Using the 5 whys to understand GWB and BHO performance

Answer: horseshit analysis by dummies.

Truth: the USA had no legal warrant to enforce the UN resolutions

The UN resolutions were merely the terms that detailed a cease-fire agreement. That cease-fire was broken by Saddam which resumed the war. The UN has no authority one way or another.

We had no authority to use UN resolutions as warrant for war: that meets war crimes standards for charges.

As a sovereign nation, we can enforce our own cease-fire and we did. Sorry you miss your buddy Saddam. :tongue:
1st post
You know what's simple? The mind of the average conservative. Their ability to rewrite history so the GOP and GWB come out blameless is unreal. If things were going so smoothly under the GOP's unified rule, then why did they lose it in the 2006 elections?

I guess you missed the no child and medicare D part
that 150 billion is 50% GOP
no-one (politician) owns any of the 08 crash, it was a free market event filled with fraud
what part did I re write?
There was no Democratic Senate for those two items.


Medicare Part D was passed through reconciliation, just like the Bush Tax cuts. Democrats could do nothing to stop it. No Child Left Behind was never fully funded.

The UN resolutions were merely the terms that detailed a cease-fire agreement. That cease-fire was broken by Saddam which resumed the war. The UN has no authority one way or another.

False argument that will not stand up in the World Court when the Bushies are, if, tried. The UN decides if the terms are broken, not the US.

What do you think General Powell was trying to get the UN to do: give us a resolution and it said, "US neo-con warmongers, take a hike. Not on our dime."

It's easier to do something with the UN backing us, but it's not necessary. Bush was right when he said that the UN needs to act or it will be irrelevant. After Saddam fell the Oil For Food scheme was exposed for the corrupt enterprise it was. The UN is a fraud which is why it is not taken seriously, even by this Administration.

Oil for food? And this guy was such a huge threat and he couldn't even get "FOOD"?

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I guess you missed the part where Bush's wars were put on the credit card.

I guess you missed the part where AQ in fact had no link to Iraq, and the part where that wasn't even the Bush admin's reasoning for invading Iraq.

Try as you might, you're not going to succeed at rewriting history. Americans remember who got us into this mess.

Democrats in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. They continue to fund the waste of lives and money in Afghanistan.

I know you libs want to revise history to make it all Bush's fault, but you are wrong, both parties are to blame.

until this partisan bullshit stops, nothing positive will ever get done in DC.

Why do you continue to say that? Who knew our president would like us into a war?

Look at him. First one way and then the other. How many Americans going into Iraq thought it was payback for 9/11? Be honest for once.

Saddam caused that mess and the UN had as much to the event as any-one

Blair’s testimony directly contradicts the Democrats. Still, in the British manner, he continues to understate the case.
Intelligence compiled by American officials, as well as the testimony of known al Qaeda associates, confirms that al Qaeda established a significant presence in Iraq prior to March 2003. The evidence that al Qaeda was in Iraq before the war is simply overwhelming. And it helps to explain why the insurgency became so lethal.
Even though Blair says it “later emerged” that Zarqawi had set up shop in Iraq in 2002, this connection was actually a formal part of the American case for war. Secretary of State Colin Powell included a section on Zarqawi’s network in Iraq in his February 5, 2003, presentation before the United Nations.
Former CIA director George Tenet reveals in his own autobiography, At the Center of the Storm, some of the intelligence that backed up Powell’s presentation. More than one dozen other al Qaeda terrorists had joined Zarqawi in Baghdad. One of them was an Egyptian known as Abu Ayyub al Masri, who had served Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, since the 1980s. After Zarqawi was killed in 2006, al Masri took his place as the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al Masri himself was killed earlier this year, and his widow confirmed that they had moved to central Baghdad in 2002.
Zarqawi and al Masri led a campaign of spectacular terrorist attacks against the Iraqi people, security personnel, and coalition forces. It was their savagery that, to a large extent, brought Iraq to the brink of total chaos—and ultimately provoked the Anbar Awakening. It is crucially important, then, that Zarqawi and al Masri were operating inside Iraq before American or British forces ever set foot there. They were clearly preparing for war.
- See more at: Al Qaeda in Iraq | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
let me add
The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.
Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 litres of this biological warfare agent, which it states it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991. Iraq has provided little evidence for this production and no convincing evidence for its destruction.

