
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

I watched the first three episodes that are out so far. This season isn't as laugh out loud funny as the first season, but it's still really funny. But it feels like they've upped their game in terms of acting, storytelling, and production in general.The entire cast is great down to the smallest roles/characters.

Danny McBride's style of humor isn't for everyone, but I find him hilarious. Eastbound & Down is one of the funniest shows ever made, IMO, along with It's Always Funny In Philadelphia. McBride plays a much different character in Vice Principals while still acting like McBride. So far, I give this season a 8/10.

What I like about this season is that it's like a "Who shot J.R." type of season where *BIG SPOILERS for Season 1*....

McBride is trying to find out who shot him.

I haven't watched any of the new season, but binge watched the first season in 2 or 3 days. It was one of the funniest shows I've seen on TV in a long time. Possibly since Eastbound & Down. I'll probably wait until at least a few episodes are out so that I can binge watch them to kill some time some weekend.
I just finished episode 7 ("Spring Break"). This was a good episode. It was also the first episode where someone is implicated as the shooter. However, I think the person who was implicated is actually not the shooter.

*SPOILERS through episode 7*

Gamby finds out that the shooter's gear (mask, jacket, gun, etc.) are in the spare tire compartment of Lee Russell's car. However, this was just shortly after he had that big fight/break up with Ms. Abbott (the psycho teacher who is obsessed with Gamby). Thus, the obvious thought would be that Ms. Abbott planted that stuff in Lee Russell's car, and Ms. Abbott is the real killer.

However, they've been playing up Ms. Abbott's psychotic/obsessive personality more and more, so this could either be foreshadowing or yet another misdirect.

At this point, the people who had the strongest motives to shoot Gamby would include Lee Russell, Dr. Brown, and Ms. Abbott. A few other characters could have motives as well such as Gamby's ex's boyfriend or maybe even Lee Russell's wife/soon-to-be ex-wife.

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