US Soldiers NOT Allowed To Defend US Borders From Foreign Enemies

illegal entry to my country is an act of war, military can be used.

I have a say too and apparently the Pentagon agrees with me.
it says so right here in the oath of office our representative swear on...

"The oath used today has not changed since 1966 and is prescribed in Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code. It reads: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
what does this mean? enemies, foreign and domestic;

Use Google and read up on the Posse Comitatus Act. The military can't be used as law enforcement.
i'm not asking them to, they are protecting us from foreign invaders. isn't that their job? protect us from foreign invaders?

maybe you can provide us with what their objectives are.

Your "invasion" is unarmed poor people who walked hundreds of miles fleeing oppression. Yes, stop them. But opening fire with automatic weapons is not the way to do it.
Whatever works.
refugees from our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

This mother, who's son was murdered by MS-13 and everyone affected by illegal immigrant violence should file a class action lawsuit against you personally and everyone who thinks like you and encourages this.

Police: 5 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Virginia Teen's Murder
Police: 5 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Teen's Murder

The fact that you condone drug use, terrorist activity and crime are NO EXCUSE.
Where did it say in that article that anyone concerned was here illegally? MS13 is a nasty piece of work; they use terrorist tactics the way ISIS did. I'm glad they got five of the fuckers, anyway. Hopefully they can all be deported once they've served their sentences.
Are the folks in the caravan carrying?

You opposed using the military to guard our borders. Do you also oppose using the military to guard D.C.?
I like the way Richard put it, so I'll just quote him:

We are not being invaded. Illegal immigrants are not our enemies.
Just try to take your head out of your ass for a change!

The two situations are in no way similar, and I'm getting sick of you insurrection lovers. It might be smarter for you to join everyone who is trying to protect our country and our government from terrorists.
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question?
Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them

My God, the stupidity.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits active members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, or even the newly created Space Force from intervening in a law enforcement capacity on US soil.

If Trump were to invoke the Insurrection Act, he would, however, be able to deploy active-duty troops without a request from a governor.
Trump to use 200-year-old law to stop civil unrest ...…
'Does the United States military exist only to defend the borders of foreign countries in the Middle East or is it allowed to defend the borders of the U.S. against terrorist cartels, espionage, infiltrations, and smuggling?'

Sound like a stupid question?
Here's one that's going to sound even MORE stupid:

Do US military troops have the right to DEFED THEMSELVES in their own country, on their own die of the border, when approached by foreign troops who order them to surrender their weapons?

According to a NorthCom spokesman, the military troops are there NOT in a Law Enforcement capacity.
-- Well, NO SHIT! The US military is used for the defense of the United States...and since there is an illegal invasion going on right now, why can't they be accepted as being there to protect this nation during this 'invasion'?

Military's mission doesn't include enforcement, so smugglers cross Rio Grande right in front of them

We are not being invaded. Illegal immigrants are not our enemies.

Just try to take your head out of your ass for a change!

Military Force Against Americans - Executive Power - The ...
American military force should not be used on American soil except in instance of an invasion of the United States by a foreign power. Further, barring exceptional circumstances that would put ...
LOL. The left suddenly SUPPORTS using troops within America's borders after crying endlessly about doing so. Hilarious.

You are talking about enforcing civil law which the military cannot do.

They can now and I don't notice you complaining.

The left will go along with ANYTHING as long as it serves their lord and master, the Democratic Party.
The National guard are defending DC and the National Guard is also allowed to be sent to the border to protect it, upon request... not the same as what the term, the Military means in this.....

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