Voters guided by emotion and free shit...What happens if they become the majority?

Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Free shit ? You talking about wall street? Farmers ? Or the military?

Haha... I love it when you people make complete asses of yourselves by playing stupid and refusing to make simple distinctions.
Paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to smoke weed, run their baby factories and produce more of their filthy same is not one and the same with investing in good Americans and our food sources… Sorry.
All I see in my city is hard working Latinos, and all in between....most homeless, druggies and beggars are whites, why? I challenge you to come to Santa Monica, venice and tell me that's not true. Any word for those whites that do drugs, milk the system, commit crimes and beg all day long ? I'm yet to see a latino begging.

Haha....Facts and statistics suck for you...huh?
Homeless in Los Angeles County, California
I believe the only difference be Democrats and Republican's is Republicans argue with facts Democrats use numbers. A fact is a fact, a number any number can be manipulated to mean anything you want. Here is an example, they say 10,000 gun crimes happened today we need to get rid of all the guns, or you could say out of 270 million guns in America .004% were used to commit crimes, lets focus on those .004% who used those guns and get rid of them. Both statements say the same thing but the 10,000 gun statement will get all the cows stirred up. Like I say numbers can mean anything.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?
Its a real looming problem but hopefully we have enough thinking and fact based voters that don’t want to give the country away
Last edited:
You may want equal rights and opportunities but the loons democrats have as candidates want to hand out the "free stuff".

"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they want to hand out?

WTF, haven't you been paying attention? Free college, free healthcare (for all), free income, free housing, cancellation of student debt, reparations for African Americans, reparations for same sex couples.

Haven't you watched primary debates? Demagoguery is how one wins a nomination, and sadly sometimes in the general election. At least some of the so claimed free stuff can be cost-beneficial as opposed to a cost-deficit.

Health Care: Providing preventative medicine at low or no cost in the long run can be a cost-benefit.

College: Jr. and Community Colleges can be free, as is K-12; funded by local taxes and preparing students to enter the job market in the trades, technical specialties or for successful transition to a public or private U. or College to complete a bachelor's degree.

Student Debt: Is outrageous. I have no solution, and yet the consequences will lead to more Immigrants being employed in Professional Careers than our children and grandchildren.

Free Housing: ???

Reparations for African Americans: I don't support. What I do support are the consent decrees which replaced Affirmative Action. In short every community across America work to create employment representing the demographics in government and private sector jobs.

Reparations for same sex couples: Never heard of it, would oppose it as strongly as I oppose bigots who refuse to make them a wedding cake.

Demagoguery? You mean bribery. As far as any free stuff having a cost-benefit, sure to those getting it for free. Unfortunately like most things that are gotten for "free", they'll become worthless. And the taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for everyone else's "free" stuff.

As I've reminded you before, Thinker101 is an oxymoron, since you cannot think outside of a box.

Let's consider health care. If someone is able to see a physician on an age appropriate schedule, it is likely labs or a physical examinations would likely discover a serious condition at its onset, and as most of us know, early treatment is less expensive and potentially lifesaving.
And thinking from the very middle of the liberal box you figure it’s the governments duty to take care of that for you.

Go get some basic insurance and go to the doctor. Nobody is stopping and we don’t give a shit, until you want us to pay for it.
WTF, haven't you been paying attention? Free college, free healthcare (for all), free income, free housing, cancellation of student debt, reparations for African Americans, reparations for same sex couples.

Haven't you watched primary debates? Demagoguery is how one wins a nomination, and sadly sometimes in the general election. At least some of the so claimed free stuff can be cost-beneficial as opposed to a cost-deficit.

Health Care: Providing preventative medicine at low or no cost in the long run can be a cost-benefit.

College: Jr. and Community Colleges can be free, as is K-12; funded by local taxes and preparing students to enter the job market in the trades, technical specialties or for successful transition to a public or private U. or College to complete a bachelor's degree.

Student Debt: Is outrageous. I have no solution, and yet the consequences will lead to more Immigrants being employed in Professional Careers than our children and grandchildren.

Free Housing: ???

Reparations for African Americans: I don't support. What I do support are the consent decrees which replaced Affirmative Action. In short every community across America work to create employment representing the demographics in government and private sector jobs.

Reparations for same sex couples: Never heard of it, would oppose it as strongly as I oppose bigots who refuse to make them a wedding cake.

Demagoguery? You mean bribery. As far as any free stuff having a cost-benefit, sure to those getting it for free. Unfortunately like most things that are gotten for "free", they'll become worthless. And the taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for everyone else's "free" stuff.

As I've reminded you before, Thinker101 is an oxymoron, since you cannot think outside of a box.

Let's consider health care. If someone is able to see a physician on an age appropriate schedule, it is likely labs or a physical examinations would likely discover a serious condition at its onset, and as most of us know, early treatment is less expensive and potentially lifesaving.

