Massive vs. Picayune


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
No longer even necessary to slightly compare Former
President Donald Trump rally's to Current Potus Biden.
It'd be like having a cage match with a Bengal Tiger
vs. a standard field mouse.I think a far majority of the Country
can easily agree and accept that analogy.
Trump's Massive Rally in of all places { New Jersey }
Not a likely hub for Conseratism nor Republicans.
I don't care how much those Punks from Jersey Shore
{ the TV reality show } may have changed their Radicalness.
Blame it on Parentless upbringing or low standards of behavior.
What are Joe Biden supporters excuse.
Absoultely,positively no question about it.Donald Trump
did a marvy job bringing up a family.And of course Joe Biden
did the virtual opposite.His family members only became
hideous with greed and power and self-interest.How much has
Joe Biden on average donated to charity.How much his known income
come tax day.Lets deal with that.
In 2008 { the year of Obama running for President } The Bidens gave
$ 995 in charitable donations.Which was 0.3% of their income.Which was
the highest amount in a decade.Compared to 1999 when the Biden's chalked
up $ 120 in charitable donations a low for them at O.1 % of yearly income.
As reported by ABC news.On September 12,2008.
Where the article reported the Biden's earning $ 319,853 that year with
$ 71,ooo in royalties for his memoir :
Promises to Keep : On Life and Politics
Pretty neat little factoid.No wonder Biden prefers not to hold
Rally's.Or american ideals like Giving to charity.
He's consumed with giving to hisself and immediate family.
Nothing new there.Except it will never he mentioned by a
corrupt Mainstream Media.
How can this same MSM try and hide Trump's massive
support and appeal.By showcasing him being pushed into
some Rikers Island slammer.
You forget that as liberals, we're the ones that skipped out of the pep rallies in HS.

We still went to the games, it's the rah-rah that we can't stand.
You forget that as liberals, we're the ones that skipped out of the pep rallies in HS.

We still went to the games, it's the rah-rah that we can't stand.
Happy baby since ... Swing is King then all else follows.
I don't give a gilhooley what todays thought patterns are.Or were.
Or wanna be.
I doubt Missy Farmer { coolio chick from the 60's } would
Plus todays Liberals are a mirage at best.Unless you can name for me
a Biden White House appointment who is a confirmed Liberal.
Liberals are flocking as far away from Biden as poss-ee--bow.
He's bad news for all things Americana.
He's intellectually bankrupt.He couldn't field a
Rally even in whatever delusional dreamstate he's
Biden has changed the meaning of a Bad Omen.
Even Crows are now leery of such human folly.
Happy baby since ... Swing is King then all else follows.
I don't give a gilhooley what todays thought patterns are.Or were.
Or wanna be.
I doubt Missy Farmer { coolio chick from the 60's } would
Plus todays Liberals are a mirage at best.Unless you can name for me
a Biden White House appointment who is a confirmed Liberal.
Liberals are flocking as far away from Biden as poss-ee--bow.
He's bad news for all things Americana.
He's intellectually bankrupt.He couldn't field a
Rally even in whatever delusional dreamstate he's
Biden has changed the meaning of a Bad Omen.
Even Crows are now leery of such human folly.
Jeff Zients, WH chief of staff, is a dyed in the wool Liberal.


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