VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

Crooked Hillary's involvement was voting for the war in Iraq and making a speech in support for the war. This isn't about Bush this is about crooked Hillary.
Actually it's about the VFW castigating Trump for his comments.

VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars
August 01, 2016

WASHINGTON — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has a history of lashing out after being attacked, but to ridicule a Gold Star Mother is out-of-bounds, said the new national commander of the near 1.7 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary.

“Election year or not, the VFW will not tolerate anyone berating a Gold Star family member for exercising his or her right of speech or expression,” said Brian Duffy, of Louisville, Ky., who was elected July 27 to lead the nation’s oldest and largest major war veterans organization.

“There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed,” he said. “Giving one’s life to nation is the greatest sacrifice, followed closely by all Gold Star families, who have a right to make their voices heard.”

yeah I get it, and McCain and MCConnel rebuked him, but that's all PC and PR crap....democrats use that as a weapon.....but lets see how it plays out over a week or two. Something tells me this Khan guy has some skeletons.
Well I don't disagree with that, but lets see how it plays out.....it's tactic liberals use, I hope it gets exposed and blown up this time.
Sure they use it. Dirty politics and lying are well known Liberal tactics.

Still , Trump didn't have to jump with feet first. What does that make him?

Well I've seen him composed many times, when I would have gone off on people...but lets examine what he said, and he thanked their son, and questions why his mother didn't speak.....I dont' get the outrage, but ok....I really think people may have egg on their face after more facts come in....yes our side tends to be full of pussies that take the easy route of no confrontation...it's one of the reasons people voted for Trump (I voted for Cruz, but my team lost)
Well I've seen him composed many times, when I would have gone off on people...but lets examine what he said, and he thanked their son, and questions why his mother didn't speak.....I dont' get the outrage, but ok....I really think people may have egg on their face after more facts come in....yes our side tends to be full of pussies that take the easy route of no confrontation...it's one of the reasons people voted for Trump (I voted for Cruz, but my team lost)
Which makes me wonder if he's deliberately tubing his own campaign. I've never believed he wanted to be President (too many restrictions), but suddenly he found himself to be the front-runner and a serious candidate with a chance of winning. He's not a quitter. He'd rather piss off people and be fired than be seen as a weak-spined quitter.

Regardless, he's fucked up this entire incident. What was a short, emotional speech should have been in the news for a single day, not a week.
Thank you for your input. You seem to have no problem assuming his/her/whatever's service was honorable. This is an old battle and the other party is just as guilty of insulting me. Have a nice day!
I don't have to agree with a vet to take their word they served. We have a few Stolen Valor assholes here, but I have no reason to suspect bodecea is one of them.

I don't know your background nor your battles with him/her. How long were you in the service? Navy too?

Bodecea is more of an exaggerated valor. They actually use the same screen name on another forum.

I am a former Navy enlisted and officer, serving 23 years active and reserve, qualifying as a Submariner and Surface Warfare Officer. I served on 6 different classes of ships from submarines to aircraft carriers.
Trump did not attack the muslim soldier or his family. An honest person can clearly see that by listening to his response.

Let us know when you find an honest person who is supporting Donald Trump.

Meanwhile- thanks for letting us know you don't think that the Veterans of Foreign Wars are 'honest'

One person's opinion does not translate into 1.7 million, stupid.
Let's see the source for your information.
The VFW National Commander's exact written comment are in the OP link, post #1 and another link is provided in post #20.
The comment was made by Brian Duffy, not 1.7 million members. I wasn't able to find much information about Duffy but I would be interested in knowing what his political affiliation is and which (if any) political party he donates to. I find it hard to believe a man in his position would fail to see that Khan was being used for political purposes. He very well could be using his position to help the Clinton campaign. Time will tell.
It was made on behalf of the VFW. End of story.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
An open letter to Mr. Khizr Khan | Fox News
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The VFW National Commander's exact written comment are in the OP link, post #1 and another link is provided in post #20.
The comment was made by Brian Duffy, not 1.7 million members. I wasn't able to find much information about Duffy but I would be interested in knowing what his political affiliation is and which (if any) political party he donates to. I find it hard to believe a man in his position would fail to see that Khan was being used for political purposes. He very well could be using his position to help the Clinton campaign. Time will tell.
It was made on behalf of the VFW. End of story.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
Who made any such claim? It just means that an official veterans group, the largest war veterans group in America, has taken an official position to bitch slap Trump and denounce him for his comments. What effect and influence that will have on how veterans vote is pure speculation. In a close election all the votes count. If you think the VFW position will have no effect or influence, good for you. Fantasy worlds can be very nice.
The comment was made by Brian Duffy, not 1.7 million members. I wasn't able to find much information about Duffy but I would be interested in knowing what his political affiliation is and which (if any) political party he donates to. I find it hard to believe a man in his position would fail to see that Khan was being used for political purposes. He very well could be using his position to help the Clinton campaign. Time will tell.
It was made on behalf of the VFW. End of story.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
Who made any such claim? It just means that an official veterans group, the largest war veterans group in America, has taken an official position to bitch slap Trump and denounce him for his comments. What effect and influence that will have on how veterans vote is pure speculation. In a close election all the votes count. If you think the VFW position will have no effect or influence, good for you. Fantasy worlds can be very nice.
Then you agree he was only speaking for himself?
I have not finished reading this thread but I wanted to comment on something that I find interesting.

This isn't the first time that the far right has attacked a gold star parent.

