Voters guided by emotion and free shit...What happens if they become the majority?

Voters guided by emotion and free shit...What happens if they become the majority?

Obviously, after a very short while, they will quickly run out of others to take the free shit from. Then we will have a country full of idiots who depend on free shit to live that the government no longer has the ability to provide.
Much to the chagrin of the blind partisans you support the party of ‘free shit’ whether you vote for the Democratic or Republican party.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
The Socialism cycle goes like this.
First the Left Wing politicians promise free stuff.
When they get into power they outlaw the opposition.
They disarm the citizens.
Then they enslave the citizens.
Eventually people refuse to work.
Then they use force to make people work.
People start starving.
Then the system collapses.
Then there is a revolution.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Free shit ? You talking about wall street? Farmers ? Or the military?

Haha... I love it when you people make complete asses of yourselves by playing stupid and refusing to make simple distinctions.
Paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to smoke weed, run their baby factories and produce more of their filthy same is not one and the same with investing in good Americans and our food sources… Sorry.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".

"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they want to hand out?

WTF, haven't you been paying attention? Free college, free healthcare (for all), free income, free housing, cancellation of student debt, reparations for African Americans, reparations for same sex couples.

Haven't you watched primary debates? Demagoguery is how one wins a nomination, and sadly sometimes in the general election. At least some of the so claimed free stuff can be cost-beneficial as opposed to a cost-deficit.

Health Care: Providing preventative medicine at low or no cost in the long run can be a cost-benefit.

College: Jr. and Community Colleges can be free, as is K-12; funded by local taxes and preparing students to enter the job market in the trades, technical specialties or for successful transition to a public or private U. or College to complete a bachelor's degree.

Student Debt: Is outrageous. I have no solution, and yet the consequences will lead to more Immigrants being employed in Professional Careers than our children and grandchildren.

Free Housing: ???

Reparations for African Americans: I don't support. What I do support are the consent decrees which replaced Affirmative Action. In short every community across America work to create employment representing the demographics in government and private sector jobs.

Reparations for same sex couples: Never heard of it, would oppose it as strongly as I oppose bigots who refuse to make them a wedding cake.
Grandma told Kamala Harris to “leave our health care alone!” I want her to be my grandma now.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Just try to take away a pseudocon's tax expenditures, and watch those little welfare bitches scream.

The "free shit" problem isn't restricted to just Democrats, retard.


Nostalgia or wishful thinking?
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

I told you. You will continue our deliverance into 2nd and 3rd world status. And you will blame others for it like you do now. Values! Bwhahaaaa! Your values are found at inner city sex shops and playing the social welfare system.

Hey asshole, I have more money invested, more equity in Real Estate and more ethics then a cowardly punk like you.
We here in the United States are a Pluralist society. We can have more than one idea. We see it in commerce, in schooling, in religion and in politics.

Those seeking not compromise but the elimination of political opposition are seeking to run this ship up on the reef.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.
well, if you really felt like this:

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

Then you wouldn't vote demoloser. Sinc you do, it's what you want, fk dude you're voting for it.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Just try to take away a pseudocon's tax expenditures, and watch those little welfare bitches scream.

The "free shit" problem isn't restricted to just Democrats, retard. fools and how you struggle to make simple distinctions.
There is nothing synonymous in one complaining about their cash being stolen and another complaining about not getting enough of others cash...NOTHING
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.
well, if you really felt like this:

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

Then you wouldn't vote demoloser. Sinc you do, it's what you want, fk dude you're voting for it.

I haven't voted yet. It's clear I won't vote for Trump, or any Republican since they don't have the values, ethics or empathy for the infirm, aged, working poor, the middle classes and children.

The foundation of the Republicans in Congress, and Trump&Co., is this: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

Want Evidence?

See the Tax Fraud signed by Trump, who benefits and who will be the ultimate losers come 2025.

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Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.
well, if you really felt like this:

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

Then you wouldn't vote demoloser. Sinc you do, it's what you want, fk dude you're voting for it.

I haven't voted yet. It's clear I won't vote for Trump, or any Republican since they don't have the values, ethics or empathy for the infirm, aged, working poor, the middle classes and children.

The foundation of the Republicans in Congress, and Trump&Co., is this: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
name something you got from a demoloser?
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

We will become a shithole shortly then.

"Will become"?

Compared to this nation of even 50 years ago.....we HAVE become a shit hole. Especially the Dem controlled Metro areas.

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