USS Liberty Remembered At Navy Memorial


Jul 31, 2014
USS Liberty Remembered at Navy Memorial |
R.I.P. to the brave American soldiers who were so cowardly attacked.

Several U.S. Navy veterans who survived the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 assembled Sunday at the U.S. Navy Memorial to mark the 47th anniversary of the event. The vets also called on Congress to investigate the assault that left 34 men dead and 174 wounded.
A Naval Court of Inquiry was the sole investigation done on the incident. Its conclusion that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was accidental was disputed by former Navy lawyers responsible for advising the court and reviewing its work.
"While the survivors and their families are aware of the heroic efforts to complete their mission ... the cover-up that ensued soon afterwards and the event's notoriety [prevented the recognition] they justly deserved," Liberty Veterans Association President Ernie Gallo said.
The annual commemoration of the attack previously has been held at Arlington National Cemetery, where the remains of 14 crewmembers were buried together.
Survivors and their supporters have long claimed that Israel deliberately attacked the Liberty with the intention of sinking it and then blaming the attack on Egypt.
But when the ship survived the attack, the Israelis claimed it was a case of mistaken identity, an explanation that President Lyndon Johnson did not publicly challenge in order to retain the support of the influential Israel lobby, according to survivors and backers.
The U.S. State Department never accepted the Israeli explanation.
During the daylight attack, the ship was hit with napalm, strafed by Israeli fighters and struck by torpedoes. Some survivors also have what's left of the life rafts they used that were shot up by the Israelis.
One of the first zionist false flag attacks on the USA by the terrorists who introduced terrorism to the modern day, zionists.
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One of the first zionist false flag attacks on the USA by the terrorists who introduced terrorism to the modern day, zionists.

Even if you are right that it was purposely shot down, which you're not, the Liberty would have been a military target, hence shooting it had nothing to do with terrorism.
Why would Israel have shot-up a United States Navy ship?

What possible advantage would that have brought to Israel?

Other than pissing off the most powerful nation on the face of the planet.

The only nation that could quickly replenish the munitions the IDF was firing-off in 1967.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to warn-off other US ships, and to discourage them from electronically snooping off Israel's shoreline.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to preven tthe US from giving wartime intel to the Arabs as it sat offshore.

Neither of those reasons make any sense to me.

In 1967, the US and Israel had not yet cemented their relationship, and Israel was still obtaining much of its weaponry from France and the rest of Europe, and some US arms through third-party brokers around the world, as well as a little here-and-there from the US itself.

But, by then, the surrounding Arab states were all either Soviet client-states or buddy-buddy with the Russians, with most of them receiving copious weaponry from the Soviets, and all Israel had was France, and some small-time operators, with a little diplomatic cover from the US et al, to offset the massive weaponry being donated to her enemies.

Under such circumstances, Israel's best hope was to create and cement a much better relationship with the US, and ask the US to become its 'sugar daddy' for weaponry, but they were still working on that relationship, and it had not yet been locked-down, if memory serves correctly, at the time of the USS Liberty incident.

I am entirely willing to concede that some aspects of this prolonged attack sequence sound damned fishy to me... re: flags being run-up, target identification, etc., but against those eyebrow-raisers is the main question...

"What did Israel stand to gain by intentionally firing upon the USS Liberty, at a time when it needed every friend that it could lay its hands on, especially a superpower whom it was hoping to latch onto as a weapons sugar-daddy?"

I confess to being totally perplexed and confused by the whole damned thing.

But, at a distance of 47 years, I don't think we're likely to see any renewed investigation, nor are we likely to have access to all the key players and key information that one would need, in order to do a decent job of it.

It's a puzzler, alright.

I'm an American, first, and a supporter of Israel, second.

My first loyalty is to my own country and to my own countrymen.

But I just don't see why our friends over there would have done such a thing on purpose.
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Why would Israel have shot-up a United States Navy ship?

What possible advantage would that have brought to Israel?

Other than pissing off the most powerful nation on the face of the planet.

The only nation that could quickly replenish the munitions the IDF was firing-off in 1967.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to warn-off other US ships, and to discourage them from electronically snooping off Israel's shoreline.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to preven tthe US from giving wartime intel to the Arabs as it sat offshore.

Neither of those reasons make any sense to me.

In 1967, the US and Israel had not yet cemented their relationship, and Israel was still obtaining much of its weaponry from France and the rest of Europe, and some US arms through third-party brokers around the world, as well as a little here-and-there from the US itself.

