whose main priority was Islam fellatio.

Great hashtags to check out:
#GaysForTrump #BikersForTrump #BlacksForTrump #AsiansForTrump #LatinosForTrump #WomenForTrump #LiberalsForTrump #DemocratsForTrump #EvangelicalsForTrump
I'm actually way ahead of the Walkaway movement since I'm a former democrat voter who left that party early on in the Obamaggot administration because I could see exactly where it was going: self-hating-white, self-hating-American, race-obsessed paranoid psychosis whose main priority was Islam fellatio.

Great hashtags to check out:
#GaysForTrump #BikersForTrump #BlacksForTrump #AsiansForTrump #LatinosForTrump #WomenForTrump #LiberalsForTrump #DemocratsForTrump #EvangelicalsForTrump

It's interesting that even the "victim" minorities that Democrats fellate are getting very, very tired of their condescension about minorities.
Seems unlikely many will exit to a party whose members think they are mentally ill in need of curing.

How many will was to a party whose members compare their sexual preference to mass murderers?
ME: I like this guy. He's gay, but at least he's honest and real, and he has courage. He had the courage to withstand all the hate when he walked away from the hate and insanity of the Democrat Party. I will tell more about him in succeeding posts, but for now, here he is a couple of days ago:

Brandon Straka opens the Trump Rally in Cincinnati 8/01/19
Brandon Straka from the #WalkAway Campaign opens the Cincinnati, Ohio Trump Rally with a speech about liberals choosing to #WalkAway, uniting America, and Donald Trump being a President who loves minorities. A personal message to President Trump at the end.

Do they pay you to repost the Russian propaganda or are you doing it for free?
ME: I like this guy. He's gay, but at least he's honest and real, and he has courage. He had the courage to withstand all the hate when he walked away from the hate and insanity of the Democrat Party. I will tell more about him in succeeding posts, but for now, here he is a couple of days ago:

Brandon Straka opens the Trump Rally in Cincinnati 8/01/19
Brandon Straka from the #WalkAway Campaign opens the Cincinnati, Ohio Trump Rally with a speech about liberals choosing to #WalkAway, uniting America, and Donald Trump being a President who loves minorities. A personal message to President Trump at the end.

Do they pay you to repost the Russian propaganda or are you doing it for free?

Do they pay you to post that Communist shit?

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