US to end support for Ukraine?


Nov 14, 2012
Incredibly bad news for you, Litwin. Very disappointing. Somehow apocalyptic.

For several reasons, the US support for Ukraine could come to an end. Apparently the Americans are not satisfied with the development of the war. Also, there is opposition to the ongoing support. At last, the depletion of Nato armies is feared.
This is why the US is urging Ukraine to launch an all-out offensive now - as a last resort.

""We will continue to try to impress upon them that we can't do anything and everything forever," said the official, referring to conversations the administration's staffers have had with Ukraine's leaders. The official was granted anonymity by The Post to talk about sensitive foreign policy matters."

"Speaking to The Post anonymously, several administration officials also said they have told Ukraine's government that now — while the US and other allies are still sending economic and military aid — is Ukraine's best chance to launch a full offensive against Russia, to try to turn the tide of the war."

$14 Bn was given "no strings attached" humanitarian relief.
yes, its the cheapest big war USA has ever fought :thup:

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Incredibly bad news for you, Litwin. Very disappointing. Somehow apocalyptic.

For several reasons, the US support for Ukraine could come to an end. Apparently the Americans are not satisfied with the development of the war. Also, there is opposition to the ongoing support. At last, the depletion of Nato armies is feared.
This is why the US is urging Ukraine to launch an all-out offensive now - as a last resort.

""We will continue to try to impress upon them that we can't do anything and everything forever," said the official, referring to conversations the administration's staffers have had with Ukraine's leaders. The official was granted anonymity by The Post to talk about sensitive foreign policy matters."

"Speaking to The Post anonymously, several administration officials also said they have told Ukraine's government that now — while the US and other allies are still sending economic and military aid — is Ukraine's best chance to launch a full offensive against Russia, to try to turn the tide of the war."
Titloose is almost never worthy of comment . He is just a bitter and low IQ exile . .

I have believed for almost the whole of last year that the US has never seriously expected to "win" and that all it could do was fight a proxy war sacrificing Ukey Land to keep Russia as occupied for as long as possible and to sap overall Russian reserves and re- build the secret US military complex .

Now it looks as though deflection is needed because sentiment has swung away from sending endless amounts of money to Ukey Land . But the Americans are now stupidly being sold the China nonsense , not seeing that the consequent extra funds will end up trying to further prop- up Kyiv .
Can anyone explain what's in it for the USofA to be in a no win proxy war?

US is fighting a war with almost zero manpower loss . Proxy .
The stupid Kyiv Nazis and EU behave as though this is acceptable and as though they do not understand how they are being scammed ..
At the same time, the US is re-building its military and keeping Russia stretched .
But the US rebuilding is intended for defence against China as the EU will provide most of the actual support that will reach the Kyiv Nazis .
US money etc , imho , will never actually be sent or will be diverted .
US is fighting a war with almost zero manpower loss . Proxy .
The stupid Kyiv Nazis and EU behave as though this is acceptable and as though they do not understand how they are being scammed ..
At the same time, the US is re-building its military and keeping Russia stretched .
But the US rebuilding is intended for defence against China as the EU will provide most of the actual support that will reach the Kyiv Nazis .
US money etc , imho , will never actually be sent or will be diverted .
It makes sense now, thx luiza....~S~
US is fighting a war with almost zero manpower loss . Proxy .
The stupid Kyiv Nazis and EU behave as though this is acceptable and as though they do not understand how they are being scammed ..
At the same time, the US is re-building its military and keeping Russia stretched .
But the US rebuilding is intended for defence against China as the EU will provide most of the actual support that will reach the Kyiv Nazis .
US money etc , imho , will never actually be sent or will be diverted .
That's some serious bootlicking right there. And cannot be proven.I will agree that there are a lot of reasons why the Biden administration thought we needed to fight a proxy war, but Fighting for Democracy! and the Ukrainian people ain't one of them.
We can't end our support fast enough for me.
It's well past time the rest of the world took care of themselves without constant US interference.

The UNiparty doesn't mind the endless spending though since it works towards their Cloward/Piven plans & the crash they need for a reset
That's some serious bootlicking right there. And cannot be proven.I will agree that there are a lot of reasons why the Biden administration thought we needed to fight a proxy war, but Fighting for Democracy! and the Ukrainian people ain't one of them.
Well, I have read articles, that we are, yes, indeed, updating much of our military to newer updated equipment.

OTH? A lot of it is being done with little to no over-site, so that should make us all very skeptical of the narratives.

The Pentagon is notoriously corrupt, as are these funding bills. It is just loose money everywhere, flowing all over the place.

Then they will just gas-light us, and tell us crap like, computers don't talk to each other, programming & software updates lose track of accounting reports, or accounting methods double track reports. . .

IOW, it is all just a lot of double talk for telling us that, they are corrupt thieves, stealing tax payer money.