But, by then, the surrounding Arab states were all either Soviet client-states or buddy-buddy with the Russians, with most of them receiving copious weaponry from the Soviets, and all Israel had was France, and some small-time operators, with a little diplomatic cover from the US et al, to offset the massive weaponry being donated to her enemies.

Under such circumstances, Israel's best hope was to create and cement a much better relationship with the US, and ask the US to become its 'sugar daddy' for weaponry, but they were still working on that relationship, and it had not yet been locked-down, if memory serves correctly, at the time of the USS Liberty incident.

I am entirely willing to concede that some aspects of this prolonged attack sequence sound damned fishy to me... re: flags being run-up, target identification, etc., but against those eyebrow-raisers is the main question...

"What did Israel stand to gain by intentionally firing upon the USS Liberty, at a time when it needed every friend that it could lay its hands on, especially a superpower whom it was hoping to latch onto as a weapons sugar-daddy?"

I confess to being totally perplexed and confused by the whole damned thing.

But, at a distance of 47 years, I don't think we're likely to see any renewed investigation, nor are we likely to have access to all the key players and key information that one would need, in order to do a decent job of it.

It's a puzzler, alright.

I'm an American, first, and a supporter of Israel, second.

My first loyalty is to my own country and to my own countrymen.

But I just don't see why our friends over there would have done such a thing on purpose.

Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.
Why would Israel have shot-up a United States Navy ship?

What possible advantage would that have brought to Israel?

Other than pissing off the most powerful nation on the face of the planet.

The only nation that could quickly replenish the munitions the IDF was firing-off in 1967.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to warn-off other US ships, and to discourage them from electronically snooping off Israel's shoreline.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to preven tthe US from giving wartime intel to the Arabs as it sat offshore.

Neither of those reasons make any sense to me.

In 1967, the US and Israel had not yet cemented their relationship, and Israel was still obtaining much of its weaponry from France and the rest of Europe, and some US arms through third-party brokers around the world, as well as a little here-and-there from the US itself.

But, by then, the surrounding Arab states were all either Soviet client-states or buddy-buddy with the Russians, with most of them receiving copious weaponry from the Soviets, and all Israel had was France, and some small-time operators, with a little diplomatic cover from the US et al, to offset the massive weaponry being donated to her enemies.

Under such circumstances, Israel's best hope was to create and cement a much better relationship with the US, and ask the US to become its 'sugar daddy' for weaponry, but they were still working on that relationship, and it had not yet been locked-down, if memory serves correctly, at the time of the USS Liberty incident.

I am entirely willing to concede that some aspects of this prolonged attack sequence sound damned fishy to me... re: flags being run-up, target identification, etc., but against those eyebrow-raisers is the main question...

"What did Israel stand to gain by intentionally firing upon the USS Liberty, at a time when it needed every friend that it could lay its hands on, especially a superpower whom it was hoping to latch onto as a weapons sugar-daddy?"

I confess to being totally perplexed and confused by the whole damned thing.

But, at a distance of 47 years, I don't think we're likely to see any renewed investigation, nor are we likely to have access to all the key players and key information that one would need, in order to do a decent job of it.

It's a puzzler, alright.

I'm an American, first, and a supporter of Israel, second.

My first loyalty is to my own country and to my own countrymen.

But I just don't see why our friends over there would have done such a thing on purpose.

Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.

There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.
Why would Israel have shot-up a United States Navy ship?

What possible advantage would that have brought to Israel?

Other than pissing off the most powerful nation on the face of the planet.

The only nation that could quickly replenish the munitions the IDF was firing-off in 1967.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to warn-off other US ships, and to discourage them from electronically snooping off Israel's shoreline.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to preven tthe US from giving wartime intel to the Arabs as it sat offshore.

Neither of those reasons make any sense to me.

In 1967, the US and Israel had not yet cemented their relationship, and Israel was still obtaining much of its weaponry from France and the rest of Europe, and some US arms through third-party brokers around the world, as well as a little here-and-there from the US itself.

But, by then, the surrounding Arab states were all either Soviet client-states or buddy-buddy with the Russians, with most of them receiving copious weaponry from the Soviets, and all Israel had was France, and some small-time operators, with a little diplomatic cover from the US et al, to offset the massive weaponry being donated to her enemies.

Under such circumstances, Israel's best hope was to create and cement a much better relationship with the US, and ask the US to become its 'sugar daddy' for weaponry, but they were still working on that relationship, and it had not yet been locked-down, if memory serves correctly, at the time of the USS Liberty incident.

