USA Ranks 27th in Social Justice

"oxymoron (plural oxymorons or oxymora)

(rhetoric) a figure of speech in which two words with opposing meanings are used together intentionally for effect.  [quotations ▼]
(general) a contradiction in terms.

Please enlighten us on why the words "social" and "justice" are contradictory.

oxymoron - wiktionary

your brand of social justice is a spit in the eye of property right's. It is also theft of private property. That is theft. Justice is not supported by theft. Oxymoron.

property is theft.​
"If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required . . .

"Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?

—Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?"

Property is theft! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That connection between slavery and property begs the question could the first private fortunes have come into existence thousands of years ago without the institution of chattel slavery?

Another thinker may have supplied that answer:

"...Rousseau made the same general point when he wrote: 'The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying "This is mine," and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society.

"'From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this imposter; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
This is my "Brand" of Social Justice.
Feel free to point out any argument in favor of theft of private property.

"Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being."

It depends on what you mean by equality. Justice means equality before the law. Any other kind of equality is injustice if enforced by the state. "Solidarity" has nothing to do with justice. That's just cheap sloganeering.

So your definition is basically bullshit.

Unlike the recent theft of private property carried out by millions of fraudulent foreclosures perpetrated by major Wall Street banks.

Foreclosure isn't theft, nitwit. It's the process by which the owner regains control of his property.

Btw, property rights don't trump human rights, at least among non-slave (holding) populations.

Property rights are human rights. On the one hand, you call foreclosure - which has purely to do property rights = a violation of human rights, and then you claim property rights are not human rights.

You clearly don't even have a coherent conception of what a right is.

The state or characteristic of being just or fair.
The ideal of fairness, impartiality, etc., especially with regard to the punishment of wrongdoing.

Putting "Social" before "Justice" doesn't produce injustice; it produces a civil society based on equality, human rights (including some forms of property) and it recognizes the inherent dignity of every human being.

Social Justice also distinguished between legitimate and illegal foreclosures:

"Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley recently filed the first broad civil suit against five major banks and the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems for foreclosure fraud. Her suit alleges that mortgage servicers routinely backdated and falsified documents to expedite foreclosures. In many cases, they foreclosed on loans they did not even own."

Opinion: Treat foreclosure as a crime scene - Matt Stoller -

It takes a true nitwit to support those who foreclose on properties they don't legally own.

Would you call the institution of chattel slavery a violation of human rights?
How about this one, from the great Dr?

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Betting you OWS types don't like to use that one alot, hunh?!
Do you think King would support OWS or Wall Street?

The "darkness of self-destruction" sounds like Goldman Sachs, to me.

Allow me to answer your question with another:
Which do you suppose gives more to charity; OWS or Wall Street?

And, you're misquoting.
He said "the darkness of destructive selfishness".
In other words, it is possible to be selfish without being destructive with it.

Much like the destructive selfishness of the 99ers wanting their portion of the 1%'s earnings. (keyword being 'destructive')
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey.

"Actually, three of those countries performed better than ours in the education of pre-schoolers, and Greece did better than the United States on the prevention of poverty."

Another example of the economic and political inequality built into this system that won't change by "choosing" between Mitt and Mutt next November.

US Ranks 27th in Social Justice | Truthout

nobody cares s0n except the class envy nutters. have to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch someday. People who think like you are under best!!! Fringe views are gay.......and this is a POLITICS forum. Dont be a k00k who beats his chest thinking he's going to create some kind of groundswell of public sentiment that will matter...................might as well be out in the Siberian tundra screaming fire. Shit just doesnt resonate with the American public except at the fringe ends.
Are you still surfing that big red wave?

That's about the only place where a US majority don't care how the rich have recouped their losses from the 2008 banking crisis at the expense of millions of productive Americans who have lost their jobs, homes and pensions.

"We are not all in this together.

"The UK economy is flat, the US is weak and the Greek debt crisis, according to some commentators, is threatening another Lehman Brothers-style meltdown. But a new report shows the world's wealthiest people are getting more prosperous – and more numerous – by the day.

"The globe's richest have now recouped the losses they suffered after the 2008 banking crisis. They are richer than ever, and there are more of them – nearly 11 million – than before the recession struck...

World's Wealthiest People Now Richer than Before the Credit Crunch | Common Dreams

Crime and punishment still resonate with the American public.
We're still experiencing the crime.
Where's the punishment, Siberia?
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How about this one, from the great Dr?

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Betting you OWS types don't like to use that one alot, hunh?!
Do you think King would support OWS or Wall Street?

The "darkness of self-destruction" sounds like Goldman Sachs, to me.

Allow me to answer your question with another:
Which do you suppose gives more to charity; OWS or Wall Street?

And, you're misquoting.
He said "the darkness of destructive selfishness".
In other words, it is possible to be selfish without being destructive with it.

Much like the destructive selfishness of the 99ers wanting their portion of the 1%'s earnings. (keyword being 'destructive')
I would suppose the 99% donate a far greater percentage of their time and money to charity than Wall Street does. I would also point out the 99% don't earn their bonuses by sending other people's jobs to China or stealing the pensions and homes of productive Americans.