They said the same things about that parent as they're saying about the Khans.

That gold star parent's name was Cindy Sheehan.

Ms. Sheehan did with the bush boy as the Khans are doing with trump. She called the bush boy out. The bush boy was a coward and refused to even talk with her.

Cindy Sheehan was the beginning of the end of the bush boy.

If the far right had any working brain cells they would stop their rants and attacks against the Khans.

Unfortunately I don't think they're that smart.
It was made on behalf of the VFW. End of story.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
Who made any such claim? It just means that an official veterans group, the largest war veterans group in America, has taken an official position to bitch slap Trump and denounce him for his comments. What effect and influence that will have on how veterans vote is pure speculation. In a close election all the votes count. If you think the VFW position will have no effect or influence, good for you. Fantasy worlds can be very nice.
Then you agree he was only speaking for himself?
No, the VFW has as the nation's largest war veterans organization officially bitch slapped and denounced Trump.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
Who made any such claim? It just means that an official veterans group, the largest war veterans group in America, has taken an official position to bitch slap Trump and denounce him for his comments. What effect and influence that will have on how veterans vote is pure speculation. In a close election all the votes count. If you think the VFW position will have no effect or influence, good for you. Fantasy worlds can be very nice.
Then you agree he was only speaking for himself?
No, the VFW has as the nation's largest war veterans organization officially bitch slapped and denounced Trump.
The VFW didn't bitch slap anybody. ONE person used his position to push a political agenda, that's it.
The truth is that Trump had absolutely nothing to do with Khans being murdered by radical Muslims, crooked Hillary did.

Khan died in 2004. Remind us who was President then?

Hillary voted for the war, remember?
So did a lot of people after being lied to by Bush.

that may work with some of those who voted for war but not crooked Hillary. She actually is quite close to an ex-president. She had to know, she didn't need lied to by Bush.
Comrade Donald was denounced most soundly by the VFW, not by an individual in the VFW.

HRC is now ahead nationally and pulling away in many of the swing states. Georgia is Comrade Donald's one stronghold among those states. The others, except MO, are leading for her, but they are still in the MoE.
It was made on behalf of the VFW. End of story.
No, it was made on behalf of HIMSELF. End of story, asshole.
You should try and refrain from insult posting unless you can back up your claims.The statement was made officially by the VFW and published by them in an official press release. So, the Commander was speaking on behalf of the VFW. Insult posting is a sign of low intelligence and that lack of intelligence or at least knowledge on a topic is made obvious when you are proven to be completely wrong.

Show me where it says anywhere that a majority of veterans agree with what he said.
Who made any such claim? It just means that an official veterans group, the largest war veterans group in America, has taken an official position to bitch slap Trump and denounce him for his comments. What effect and influence that will have on how veterans vote is pure speculation. In a close election all the votes count. If you think the VFW position will have no effect or influence, good for you. Fantasy worlds can be very nice.
Then you agree he was only speaking for himself?
He's speaking for the VFW just like Wayne LaPierre, VP of the NRA, often speaks for the 5M+ members.

“Election year or not, the VFW will not tolerate anyone berating a Gold Star family member for exercising his or her right of speech or expression,” said Brian Duffy, of Louisville, Ky., who was elected July 27 to lead the nation’s oldest and largest major war veterans organization.

“There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed,” he said. “Giving one’s life to nation is the greatest sacrifice, followed closely by all Gold Star families, who have a right to make their voices heard.
I have not finished reading this thread but I wanted to comment on something that I find interesting.

This isn't the first time that the far right has attacked a gold star parent.

They said the same things about that parent as they're saying about the Khans.

That gold star parent's name was Cindy Sheehan.

Ms. Sheehan did with the bush boy as the Khans are doing with trump. She called the bush boy out. The bush boy was a coward and refused to even talk with her.

Cindy Sheehan was the beginning of the end of the bush boy.

If the far right had any working brain cells they would stop their rants and attacks against the Khans.

Unfortunately I don't think they're that smart.
That's not quite the same. Yes, the Bush administration responded to comments made by Mrs. Sheehan. Do you have a particular instance to quote what was said to whom?
I have not finished reading this thread but I wanted to comment on something that I find interesting.

This isn't the first time that the far right has attacked a gold star parent.

They said the same things about that parent as they're saying about the Khans.

That gold star parent's name was Cindy Sheehan.

Ms. Sheehan did with the bush boy as the Khans are doing with trump. She called the bush boy out. The bush boy was a coward and refused to even talk with her.

Cindy Sheehan was the beginning of the end of the bush boy.

If the far right had any working brain cells they would stop their rants and attacks against the Khans.

Unfortunately I don't think they're that smart.

Stand on your child's grave and make political statements and yeah there will be blowback. You daffy loons are too stupid
I have not finished reading this thread but I wanted to comment on something that I find interesting.

This isn't the first time that the far right has attacked a gold star parent.

They said the same things about that parent as they're saying about the Khans.

That gold star parent's name was Cindy Sheehan.

Ms. Sheehan did with the bush boy as the Khans are doing with trump. She called the bush boy out. The bush boy was a coward and refused to even talk with her.

Cindy Sheehan was the beginning of the end of the bush boy.

If the far right had any working brain cells they would stop their rants and attacks against the Khans.

Unfortunately I don't think they're that smart.

Stand on your child's grave and make political statements and yeah there will be blowback. You daffy loons are too stupid

So you feel the Dems would be justified in going after "Benghazi Mom"?

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