I am entirely willing to concede that some aspects of this prolonged attack sequence sound damned fishy to me... re: flags being run-up, target identification, etc., but against those eyebrow-raisers is the main question...

"What did Israel stand to gain by intentionally firing upon the USS Liberty, at a time when it needed every friend that it could lay its hands on, especially a superpower whom it was hoping to latch onto as a weapons sugar-daddy?"

I confess to being totally perplexed and confused by the whole damned thing.

But, at a distance of 47 years, I don't think we're likely to see any renewed investigation, nor are we likely to have access to all the key players and key information that one would need, in order to do a decent job of it.

It's a puzzler, alright.

I'm an American, first, and a supporter of Israel, second.

My first loyalty is to my own country and to my own countrymen.

But I just don't see why our friends over there would have done such a thing on purpose.

Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.

There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

A deliberate attack by Israel isn't one of the sane options.
Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.

There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

A deliberate attack by Israel isn't one of the sane options.

There were plenty of sane options listed ----one being that they were afraid that the ship would leak information that was sensitive to their battle plans.
Why would Israel have shot-up a United States Navy ship?

What possible advantage would that have brought to Israel?

Other than pissing off the most powerful nation on the face of the planet.

The only nation that could quickly replenish the munitions the IDF was firing-off in 1967.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to warn-off other US ships, and to discourage them from electronically snooping off Israel's shoreline.

I have heard it said that the Israelis fired upon the USS Liberty intentionally, in order to preven tthe US from giving wartime intel to the Arabs as it sat offshore.

Neither of those reasons make any sense to me.

In 1967, the US and Israel had not yet cemented their relationship, and Israel was still obtaining much of its weaponry from France and the rest of Europe, and some US arms through third-party brokers around the world, as well as a little here-and-there from the US itself.

But, by then, the surrounding Arab states were all either Soviet client-states or buddy-buddy with the Russians, with most of them receiving copious weaponry from the Soviets, and all Israel had was France, and some small-time operators, with a little diplomatic cover from the US et al, to offset the massive weaponry being donated to her enemies.

Under such circumstances, Israel's best hope was to create and cement a much better relationship with the US, and ask the US to become its 'sugar daddy' for weaponry, but they were still working on that relationship, and it had not yet been locked-down, if memory serves correctly, at the time of the USS Liberty incident.

I am entirely willing to concede that some aspects of this prolonged attack sequence sound damned fishy to me... re: flags being run-up, target identification, etc., but against those eyebrow-raisers is the main question...

"What did Israel stand to gain by intentionally firing upon the USS Liberty, at a time when it needed every friend that it could lay its hands on, especially a superpower whom it was hoping to latch onto as a weapons sugar-daddy?"

I confess to being totally perplexed and confused by the whole damned thing.

But, at a distance of 47 years, I don't think we're likely to see any renewed investigation, nor are we likely to have access to all the key players and key information that one would need, in order to do a decent job of it.

It's a puzzler, alright.

I'm an American, first, and a supporter of Israel, second.

My first loyalty is to my own country and to my own countrymen.

But I just don't see why our friends over there would have done such a thing on purpose.

Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.

There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

A deliberate attack by Israel isn't one of the sane options.

There were plenty of sane options listed ----one being that they were afraid that the ship would leak information that was sensitive to their battle plans.

The USS Liberty was strafed, bombed, and torpedoed with the American flag clearly displayed. It was no accident, it wasn't a mistake.
...I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

If they had nothing to gain, and much to lose (the goodwill of the United States), then, I'm having a hard time believing it was intentional, the opinions of our brave sailors on-the-scene notwithstanding.

I would very much like to believe them.

The lack of a logical motive, that outweighs the risks and disadvantages, prevents me from buying into the opinion served-up by our brave fellows who suffered-through and survived that damned gawdawful incident.
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...I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

And we should doubt the testimony of the survivors based on what? Government explanations?
...I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

As stated in the OP's article: "Survivors and their supporters have long claimed that Israel deliberately attacked the Liberty with the intention of sinking it and then blaming the attack on Egypt."

This is all antisemitic nonsense, however. This was an incident of friendly fire, nothing more. The U.S. has killed thousands of allied foreign soldiers and civilians over the years--and even many of its own troops. You're bound to make an honest mistake once in a while. The fact that Israel has never attacked the U.S. again proves that this wasn't an act of aggression, but rather defense. It's the fault of the U.S. for stationing such a threatening-looking ship so close to Israel, where it had no business being. The Israelis were correct in their natural instinct to defend themselves.
They weren't just fired upon, they sustained a series of separate attacks even after sending out clear distress calls and displaying the American flag so it could be easily seen from the air. How about those Israeli torpedo boats that came within a hundred yards? They just misidentified the target as well? Is that right?
...I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

As stated in the OP's article: "Survivors and their supporters have long claimed that Israel deliberately attacked the Liberty with the intention of sinking it and then blaming the attack on Egypt."