"The darkness of destructive selfishness" still sounds much more like Mitt Romney (or Obama) than OWS, to me.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

13 Quotes From Social Justice Crusader Martin Luther King Jr. | Addicting Info
"property is theft"?

Is that supposed to mean something really deep?

How can you have theft if property doesn't exist? To steal means to take something that doesn't belong to you. That implies it must belong to someone.
Did the first property "owner" commit theft?

"The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground...saying 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society..."

Property is theft! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you simple enough to ignore the "many crimes, wars, and murders" that have been legally committed since that first property owner's theft?

"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
How many of those countries wallowing in social justice would have any justice whatever if it weren't in part for the assistance of a not quite so socially oriented U.S.?
How many of those countries wallowing in social justice would have any justice whatever if it weren't in part for the assistance of a not quite so socially oriented U.S.?
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey."

Whatever sacrifices the US made in the past for European "freedom" doesn't change where we stand today in terms of child poverty, healthcare, and income inequality.

40% of all births in the US have only one parent in the house.

How much further into the abyss must we sink?

I didn't say I'd like to see more one parent households. 'Social Justice' is just a re-branding of 'socialism'. It has been re-branded to make it more palatable to those of us who value freedom.

'Social Justice' can kiss my ass.
For the benefit of all fascists:

Social Justice:

"The fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. See also civil rights.

What is social justice? definition and meaning
January 26, 2012

Solitary Torture

Feb. 22, 1968 - "As they walked me down the gray prison corridor toward my cell, I was startled to see the same medieval torture scene I had endured 19 years earlier. Eleven solitary cells still there in a row; 11 wooden slabs, with iron hasps and double padlocks.

They look like iceboxes, I thought, and there’s a human being entombed in every one of them.

Door No. 11 opened and clanged shut behind me. The bare cell held a “bed” (a wooden door laid across two shortened saw-horses), a cold-water sink, a commode with no seat. That was it. There was a steel grate over the barred half-window overhead and another around the two light bulbs, a brighter one for daytime and a dimmer one for night. The cell was about six paces long and three paces wide — little room for exercise. A peephole in the door and another by the commode afforded the guards a clear view.

Solitude without privacy.

Near the bottom of the door was a foot-long slot, opened at meal time so I could stick out my bowl for the food cart. Around the peephole was another little slot, opened when guards needed to bark orders at me.

There was a thin quilt on the bed and a thinner mat on which to lie.

For the first four-plus years of my second incarceration, prisoners were not permitted to lie down outside of regulation sleeping hours. We were not permitted to voice any sound.

Later, we were permitted to turn over in bed at night — before that, one had to sleep facing the guard, with hands between neck and navel.

I was supposed to have 30 minutes a day in a roofless cell from which one could see the sky and perhaps even get a bit of sunshine. This was honored mainly in the breach.

I lived like that in a Chinese prison outside Beijing for 10 years. Earlier, I had been locked in solitary for six years, in an old warlord prison with no plumbing and no steam heat — the first year in a cell that was kept in total darkness.

U.S. scientists have pointed out that solitary confinement is a form of torture and that few can retain their sanity after a long period in isolation. It is routinely used in China to force confessions out of suspects. I know many who have been through this, and I have seen that the survivors are often partially or wholly mentally crippled.

Imagine how shocked I was to find years later that we, the United States of America, hold more human beings in long-term solitary confinement than any other country in the world. I had supposed it would be China — but, no, it’s us.

The commonwealth of Virginia is one of the worst offenders."

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How many of those countries wallowing in social justice would have any justice whatever if it weren't in part for the assistance of a not quite so socially oriented U.S.?
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey."

Whatever sacrifices the US made in the past for European "freedom" doesn't change where we stand today in terms of child poverty, healthcare, and income inequality.

I'll be happy when we are dead last. Fuck all that infantile social justice bullshit. Social justice is for losers.
How many of those countries wallowing in social justice would have any justice whatever if it weren't in part for the assistance of a not quite so socially oriented U.S.?
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey."

Whatever sacrifices the US made in the past for European "freedom" doesn't change where we stand today in terms of child poverty, healthcare, and income inequality.

I'll be happy when we are dead last. Fuck all that infantile social justice bullshit. Social justice is for losers.
.....Until, of course, you go-it-alone cretins find YOUR ass in a jam, right???

"Photos taken before and after his confinement show dramatic appearance changes. The plaintiff said things were so bad he was forced to pull his own tooth while in custody, and that his pleas for help were dismissed."

What is the definition of "Social Justice"?

Because if it means "How socialistic a nation is" then I wish to be 31!
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey.

"Actually, three of those countries performed better than ours in the education of pre-schoolers, and Greece did better than the United States on the prevention of poverty."

Another example of the economic and political inequality built into this system that won't change by "choosing" between Mitt and Mutt next November.

US Ranks 27th in Social Justice | Truthout

bogus issue...
"property is theft"?

Is that supposed to mean something really deep?

How can you have theft if property doesn't exist? To steal means to take something that doesn't belong to you. That implies it must belong to someone.
Did the first property "owner" commit theft?

"The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground...saying 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society..."

Property is theft! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you simple enough to ignore the "many crimes, wars, and murders" that have been legally committed since that first property owner's theft?

"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

yes, we are indeed all equal...

but I'm too socially retarded to buy into what you're selling...

so you're more equal than me...

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