There are strong indications that Iraq produced more anthrax than it declared, and that at least some of this was retained after the declared destruction date. It might still exist. Either it should be found and be destroyed under UNMOVIC supervision or else convincing evidence should be produced to show that it was, indeed, destroyed in 1991.

In addition, Iraq has refurbished its missile production infrastructure. In particular, Iraq reconstituted a number of casting chambers, which had previously been destroyed under UNSCOM supervision. They had been used in the production of solid-fuel missiles. Whatever missile system these chambers are intended for, they could produce motors for missiles capable of ranges significantly greater than 150 km.

Also associated with these missiles and related developments is the import, which has been taking place during the last few years, of a number of items despite the sanctions, including as late as December 2002. Foremost amongst these is the import of 380 rocket engines which may be used for the Al Samoud 2.

Iraq also declared the recent import of chemicals used in propellants, test instrumentation and, guidance and control systems. These items may well be for proscribed purposes. That is yet to be determined. What is clear is that they were illegally brought into Iraq, that is, Iraq or some company in Iraq, circumvented the restrictions imposed by various resolutions.

British intel?

nope this the UN
1-27-2003. why is it you libs ignore this?
Update 27 January 2003

this event along with intel Al qaeda was in Iraq setting up camp was the right reason to remove Saddam as well as fight the terrorist there (including those who may have ties to the Boston bombing)

Media blame America for Boston bombings, ignore ties to radical Islam | Fox News
ignored is the number of Chechnya based terrorist we fought in Iraq from Russia
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The UN resolutions were merely the terms that detailed a cease-fire agreement. That cease-fire was broken by Saddam which resumed the war. The UN has no authority one way or another.

We had no authority to use UN resolutions as warrant for war: that meets war crimes standards for charges.

As a sovereign nation, we can enforce our own cease-fire and we did.
We waged offensive warfare, just like Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.
Saddam caused that mess and the UN had as much to the event as any-one
No excuse for offensive warfare. That is why the Bushies don't go oveseas to certain western European countries. They will be arrested.
5th post
False argument that will not stand up in the World Court when the Bushies are, if, tried. The UN decides if the terms are broken, not the US.

What do you think General Powell was trying to get the UN to do: give us a resolution and it said, "US neo-con warmongers, take a hike. Not on our dime."

It's easier to do something with the UN backing us, but it's not necessary. Bush was right when he said that the UN needs to act or it will be irrelevant. After Saddam fell the Oil For Food scheme was exposed for the corrupt enterprise it was. The UN is a fraud which is why it is not taken seriously, even by this Administration.

Oil for food? And this guy was such a huge threat and he couldn't even get "FOOD"?


part of the over all reason for removing Saddam was black market oil for weapons
by BA Wahab - 2006 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
Saddam's regime siphoned off billions from the U.N. Oil-for-Food program. ... [8] The black market thrived, and informal business networks grew. Between 1991 and 2002, Iraq smuggled nearly 900 million barrels; between 1997 and 2003, ...
I guess you missed the no child and medicare D part
that 150 billion is 50% GOP
no-one (politician) owns any of the 08 crash, it was a free market event filled with fraud
what part did I re write?

I guess you missed the part where Bush's wars were put on the credit card.

I guess you missed the part where AQ in fact had no link to Iraq, and the part where that wasn't even the Bush admin's reasoning for invading Iraq.

Try as you might, you're not going to succeed at rewriting history. Americans remember who got us into this mess.

Democrats in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. They continue to fund the waste of lives and money in Afghanistan.

