USA Today - Trump is “unfit to clean toilets”


Designing Woman
Dec 1, 2012
Niagara Escarpment
In a scathing indictment of President Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
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Even though he has the economy booming at 3.3% and his overall numbers dwarf what have been seen over the last two decades.

Of course, the former president was fit to be king!
'USA Today - Trump is “unfit to clean toilets”

And in doing so, USA Today rendered itself 'Unfit to Be Used As Toilet Paper'.

Another known Biased Liberal Rag self-destructs, reducing itself to the equivalent of The Onion.
Trumps Wharton School knows
President Trump likes to brag that he graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, so its take on his tax reform bill might sting a little.
In an analysis of the tax reform bill which passed the Senate, the Ivy League business school found that it would increase the national debt by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, while boosting the economy only a small amount in the short term.
“Penn Wharton Budget Model’s dynamic analysis projects that The Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increases federal debt in both the short- and long-run relative to current policy,” the analysis reads. “In the near term, there is a small boost to GDP, but that increase diminishes over time.”
According to the analysis, the bill’s tax cuts will cost the government $1.18 trillion in unearned revenue by 2027 — a higher sum than previously estimated by the Joint Tax Committee, the nonpartisan congressional auditor, last month. The impact of slashing the corporate tax rate to 20% will be even steeper: $1.4 trillion in lost revenue.
President Trump Brags He Was a Top Student at Wharton. Here's What It Said About His Tax Bill
How I feel? Nothing much really. Why would I care what those unfit to deliver real news think?
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?

Trump is “unfit to clean toilets”
That's why we have hillary
Since he has maids, I'm sure he is unfit for that job
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
If Trump is unfit to clean toilets, the author of that diatribe is unfit to feed himself. You don't build a huge organization and gain lots of wealth by being a dumbass.
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
If Trump is unfit to clean toilets, the author of that diatribe is unfit to feed himself. You don't build a huge organization and gain lots of wealth by being a dumbass.
I disagree STRONGLY HE IS fit to clean toilet bowls
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
It doesn't matter what anyone says, what evidence there is, the Trumpettes will defend him to the hilt. They are insane. It isn't just liberals who despise him and see him for what he is, it is most of the people and countries of the world, all of our allies, and most of the heart of the traditional Republican party.
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
If Trump is unfit to clean toilets, the author of that diatribe is unfit to feed himself. You don't build a huge organization and gain lots of wealth by being a dumbass.

No you do it by being born rich. And by stiffing small contractors, abusing the bankruptcy laws, and conning people. Not to mention laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

They didn’t say Trump was stupid. They said he’s immoral, unethical and lacking in basic human decency.
in a scathing indictment of Oresident Trump USA said he was “unfit to clean toilets” in President Obsma’s Library. Gee guys, tell us how you really feel!

In the poll which accompanied the editorial, less than 20% of readers disagreed with their assessment that he has an “utter lack of morals, ethics, or simple humanity”.

Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
If Trump is unfit to clean toilets, the author of that diatribe is unfit to feed himself. You don't build a huge organization and gain lots of wealth by being a dumbass.
But you can build that kind of wealth by having no conscience and thus free to rip off investors and senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs.

He clearly has no qualms about lying to rubes like you!

"Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low." :lol:
This isn’t about the policy differences we have with all presidents or our disappointment in some of their decisions. Obama and Bush both failed in many ways. They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic decency of each man was never in doubt.

Donald Trump, the man, on the other hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed.

Well said
"A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush."

It would have been funnier if they'd made him unfit to be Obama's shoeshine boy.
But you can build that kind of wealth by having no conscience and thus free to rip off investors and senior citizens of their retirement nest eggs.

He clearly has no qualms about lying to rubes like you!

"Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low."
I don't disagree.

I just don't think he is "unfit to clean toilets" as they say. He may be fit to wear prison stripes.
We have immigrants to clean toilets. They do the jobs Americans won't do.

Every prosperous society does this.
We have immigrants to clean toilets. They do the jobs Americans won't do.

Every prosperous society does this.

Melania is an immigrant

Maybe she can clean the toilets in Obama's library

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