Vice Admiral: Obama was outmaneuvered by Russians on START

Come clean, Righteous1 - you are a plant sent here from DemocraticUnderground to make conservatives look like morons....

and you are quite good at it.

interesting theory.

Uses lots of emoticons, declares victory alot, and has nothing relevant to say..

Hmm..who does that sound like?:confused:

not sure why he declares victory. palin isn't president.
Does anyone else here wanna actually debate?

Or am Ima have to keep pwning these delusional, sore loser, call the kettle black, lefty trolls..............


Someone's gotta do it..........:trolls:
(R)IGHTeous 1 wrote:

Welcome to my pwned belt dude, or she, wtf you are, matters little. You're just another drone, likely sore loser who will now stalk and troll spam on me whenever you can.

Damn......I was exactly right too. As everyone else who views this once good thread can see. Guess this shit is making me USMB's defacto troll killer.

Not like I asked........
Miller, who helped prepare the National Strategic Target List and Single Integrated Operational Plan for waging nuclear war and later participated in arms control meetings with the Soviet government, expressed concern that START could leave the United States vulnerable to other emerging threats.

“The treaty prohibits the conversion of an existing ballistic missile system into a missile defense system,” said Miller. “We might want to do that with a Trident or an ICBM sometime in the future,
particularly if the Chinese alleged threat materializes.”

Why? Why don't you people READ? Why don't you listen? Why do yall break down and run to troll land like Starkey who's undoubtedly posted some more amusing, stalker, flame spam by now?

Yall make this shit too easy. THOSE are Miller's real concerns, VALID, LEGIT, concerns.

You are too stupid to be granted access to the interwebs. If we want missile defense we can.....wait for it it! Why would we remove our current stockpile?

.....WOW. Not only do you start off resorting to petty personal attacks

The irony meter is peaking!

(troll evolution) but you proceed to state one of the many reasons START sucks in the 1st place!
Take it up with Reagan

Since you're apparently mentally retarded, Ima let you in on a lil secret.....psst.....closer.....THE START TREATY MANDATES WE DECREASE OUT NUKE STOCKPILE, ALONG WITH SHADY, UNTRUSTWORTHY RUSSIA. WE NOW HAVE LITTLE CHOICE. Of course there could be other reasons.....had we actually not been forced into a corner here, but that's the obvious one, as we're talkin bout START. Thanks for making my argument for me, and publicly embarrassing yourself.

That has nothing to do with converting an outdated Trident into "missile defense"
You are too stupid to be granted access to the interwebs. If we want missile defense we can.....wait for it it! Why would we remove our current stockpile?

.....WOW. Not only do you start off resorting to petty personal attacks

The irony meter is peaking!

(troll evolution) but you proceed to state one of the many reasons START sucks in the 1st place!
Take it up with Reagan

Since you're apparently mentally retarded, Ima let you in on a lil secret.....psst.....closer.....THE START TREATY MANDATES WE DECREASE OUT NUKE STOCKPILE, ALONG WITH SHADY, UNTRUSTWORTHY RUSSIA. WE NOW HAVE LITTLE CHOICE. Of course there could be other reasons.....had we actually not been forced into a corner here, but that's the obvious one, as we're talkin bout START. Thanks for making my argument for me, and publicly embarrassing yourself.

That has nothing to do with converting an outdated Trident into "missile defense"

This isn't even anything to get worked up about. Obama cut funding for Missile defense. It doesn't's expensive..and it's provocative.
This isn't even anything to get worked up about. Obama cut funding for Missile defense. It doesn't's expensive..and it's provocative.

How is finding a way to defend against incoming missles provocative?
You dredge up one retired geezer against the treaty and accuse the other poster of cherry picking?

lol, your debut here was inauspicious enough, and it's not improving with age.

So you can't refute his points either, telling, as is every other :lol: post of yours.


Everything refuted by a professional:

Op-Ed: “We Need New START Treaty in Force” | U.S. Department of State Blog

Waiting for your refutation, (R)
So you can't refute his points either, telling, as is every other :lol: post of yours.


Everything refuted by a professional:

Op-Ed: “We Need New START Treaty in Force” | U.S. Department of State Blog

Waiting for your refutation, (R)

Just like I'm still waiting on you to refute mine? Like you did in that FOX News thread? Where I proceeded to pwn the shit outta you?

You think conservatism is dead:lol::cuckoo: That pretty much killed of what was left of any credibility you once had dude, so don't try to grandstand.
R1 has "refudiated" himself every time out. He is easier to break than even Samurai, and she is silly.

The OP was broken in the first page and it has been kick R1 to the curb every since. :lol:
Missile defense..doesn't work.

But makes the good people at Raytheon very very happy.

Obama shouldn't have bargained away missile defense.

That made him an idiot.

Missile defense was the best hope of ending the threat of nuclear annihilation.

The combustion engine once didn't work...manned flight didn't work...computers didn't work...microchips didn't work...right up until the day they did.

Should we have stopped working on any of them because they didn't work?

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