I remember in like, 2005 it was two trillion missing, now it was 35 trillion, and after this boondoggle, it will probably be in excess of fifty trillion? Who the hell knows. :dunno:

Graft and corruption is what it amounts to.

The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole​

he is 100% right, this summer your horde 🇷🇺🐖will be finished :thup:


Even the CIA paper of record is telling you that you have lost your GD mind.

U.S. warns Ukraine it faces a pivotal moment in war​

As first anniversary nears, White House fears flow of arms may be harder to come by​

". . . Last month, Zelensky’s top aide, Andriy Yermak, reiterated that victory against Russia means restoring Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, “including Donbas and Crimea.” Anything less is “absolutely unacceptable,” he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

U.S. intelligence officials have concluded, however, that retaking the heavily fortified peninsula is beyond the capability of Ukraine’s army right now, according to officials familiar with the matter, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues. That sobering assessment has been reiterated to multiple committees on Capitol Hill over the last several weeks.

That discrepancy between aims and capabilities has raised concerns in Europe that the Ukraine conflict will persist indefinitely, overburdening the West as it grapples with other challenges including stubbornly high inflation and unstable energy prices.

Against that backdrop, Biden’s aides say they are pursuing the best course of action: empowering Ukraine to retake as much territory as possible in coming months before sitting down with Putin at the negotiating table. . . "

And that's IF Putin will come to the table, which, with his newly re-mobilized & re-constituted army? meh. Good luck with that.

The pressure here in the US, from both the left & the right? Your time is running out warmonger.


Well, I have read articles, that we are, yes, indeed, updating much of our military to newer updated equipment.

OTH? A lot of it is being done with little to no over-site, so that should make us all very skeptical of the narratives.

The Pentagon is notoriously corrupt, as are these funding bills. It is just loose money everywhere, flowing all over the place.

Then they will just gas-light us, and tell us crap like, computers don't talk to each other, programming & software updates lose track of accounting reports, or accounting methods double track reports. . .

IOW, it is all just a lot of double talk for telling us that, they are corrupt thieves, stealing tax payer money.

I remember in like, 2005 it was two trillion missing, now it was 35 trillion, and after this boondoggle, it will probably be in excess of fifty trillion? Who the hell knows. :dunno:

Graft and corruption is what it amounts to.

The Pentagon’s $35 Trillion Accounting Black Hole​

35 trillion. It's hard to even fathom just how much money that really is. And we've got ads running about poverty and hunger in the US. It's a sad state of affairs that our founders could have never envisioned.
Even the CIA paper of record is telling you that you have lost your GD mind.

U.S. warns Ukraine it faces a pivotal moment in war​

As first anniversary nears, White House fears flow of arms may be harder to come by​

". . . Last month, Zelensky’s top aide, Andriy Yermak, reiterated that victory against Russia means restoring Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, “including Donbas and Crimea.” Anything less is “absolutely unacceptable,” he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

U.S. intelligence officials have concluded, however, that retaking the heavily fortified peninsula is beyond the capability of Ukraine’s army right now, according to officials familiar with the matter, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues. That sobering assessment has been reiterated to multiple committees on Capitol Hill over the last several weeks.

That discrepancy between aims and capabilities has raised concerns in Europe that the Ukraine conflict will persist indefinitely, overburdening the West as it grapples with other challenges including stubbornly high inflation and unstable energy prices.

Against that backdrop, Biden’s aides say they are pursuing the best course of action: empowering Ukraine to retake as much territory as possible in coming months before sitting down with Putin at the negotiating table. . . "

And that's IF Putin will come to the table, which, with his newly re-mobilized & re-constituted army? meh. Good luck with that.

The pressure here in the US, from both the left & the right? Your time is running out warmonger.




Even if the US could manufacture, and pay for that many, we have many other places on the globe that need defense.

IMO, it would be the most supreme act of foolishness, to put all of our rocket artillery, into that one theater, leaving the mainland US undefended, or to leave the Pacific Theater wide open, so China could feel it could just walk right into Taiwan.

You think the missiles for those, and the launchers just grow on trees? Do you even comprehend how much those cost? Or how long it take to make the launchers and rockets?

Lockheed making moves to increase HIMARS production to 96 per year


Ukrainian Military: Launch of one HIMARS missile costs $150,000, and a full launch costs $1,000,000​

Nope, I am afraid, that is just not going to happen. The money is running out, and there is just not enough time to get it done. The Russians are going to over run the neo-Nazis by summer it appears.

I have heard, they are already pressing fifteen year old boys, sixty year old men into service, and kidnapping Hungarians from the Zakarpattia Oblast. I don't know if those reports are correct, but all the NATO equipment in the world won't help, if no one is around to use it. It is like the fall of Germany in 1945. Boys and old men.

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