I know you libs want to revise history to make it all Bush's fault, but you are wrong, both parties are to blame.

until this partisan bullshit stops, nothing positive will ever get done in DC.

I remember after 9/11. Bunch of patriotic saber rattling, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security. Bush W went from being a Saturday Night Live joke who somehow got fewer jokes than Al Gore to our estemed commander in chief.

Big event.

Made it political suicide to oppose some things. Heck, a decade later and a Democratic President and having GITMO seems normal.

So I dunno. Things changes. Republicans lead, Democrats fell in line.

My God. The political chaos of unfunding troops on the ground after a very liberal President used HIS power to hold an undeclardd war. (and the Democrats did not hold onto their opposition strongly enough)

A bloody mess. We need to look at each issue in an unpartisan way and learn from it.
You know what's simple? The mind of the average conservative. Their ability to rewrite history so the GOP and GWB come out blameless is unreal. If things were going so smoothly under the GOP's unified rule, then why did they lose it in the 2006 elections?

I guess you missed the no child and medicare D part
that 150 billion is 50% GOP
no-one (politician) owns any of the 08 crash, it was a free market event filled with fraud
what part did I re write?
There was no Democratic Senate for those two items.

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
why was ted Kennedy writing this legislation and
No Child Left Behind - Kennedy's Top 10 Legislative Battles - TIME
why do you ignore this fact?
Democratic leader Tom Daschle held talks with leading Republicans on Tuesday evening to discuss how the chamber would be organized under Democratic leadership -- and how much clout Republicans would carry as a minority party. - Democrats take control of Senate - June 5, 2001
Passed the Senate on July 7, 2003 (Unanimous Consent)
Reported by the joint conference committee on November 21, 2003; agreed to by the House on November 22, 2003 (220 - 215) and by the Senate on November 25, 2003 (54 - 44)
I was in correct on medicare D
it was a GOP leadership that was in power with this Bi partisan bill
Not with no child left behind
I guess you missed the part where Bush's wars were put on the credit card.

I guess you missed the part where AQ in fact had no link to Iraq, and the part where that wasn't even the Bush admin's reasoning for invading Iraq.

Try as you might, you're not going to succeed at rewriting history. Americans remember who got us into this mess.

Democrats in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. They continue to fund the waste of lives and money in Afghanistan.

I know you libs want to revise history to make it all Bush's fault, but you are wrong, both parties are to blame.

until this partisan bullshit stops, nothing positive will ever get done in DC.

I remember after 9/11. Bunch of patriotic saber rattling, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security. Bush W went from being a Saturday Night Live joke who somehow got fewer jokes than Al Gore to our estemed commander in chief.

Big event.

Made it political suicide to oppose some things. Heck, a decade later and a Democratic President and having GITMO seems normal.

So I dunno. Things changes. Republicans lead, Democrats fell in line.

My God. The political chaos of unfunding troops on the ground after a very liberal President used HIS power to hold an undeclardd war. (and the Democrats did not hold onto their opposition strongly enough)

A bloody mess. We need to look at each issue in an unpartisan way and learn from it.

I agree
I really feel in my heart that without terror, there is no Iraq nor no Afghan (obviously)
over 30 countries agreed with us in Iraq
what would w do different?
my god Saddam was a mad man
he lied
he was killing his own people
any-one thinking he did not have WMDs ignores the fact he used them on his own people
there are still over 6000 munitions missing according to the UN
what do we learn from that?

It is like gun control
take away the criminal and what is the issue?
the criminal is the issue, not the gun

the terrorist is the issue, not the wars
how do we deal with these people?
we give them money. we forgive them. We give them chances
from Chechnya to Iran to Al Qaeda to N Korea

my reason for bringing up the 5 whys is to get people to think
why is it the radical Muslim wants us murdered?
Why is it Saddam was such a liar and a brutal dictator?
Why did he have 8000 liters of Anthrax that was never found?
6500 WMDS that have never been found?
Why did he lie about so much?
Why is it the UN made billions on black market oil and then attacked GWB when he cut the spicket off?

