VP Compares Cost Cutting To Rape


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

At a fundraiser on Friday Vice President Biden compared the Republicans to those who blame the victim for a rape.

The way he rationalized this novel idea is that our society in the past used to blame the victim for a rape. "She shouldn't have worn those sexy clothes!!!" "It was all her fault for looking so slutty!!!"

The VP said that the GOP is solely responsible for the mess we're in today, as if Biden wasn't in the Senate when it happened, and in effect they are blaming the victim. The extra $5,000,000,000,000.00 in debt we have incurred in the last 2 years and 2 months is all the their fault. Democrats are the victims in all of this.

Here we are more then half way through Obama's term and they're still blaming someone else.

What it looks like to me is that in this case the perp IS the one blaming the victim, only he got it ass-backwards. The perp, represented by the Vice President, is accusing the victim, the GOP representing the people of America, of being the only reason for the debt. He forgets that he and the President had a hand in it. Well, actually, I don't think he forgets. I think he is fully aware of who is to blame, but that never stopped him and people like him from casting blame on somebody else.

Honestly, it doesn't matter now who is at fault. Why continue finger-pointing when it's obvious something must be done about the debt? Well, the truth is Democrats like the VP have no intention of letting the GOP get rid of the debt without using it against them. Their primary goal is to play the victim while the GOP attempts to fix the problem that everyone has agreed must be fixed.

Personally I think it's despicable, but what else can you expect from these people? Democrats ran up the debt faster then ever before. Not during WWII, not after 9/11, not after Katrina and numerous other Hurricanes and disasters, not after Iraq and Afghanistan. More of this debt has occurred in the last two years.

What was the primary goal of all of this debt? I'll tell you. To raise taxes. First they raise taxes on "The Rich", then on all of us. That is all there is to this. Everything that has taken place was just an all out effort to raise taxes. The trick has always been to make us like it. How do you get everyone to like the royal ass-reaming they intended on giving us. The next question is why. Why does a Democrat feel he must raise our taxes???

I know the answer. Do you???

At campaign event Biden mentions rape in criticizing Republicans - TheHill.com
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The answer is the more economically strapped you are the more likely you are to vote for Democrats.

Kind of removes the incentive Dems might have to improve the economy.
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All I kept hearing the last few months when the eruption first started in Tunsia was where is Gaffy Duck aka Biden? Did they tout him as the foreign policy master (even though his foreign policy records show he is always on the wrong side, but that is another story)?

Well this is why they put him under raps, because any time Gaffy Duck speaks, he says suck off the wall crap, that the administration seeks to muzzle him! I guarantee Obama has buyers remorse with the selection of Biden as VP!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwqPBlSxb-0]The Country's in the Very Best of Hands[/ame]

At a fundraiser on Friday Vice President Biden compared the Republicans to those who blame the victim for a rape.

The way he rationalized this novel idea is that our society in the past used to blame the victim for a rape. "She shouldn't have worn those sexy clothes!!!" "It was all her fault for looking so slutty!!!"

The VP said that the GOP is solely responsible for the mess we're in today, as if Biden wasn't in the Senate when it happened, and in effect they are blaming the victim. The extra $5,000,000,000,000.00 in debt we have incurred in the last 2 years and 2 months is all the their fault. Democrats are the victims in all of this.

Here we are more then half way through Obama's term and they're still blaming someone else.

What it looks like to me is that in this case the perp IS the one blaming the victim, only he got it ass-backwards. The perp, represented by the Vice President, is accusing the victim, the GOP representing the people of America, of being the only reason for the debt. He forgets that he and the President had a hand in it. Well, actually, I don't think he forgets. I think he is fully aware of who is to blame, but that never stopped him and people like him from casting blame on somebody else.

Honestly, it doesn't matter now who is at fault. Why continue finger-pointing when it's obvious something must be done about the debt? Well, the truth is Democrats like the VP have no intention of letting the GOP get rid of the debt without using it against them. Their primary goal is to play the victim while the GOP attempts to fix the problem that everyone has agreed must be fixed.

Personally I think it's despicable, but what else can you expect from these people? Democrats ran up the debt faster then ever before. Not during WWII, not after 9/11, not after Katrina and numerous other Hurricanes and disasters, not after Iraq and Afghanistan. More of this debt has occurred in the last two years.