This is all antisemitic nonsense, however. This was an incident of friendly fire, nothing more. The U.S. has killed thousands of allied foreign soldiers and civilians over the years--and even many of its own troops. You're bound to make an honest mistake once in a while. The fact that Israel has never attacked the U.S. again proves that this wasn't an act of aggression, but rather defense. It's the fault of the U.S. for stationing such a threatening-looking ship so close to Israel, where it had no business being. The Israelis were correct in their natural instinct to defend themselves.

You are clearly not familiar with the details of the incident.
...I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

As stated in the OP's article: "Survivors and their supporters have long claimed that Israel deliberately attacked the Liberty with the intention of sinking it and then blaming the attack on Egypt."

This is all antisemitic nonsense, however. This was an incident of friendly fire, nothing more. The U.S. has killed thousands of allied foreign soldiers and civilians over the years--and even many of its own troops. You're bound to make an honest mistake once in a while. The fact that Israel has never attacked the U.S. again proves that this wasn't an act of aggression, but rather defense. It's the fault of the U.S. for stationing such a threatening-looking ship so close to Israel, where it had no business being. The Israelis were correct in their natural instinct to defend themselves.

The fact that Israel hasn't attacked another US vessel proves NOTHING.
Israel did not, the usual anti-Israel crowd wanted a subject to attack Israel; nothing new. No thread about US ships lost, and now honored, in current events, just a reminder of a tragedy 47 years ago.

There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.

So the fact that a few crazy, antisemitic manpigs just so happened to be in the area means that they are fully qualified to speak on the political motives behind an alleged attack?

Let's pretend for a moment that the hateful, paranoid assertions made by the crew of the Liberty are accurate. Where did they get this information? Were the Israeli pilots shouting "WE'RE EGYPTIAN, PLEASE IGNORE THICK HEBREW ACCENT"? Were the torpedoes marked with "Made in Egypt and totally not Israel"? How could any soldier on the front lines of a battle possibly know the top secret plans of the upper echelons of the Israeli military?
I believe that the men on the USS Liberty believed that they were fired upon intentionally, and I do not doubt their truthfulness in giving us that opinion.

I just don't see the logic in an intentional attack, from the Israeli perspective.

What would they gain from an intentional attack upon a US naval vessel?

As stated in the OP's article: "Survivors and their supporters have long claimed that Israel deliberately attacked the Liberty with the intention of sinking it and then blaming the attack on Egypt."

This is all antisemitic nonsense, however. This was an incident of friendly fire, nothing more. The U.S. has killed thousands of allied foreign soldiers and civilians over the years--and even many of its own troops. You're bound to make an honest mistake once in a while. The fact that Israel has never attacked the U.S. again proves that this wasn't an act of aggression, but rather defense. It's the fault of the U.S. for stationing such a threatening-looking ship so close to Israel, where it had no business being. The Israelis were correct in their natural instinct to defend themselves.

You are clearly not familiar with the details of the incident.

Oh really? I come from a Jewish background, conservatard--I've been attacked with this "hurr u sank liberty, u killed jesus, u did 9/11, u funded hitler" nonsense from my very first DAY on the planet. I'd say I'm very familiar with the details of this incident that bigots like you refuse to let me forget.

But by all means, Holocaust me again. Force me to relive the ONE time my people have made a mistake in the past one hundred years. Enlighten me with the oh-so-mysterious "details of the incident" that I "clearly" am "not familiar with".
There is so much controversy surrounding the attack on the Liberty that saying what really happened depends on who you believe.

I believe the men who were there, not the explanations of any government.

So the fact that a few crazy, antisemitic manpigs just so happened to be in the area means that they are fully qualified to speak on the political motives behind an alleged attack?

Let's pretend for a moment that the hateful, paranoid assertions made by the crew of the Liberty are accurate. Where did they get this information? Were the Israeli pilots shouting "WE'RE EGYPTIAN, PLEASE IGNORE THICK HEBREW ACCENT"? Were the torpedoes marked with "Made in Egypt and totally not Israel"? How could any soldier on the front lines of a battle possibly know the top secret plans of the upper echelons of the Israeli military?

I see, so then there's a conspiracy of survivors to denigrate Israel. When in doubt blame the victims.

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