Video shows Nashville man running away as he's fatally shot by police

Ya dumbfuck!!!
There are pictures of the gun and he's known to carry.

There are pictures of a gun and he was running away from the fucking cop. You seem unable to recognize this important fact you stupid SOB.


So what?

It means the cop was in no danger.

Are you saying the miscreant didnt have the ability to turn around?
I mean I know the guy was stupid but I'd have to say that even he was smart enough to turn around.

And he never fired a shot. When someone is running for their life they are not going to shoot backwards, the cop is lucky he didn't hit a kid.

Yeah....thankfully he just killed a repeat offender.
Ya dumbfuck!!!
There are pictures of the gun and he's known to carry.

There are pictures of a gun and he was running away from the fucking cop. You seem unable to recognize this important fact you stupid SOB.


So what?

It means the cop was in no danger.

Are you saying the miscreant didnt have the ability to turn around?
I mean I know the guy was stupid but I'd have to say that even he was smart enough to turn around.

I'm saying he didn't turn around because the film shows HE DID NOT TURN AROUND.

So the cop is supposed to wait until he turns and fires?
I don't care anymore
good--a jackass is dead
on top of all the racism crap 24-7/etc 365---so we don't care if a jackass gets killed
a innocent person, ok--but not a jackass
boo hoo boo hoo hoooo
Why don’t you anti cop people ever run stories on the cops who are ambushed and murdered?

Because it doesn't happen as much as what we see here. Every year police kill at least 10 times the number of citizens than cops who die. And most police deaths are not in a armed situation. Most die by car wrecks or heart attacks.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
in 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous,
I wonder how I managed to reach 53 without being charged with a single crime yet this shit head at 25 has managed to rack up more than a half dozen.
Good question innit?

That these idiots try to canonize every thug that gets shot by the police leaves them with zero credit.
Damn near every incident is warranted and those that aren't are brought on by the past behavior of other black males.

If they'd stop being criminals their life sure would be easier.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildAbuse #MentalHealth

Hello. Keeping it REAL...can we examine the Larger Issue!

In all seriousness, what is your opinion of the teen and adult MOTHERS responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent depressed, frustrated, angry, emotionally ill, sometimes violent SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL, DOMESTIC AMERICAN TERRORISTS (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) causing COMMUNITY VIOLENCE, COMMUNITY FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

I am referring to a significant population of apparent emotionally damaged teen and adult fellow American citizens, WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing at the hands of a significant population of SELFISH, immature, apathetic mostly "PRO BLACK" minded single mothers failing to recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortune neighbors.

The late 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim Tupac Shakur's Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment concept applies to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

“We need more people who care; you know what I’m saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that…” ~Tupac Shakur, American urban story-TRUTH-teller

In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.
Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey Dancing On Table Tops, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

Oprah Winfrey "Fixing The Hole In Your Soul"


My Mother's Whole Life Was Crime and Robbery

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
I guess I should have known you wouldnt want to find out your boy was a cretin and would fail to even check.
He had a gun and could have turned and opened fire at any time.
The dudes bad decision making finally caught up to him....oh well.

Where is the proof he had a gun? Don't just repeat what the police say, where is the evidence?

He's been charged in the past with weapons violations.
Are you saying he turned over a new leaf?

I don't give a fuck abut his past where was the m- fing gun? You said he had a gun and that he might turn around and shoot the cop so where was the m-fing gun. It's not mentioned in the story so where is the m-fing gun?

Ya dumbfuck!!!
There are pictures of the gun and he's known to carry.

There are pictures of a gun and he was running away from the fucking cop. You seem unable to recognize this important fact you stupid SOB.


Need a better video. He was looking back at the cop and his hands were fumbling under his shirt. WHY was he running? Probably because he chose to carry the gun illegally. We'll know more. Right now -- it's just sad all around.
Where is the proof he had a gun? Don't just repeat what the police say, where is the evidence?

He's been charged in the past with weapons violations.
Are you saying he turned over a new leaf?

I don't give a fuck abut his past where was the m- fing gun? You said he had a gun and that he might turn around and shoot the cop so where was the m-fing gun. It's not mentioned in the story so where is the m-fing gun?

Ya dumbfuck!!!
There are pictures of the gun and he's known to carry.

There are pictures of a gun and he was running away from the fucking cop. You seem unable to recognize this important fact you stupid SOB.


Need a better video. He was looking back at the cop and his hands were fumbling under his shirt. WHY was he running? Probably because he chose to carry the gun illegally. We'll know more. Right now -- it's just sad all around.

There simply was no reason for this man to have been killed. Period.
Where is the evidence of this?

Due Process is so yesterday. Apparently, anyway.

Due process starts, after you stop, put your hands on your head, lie on the ground, and get taken into custody.

The conversation here would be totally different if whites were being done this way. If that was happening, the government would suddenly be wrong to do this. Constitutional amendments would be made up and claimed to have been broken by the government.
They believe the cops are entitled to be judge and jury.
I wonder if some of the police are prejudging how "dangerous" a situation is based on criminal history.

I find it hard to believe that these cops who are repeatedly involved in these shootings simply do not understand that they are not allowed to shoot and kill citizens for disobedience or for fleeing from them.
BTW -- chances are EXCELLENT that the cop had his record before he even made the stop. So -- you gotta be thinking armed.


If you KNOW the guy has prior gun arrests, you have to assume the reason he's running is that he decided to take the gun out of the car.

It MAY BE a crap decision to shoot. In fact to me, it LOOKS like it might be. But you can't see the guys hands clearly as the cop did. You don't want to be the 2nd person to shoot.

If it LOOKS bad, I'll go drive downtown and join the protests. I promise. I'm just not leaping to conclusions.

What's strange to me ( I live in the Nashville general area) --- this event was captured from UP HIGH on TWO different cameras. So the encounter must have been noisy and brought folks to windows. I saw BOTH angles on TV tonight and neither one looked like he was pulling a weapon.

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