US strategic policy in the meddle east


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Is intervening and playing traffic cop best? I don't think so. Plus if you're looking at the mideast coutnries as countries you're woefully ignorant of the reality. It's tribal, not national. And getting between two or more tribes wanting to duke it out only postpones the inevitible.

Let them fight and settle things. I get it's all about money and oil, but until someone wins and somoene loses all we achieve being over there is uniting them all against us. Instead opf doing that as we've been doing, get out compeltely. Let them fight. Then go back in.
And what happens if we get hit??? You DO know that the terror alert level is high now, don't you???

Or are you going by Obama's???
The current administration is making sure that when the US has to go back, that tens of thousands or American troops die as there was not enough the last time the US was there..
The current administration is making sure that when the US has to go back, that tens of thousands or American troops die as there was not enough the last time the US was there..
Actually, Obama stated that the war was a success, and that we were leaving behind a stable and secure Iraq...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you that this time could be a lot worse, since Obama pulled our troops out, created a mess that left the ME in flames, and enabled ISIS to get their hands on all that up-to-date equipment.....

And yet the Libs still support a president who turned a success into utter failure....:bang3:

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