Trump Voter Fraud Commission


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Anybody heard anything out of this bunch of Trumpsters? I thought this was supposed to be a slam dunk for Trump. Of course, with his bigly IQ, he knows in his heart that it's a waste of time and money.
The Corrupt Democratic Party blocks our Voter ID laws to enable their mass voter fraud.
The Democratic Party is destroying our democracy.
Democrats are against Voting Rights.
Trump won the popular vote by over 10 million votes, but the democrats have covered up mass voter fraud.

If the Russians were meddling, it cost Trump votes. If it had been a fair election trump would have had nearly all the votes. We know democrats and liberals have been working with the Russians for decades. Together they have been working to over throw the US goverment and setup a puppet government run by the democrats, but it really would be the Russians pulling the strings. Trump has known this since the 80s, but nobody would listen. He is a smart man with IQ over 240.
The commission is patiently and carefully gathering information in spite of obstructions from DemocRAT voter registrars.
Anybody heard anything out of this bunch of Trumpsters? I thought this was supposed to be a slam dunk for Trump. Of course, with his bigly IQ, he knows in his heart that it's a waste of time and money.
RIDICULOUS. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE HAVE ASSURED ME THAT VOTER FRAUD IS A MYTH. Battleground Ohio: Investigation Uncovers Hundreds of Illegally Registered Non-Citizen Voters.

And the ACLU or some other Leftist group will shop for a sympathetic judge to stop these people from being removed from the voter's rolls.

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