Van Jones on libertarians

libertarians cant seem to get many Americans to believe their crazy ideas
Sharpton / Jones in 2012

for a more fair, socially just, welfare dependent, American ghetto..............................
well guess what else you are , the vast minority so stop trying to run things
When we take over, you won't have to worry about ending up in one of our re-education camps, as it's abundantly clear that attempting to educate you is a complete waste.
Crashing wolrd economies with idiotic repeal of regulations is not an ideal of the founders
Truthmatters is definitely good for laughs. She's either an excellent troll and gets as many laughs from her posts as we do, or she's bat shit crazy. Perhaps both.
Libertarian Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Registration by party

Ballot access expert Richard Winger, the editor of Ballot Access News, periodically compiles and analyzes voter registration statistics as reported by state voter agencies, and he reports that as of October 2010, the Libertarians ranked fifth in voter registration nationally with 278,446 (Ballot Access News, December 2010, p. 4). [26]

you have no right to tell any Americans you are anything but a fringe party

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