Terrific, hopefully your getting the proper care...dumbass.

Yeah, as expected an idiot-gram.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.
Most liberals want maximum freedom with maximum freedom From responsibility.
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.

Most liberals want maximum freedom with maximum freedom From responsibility.

Really, most liberals want maximum freedom from responsibility? Do you have data to prove this statement, or is it something you heard from Hannity, Limbaugh or another propagandist?
Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.

It seems you've not learned that Welfare, i.e. AFDC was replaced by TANF - please try to keep up and not echo other callous conservatives.
"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they [Democrats] want to hand out?

Awww...come on, you're joking, right?

Free college

All student loans erased.

Free healthcare.

Monthly income for everyone from the government.

Free childcare

Free pre-school

Free breakfast and lunch for kids in school.

Your effort to write an expository rebuttal is funny. Did you even graduate from High School?

"Free stuff"? What free stuff do you claim they [Democrats] want to hand out?

Awww...come on, you're joking, right?

Free college

All student loans erased.

Free healthcare.

Monthly income for everyone from the government.

Free childcare

Free pre-school

Free breakfast and lunch for kids in school.

Your effort to write an expository rebuttal is funny. Did you even graduate from High School?


Two can play at your game:

Isn’t the writing on the wall?
Are we sure we want more of this type of voter?
We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?

Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.

It seems you've not learned that Welfare, i.e. AFDC was replaced by TANF - please try to keep up and not echo other callous conservatives.

It's all the same thing. Let's not play word games. And if that's all you've got then I guess my point stands.
Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.

It seems you've not learned that Welfare, i.e. AFDC was replaced by TANF - please try to keep up and not echo other callous conservatives.

It's all the same thing. Let's not play word games. And if that's all you've got then I guess my point stands.

AFDC and TANF are the same? I suggest you look into Welfare Reform and how different they are.
Statement: "We know the Democrat Party sure does...don’t we?"

Response: Your intolerance for millions of Democrats is a sign of ignorance, or in this case a damn lie.

I don't want nor do I need 'free stuff'; I want every citizen to have equal rights and equal opportunities which will benefit the culture and themselves.

I want the leadership in this country to understand and implement the vision and mission statement left us by the framers in the Preamble.

At this time in our nation's history, we are divided as a people because of people like you, those who reject other peoples values and demean them with threads such as this one.

We are a country that provided equal opportunity to all. We want a country guided by the founders. The "free stuff" was NEVER part of this country. If you knew your history you would know that the writers of the preamble didn't want an over reaching, over taxing, super powerful government.

It is you that are dividing this country, by demanding the government be what it was never intended to be. you want a European style.

A land of opportunities exists right now. It is the left that divides us into groups. Blacks vs white, rich vs poor etc. It is the left that says blacks can't make it on their own. It is the left that says the poor can't take advantage of their opportunity. It is the left that is constantly demanding that society change for them.

Just you don't go crazy on me, I know there are factions on the right that are extreme. White supremacists are a bane and need to be stomped out. They are horrible people and have no place among us. BUT they are a tiny minority and an outlier that in no way shape or form represents the majority of us conservatives.

The progressives are main stream. The progressive dividers are main stream media, Congress and local governments. They control the schools. They want the government to control everything. They want the government to provide everything. They want to turn this country from what it was designed to be into a European style of socialism.

We have to disagree.

  • Nothing in the Preamble even suggests what you claim
  • Apparently you are not watching and listening to Trump
    • Trump used EO's to by-pass the Congress
    • Trump's rhetoric is divisive, character assassination is his forte.
  • School districts are elected locally, they are not controlled by a liberal or conservative agenda by bureaucrats in The District
  • The ACA is not Socialism, private sector hospitals employ private sector physicians, private insurance companies continue to sell health insurance and medicare and medicaid pay private hospitals and private doctors.

Let's look shall we?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The preamble specifically states the Constitution is for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not for all people everywhere.

The Constitution is there to provide an establishment of Justice
Insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
PROMOTE general welfare
secure the blessings of LIBERTY

There is nothing there that has anything to do with taking care of the rest of the world. All of it is meant for the United States.

It's the progressives that want to take away Liberty and instead of promoting general welfare they want the government to provide welfare. Taking away Liberty and freedom.

I want maximum freedom with maximum responsibility.

Most liberals want maximum freedom with maximum freedom From responsibility.

Really, most liberals want maximum freedom from responsibility? Do you have data to prove this statement, or is it something you heard from Hannity, Limbaugh or another propagandist?
Your constant demand for stats and links is so cute. There is more to life, and the conclusions we make, than stats and links. Its called being in life and living life. Maybe you can’t do that or your experiences make you uncomfortable so you need stats and links to tell you how to feel.
Last edited:

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