What was the primary goal of all of this debt? I'll tell you. To raise taxes. First they raise taxes on "The Rich", then on all of us. That is all there is to this. Everything that has taken place was just an all out effort to raise taxes. The trick has always been to make us like it. How do you get everyone to like the royal ass-reaming they intended on giving us. The next question is why. Why does a Democrat feel he must raise our taxes???

I know the answer. Do you???

At campaign event Biden mentions rape in criticizing Republicans - TheHill.com

I'd love to know where the $5 trillion dollar figure of nre debt came from.
The National Debt on the first day of Obama's first fiscal year=11,920,519,164,319
The National Debt as of now=14,247,292,660,249
That means Obama has spent 2.3 trillion since his first fiscal day.
Now I have no doubt that Obama will surpass GWB in total spending and he'll do it at a much faster spending rate than GWB.
I'm posting this in the name of honesty.

At a fundraiser on Friday Vice President Biden compared the Republicans to those who blame the victim for a rape.

The way he rationalized this novel idea is that our society in the past used to blame the victim for a rape. "She shouldn't have worn those sexy clothes!!!" "It was all her fault for looking so slutty!!!"

The VP said that the GOP is solely responsible for the mess we're in today, as if Biden wasn't in the Senate when it happened, and in effect they are blaming the victim. The extra $5,000,000,000,000.00 in debt we have incurred in the last 2 years and 2 months is all the their fault. Democrats are the victims in all of this.

Here we are more then half way through Obama's term and they're still blaming someone else.

What it looks like to me is that in this case the perp IS the one blaming the victim, only he got it ass-backwards. The perp, represented by the Vice President, is accusing the victim, the GOP representing the people of America, of being the only reason for the debt. He forgets that he and the President had a hand in it. Well, actually, I don't think he forgets. I think he is fully aware of who is to blame, but that never stopped him and people like him from casting blame on somebody else.

Honestly, it doesn't matter now who is at fault. Why continue finger-pointing when it's obvious something must be done about the debt? Well, the truth is Democrats like the VP have no intention of letting the GOP get rid of the debt without using it against them. Their primary goal is to play the victim while the GOP attempts to fix the problem that everyone has agreed must be fixed.

Personally I think it's despicable, but what else can you expect from these people? Democrats ran up the debt faster then ever before. Not during WWII, not after 9/11, not after Katrina and numerous other Hurricanes and disasters, not after Iraq and Afghanistan. More of this debt has occurred in the last two years.

What was the primary goal of all of this debt? I'll tell you. To raise taxes. First they raise taxes on "The Rich", then on all of us. That is all there is to this. Everything that has taken place was just an all out effort to raise taxes. The trick has always been to make us like it. How do you get everyone to like the royal ass-reaming they intended on giving us. The next question is why. Why does a Democrat feel he must raise our taxes???

I know the answer. Do you???

At campaign event Biden mentions rape in criticizing Republicans - TheHill.com

I'd love to know where the $5 trillion dollar figure of nre debt came from.
The National Debt on the first day of Obama's first fiscal year=11,920,519,164,319
The National Debt as of now=14,247,292,660,249
That means Obama has spent 2.3 trillion since his first fiscal day.
Now I have no doubt that Obama will surpass GWB in total spending and he'll do it at a much faster spending rate than GWB.
I'm posting this in the name of honesty.

Obama spent over $1 trillion on the Department of Defense alone in 2009. Another $350 billion in TARP funds, another $1 trillion on Stimulus adjusted to inflation. There's you're $2.3 trillion. They allayed another $735 billion for Defense Spending for 2010, and then there's Medicare, Social Security, unemployment reimbursements to the states. then there's the Health Care Bill that has to be paid for and all of the bailouts. I'm sure I'm leaving alot out.

Seems there's a difference of opinion on what was really spent. Since Obama nor the Democrats have passed a budget since he took office and the last year of the Bush Administration, nobody really knows how much was spent.

Fact is, there is no exact amount and all of the reports seemed to be based in fantasyland.

Obama submitted a budget for 2012, but not for 2011. This most likely was meant to provide cover for all of their spending. Also it was intended to give the Democrats a stick to bash over the heads of the GOP this year up until Sept 30.

Obama to spend $5 trillion on murder spree « Aletho News
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