Victor Davis Hanson: The Case For Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Historian-author-pundit Victor Davis Hanson, author of The Case for Trump, opened the Freedom Center's annual West Coast Retreat at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes (April 5-7, 2019) with a wide-ranging and stirring keynote address.

This is a remarkable address by Victor Davis Hanson on the Trump Presidency and his thoughts on what happened since 2008 and what he thinks will happen between now and 2020.

It is about 45 min long, with many pointed links, because there are some beauties in this address!

YouTube ^
One of the greatest minds of our time. A worthy successor to George Will, who has lost his mind (T.D.S.).
The Case for Trump by Hansen should be a part of every history curriculum from this day forward....I hope the libs here on this board get it one day....this abuse of power by Obama officials is unprecedented corruption and if not punished could lead it to happen again and eventually to the loss of our ability to select our own Trump or hate him this can never be allowed to happen again....everyone needs to go to jail...even the FISA judges that signed off on this illegal warrant....a message must be sent...don't ever try this again....

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