What where we suppose to do? the world after 9-11?
Remember over 30 countries helped us remove Saddam, Fight Al Qaeda in Iraq
JRK wants to defend war criminals in our own administrations: amazing.

No, we have no legal right to launch offensive wars, and if the senior Bushies are stupid enough to go to western Europe (and GB is no longer safe for them), they will be arrested and sent to the World Court.

All the jrk-type neo-con saber rattling will only lead to quicker convictions.
10th post
Saddam caused that mess and the UN had as much to the event as any-one
No excuse for offensive warfare. That is why the Bushies don't go oveseas to certain western European countries. They will be arrested.

I see your having a wet dream again. So who will arrest GWB? Go ahead and try against the secrete service.
JRK wants to defend war criminals in our own administrations: amazing.

No, we have no legal right to launch offensive wars, and if the senior Bushies are stupid enough to go to western Europe (and GB is no longer safe for them), they will be arrested and sent to the World Court.

All the jrk-type neo-con saber rattling will only lead to quicker convictions.

Bwahahahhahahahhahahahaha..... I love your type in here. you make me laugh.
So who will arrest GWB? Go ahead and try against the secrete service.

GWB won't travel overseas because he know if he goes to certain parts of Europe never will he come home.

If the secret service interferes, they go into that country's prison system for a long time.
It's easier to do something with the UN backing us, but it's not necessary. Bush was right when he said that the UN needs to act or it will be irrelevant. After Saddam fell the Oil For Food scheme was exposed for the corrupt enterprise it was. The UN is a fraud which is why it is not taken seriously, even by this Administration.

Oil for food? And this guy was such a huge threat and he couldn't even get "FOOD"?


part of the over all reason for removing Saddam was black market oil for weapons
by BA Wahab - 2006 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
Saddam's regime siphoned off billions from the U.N. Oil-for-Food program. ... [8] The black market thrived, and informal business networks grew. Between 1991 and 2002, Iraq smuggled nearly 900 million barrels; between 1997 and 2003, ...

Did you bother to read the mission statement from your "link"?

I did. It starts off with: The Middle East Forum promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats.

And you fucking nutjobs see threats "EVERYWHERE".
Saddam caused that mess and the UN had as much to the event as any-one
No excuse for offensive warfare. That is why the Bushies don't go oveseas to certain western European countries. They will be arrested.

I see your having a wet dream again. So who will arrest GWB? Go ahead and try against the secrete service.

arrested for what Jake?
Oil for food? And this guy was such a huge threat and he couldn't even get "FOOD"?


part of the over all reason for removing Saddam was black market oil for weapons
by BA Wahab - 2006 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
Saddam's regime siphoned off billions from the U.N. Oil-for-Food program. ... [8] The black market thrived, and informal business networks grew. Between 1991 and 2002, Iraq smuggled nearly 900 million barrels; between 1997 and 2003, ...

Did you bother to read the mission statement from your "link"?

I did. It starts off with: The Middle East Forum promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western values from Middle Eastern threats.

And you fucking nutjobs see threats "EVERYWHERE".

what are you talking about and who is it that is the nut job here?
he could not get food because he was using all of his recources to kill his own people and try and kill others, he did not take care of his country
My god what better reason to remove him from power?
the Bush admin told lies about Iraq.

Your Rices mushroom clouds

rummys we know right where the WMDs are.

why are you guys pretending a new reason ?
GWB won't travel overseas because he know if he goes to certain parts of Europe never will he come home. If the secret service interferes, they go into that country's prison system for a long time.

Hogwash leftist myth

Silly reactionary cauterwauling. The senior Bushies responsible for Iraq don't travel to certain venues. They never will in the future. They won't come home. Even the neo-con JRK knows this is true.

Leftist: everybody beyond Barry Goldwater.
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