Vermont Volleyball Team Banned From Their Locker Room...

A problem that is treated by professionals with gender affirming care rather than bigoted remarks from mutants because they've gotten a lot better at screening your lot out of decent society.
But it is a mental problem correct? Something is with their brain.
And Coyote ignores the fact that there is tons of social pressure to accept the whole trans thing no matter what.

For every one person speaking out, there are probably 3 or 4 who want to, but know better than to counter the SJW narrative.

You mean... homophobic bigots are finding themselves... in the closet? The horror.

Going by opinions in small groups is only valid in the ideal situation of everyone being able to say their say without fear of repercussions, and we clearly don't have that in this country today, and in particular in social institutions like schools.

And so? Why stop at Transphobes? Why not let the Nazis and Klan express their upset about showering with Jews and blacks?

We have female teams because females are smaller, weaker and slower than males. If teams did not exist for females they just wouldn’t get to play sports.

And so? Look, I just can't get that worked up over school athletics... and frankly, if you didn't have Title IX, no one else would be, either.

Whatever. There’s no lynch mentality. You are racing to the defense of ONE person - the biological male - as if HE is the one being so mistreated, when it is the GIRLS who have been punished by being relegated to a single-stall bathroom to change, one by one, while the male got the ENTIRE girls’ locker room.

Oh, noes... maybe they should set up individual stalls for changing clothes. Problem solved.
College scholarships. Boys who couldn’t make a mens team will just take a girl‘s scholarship. And why not if all you have to do is say I’m a girl. Don’t have to live like one, dress like one, and we will get to the point where they dont have to take the hormones. It’s already trending that direction. Why wouldn’t they? If I’m a mediocre HS baseball player I’m a superstar college softball player and free college. Where do I sign up?

I promise you, there isn't a straight Cis-Gendered, Straight male who says, "I'm going to claim to be transgender to get a scholarship."

But I have a simple enough solution. Get rid of college athletics, because they are a relic of the 19th century.
Any male claiming to be a trans-female who wishes to be put on the girls’ soccer (or swim) team and have locker room and shower privileges with the other girls must first have had a penis- and gonad-ectomy.

No problem. So let's get rid of all the resistance to gender reassignment surgery for minors.

Oh, wait you guys don't want to do that, either.

I have no problem with requiring a trans-athlete having undergone one year of hormone therapy before being allowed to join a team.

That effects muscle mass and any supposed "advantage".
No problem. So let's get rid of all the resistance to gender reassignment surgery for minors.
Allowing a minor to decide something like that is abuse.

On the other hand, allowing a parent timbale the decision on behalf of a minor is also probably abuse.

Still, it happens. And if it has happened, then and only then should the “girl” be allowed in the girls’ locker room.

Summary: no naked penises allowed in the girls’ locker room when biological girls are using that locker room.

Tha balance of your post was (as always) nonsensical gibberish.
You sure are bending over backwards to defend the fact that the whole girls’ team was relegated to changing in a single-stall bathroom while the transgender boy got full access to the locker room.

NONE of this should be an issue at all: transgenders should not be allowed to play on girls’ sports teams, period. It is unfair to girls.

Actually, it was the whole team that was taken out of the locker room, transgendered boy included. No, he didn't get the locker room to himself.
It's unclear what causes gender dysphoria. Trans people aren't mentally deficient if that's what you're trying to imply, just wired differently.
It’s not a physical issue. They are XY or XX and have the requisite parts associated with those genes. So that only leaves a mental issue. Being “wired differently” is just a euphemism for having a mental disorder. Which is clearly what's happening with people who are actually transgendered. I say actually because I do not believe that there are nearly as many truly transgendered people as there are claiming to be transgendered. Especially amongst the children.
When were analogies not ok? 😄

Sure Mr. Straw Man.

Not a straw man at all. It is considered transphobic to analogize trans with race. If it disagrees with the trans movement that is.

So that is EXACTLY what you are doing. And race is not analogous to sex or gender in any real shape or form. Racial differences are minute - there is virtually nothing different between a black man and a white man. Sex is not similar at all. There are massive differences between men and women. Gender, in the manner that the trans movement defines it, is not even physical. Can your race be 'fluid.' Your analogy is garbage since one has no relation to the other.
In most every college sport now there are strict guidelines as far as testosterone levels, how long you have been taking transition medication and more.

It would be far easier to base participation on sex and not gender, but they do what they do
This is the answer but it is unacceptable to the current batch of trans activists because they do not differentiate between sex and gender. They say they do but then things like this would never have been an issue as it has always been separated because of sex, not gender. There would not be attempts to change birth certificates either.

I have a strong feeling that this is where most of this will end up as well.
I promise you, there isn't a straight Cis-Gendered, Straight male who says, "I'm going to claim to be transgender to get a scholarship."

But I have a simple enough solution. Get rid of college athletics, because they are a relic of the 19th century.
You have no way to know that.

Trans rights advocates — and many in the medical community — push back by observing that substantial musculoskeletal sex differences don’t emerge until puberty and thus aren’t significant for children who transition from male to female via hormonal treatments beforehand.

They contend, moreover, that trans women who make the shift via hormonal therapy after puberty lose any male muscle-mass advantage within a year.

Many questions about the impact of sex-at-birth and gender transition treatments upon athletic performance remain without scientific answers. But even an encyclopedic set of answers wouldn’t resolve the separate question of fairness.

Which biological advantages— or disadvantages — should be treated as “talent,” or a “gift,” or lack thereof, and which should be seen as “cheating” or “unsportsmanlike?”

You mean the ones who only get into athletics so they can get scholarships? Get rid of Title IX, you'd be amazed how quickly girls lose interest in this issue.
More misogyny from Incel Joe. Just abolish opportunities for women if mentally ill men can’t compete with them. Sexists like you are being pushed away from normal society. As are the morons who support this abuse of women.
The point went right over your head, didn't it?

The funny thing is that as much as you rant your homophobic and transphobic shit, the Nazis assigned yellow stars to the Jews, Pink Triangles to the gays and trans people.
Funny thing. An Incel like you who hates women has no right telling them they can’t have opportunities unless mentally ill men can compete against them. You are just like the Nazis. Pathetically trying to brand normal people as wrong. Take your misogyny and hit the bricks.

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